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Browse images and videos related to earthquakes and earthquake hazards.


"Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" Banner
"Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" Banner
"Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" Banner
"Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" Banner

Carousel Banner for the "Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" video pointing visitors to the latest recap on intern stories at NEIC.

Carousel Banner for the "Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition" video pointing visitors to the latest recap on intern stories at NEIC.

Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response"
Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response"
Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response"
Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response"

Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response". Showcases three USGS scientists working at the National Earthquakes Information Center.

Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response". Showcases three USGS scientists working at the National Earthquakes Information Center.

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake constructed using historical data. Compare to Macroseismic data version.

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake constructed using historical data. Compare to Macroseismic data version.

Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024
Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024
Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024
Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024

Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024 by Wald et al detailing latest developments and updates to macroseismology and associated scale.

Cover of International Macroseismic Scale 2024 by Wald et al detailing latest developments and updates to macroseismology and associated scale.

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with Macroseismic data
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with Macroseismic data
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with Macroseismic data
ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with Macroseismic data

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake constructed using historical macroseismic data. Compare with one without Macroseismic data version.

ShakeMap of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake constructed using historical macroseismic data. Compare with one without Macroseismic data version.

Thumbnail image of submitted "Meet the USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition" video
Meet USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition (video thumbnail)
Meet USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition (video thumbnail)
Meet USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition (video thumbnail)

Thumbnail image of submitted "Meet the USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition" video. See submission for more details.

Thumbnail image of submitted "Meet the USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition" video. See submission for more details.


Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response" USGS NEIC Earthquake Response
USGS NEIC Earthquake Response
USGS NEIC Earthquake Response

At the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), our team locates and researches earthquakes to provide information on how to reduce risk from earthquakes.

At the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), our team locates and researches earthquakes to provide information on how to reduce risk from earthquakes.

Video Thumbnail for the video "USGS NEIC Earthquake Response" USGS NEIC Earthquake Response (AD)
USGS NEIC Earthquake Response (AD)
USGS NEIC Earthquake Response (AD)

At the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), our team locates and researches earthquakes to provide information on how to reduce risk from earthquakes.

At the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), our team locates and researches earthquakes to provide information on how to reduce risk from earthquakes.

Thumbnail image of submitted "Meet the USGS Interns: Earthquakes Edition" video Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition!
Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition!
Meet the USGS Interns - Earthquakes Edition!

Ever wonder what it is like to work as a USGS intern? Dive into these intern stories of how students are making science their superpower while studying earthquakes!


Ever wonder what it is like to work as a USGS intern? Dive into these intern stories of how students are making science their superpower while studying earthquakes!


screen capture of M6.4 Ridgecrest video ShakeMovie of 2019 M6.4 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake
ShakeMovie of 2019 M6.4 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake
ShakeMovie of 2019 M6.4 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 4, 2019 M6.4 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 4, 2019 M6.4 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.

screen capture of M7.1 Ridgecrest video (zoomed out) ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake
ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake
ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 5, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 5, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.

screen capture of M7.1 Ridgecrest video ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake, Near-Fault View
ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake, Near-Fault View
ShakeMovie of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquake, Near-Fault View

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 5, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.

This ShakeMovie depicts a computer-generated simulation of the July 5, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA earthquake, and is based on a mathematical model of the earthquake faulting process and 3D wave propagation.


Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Where they were
Landers Rupture — Where they were
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Where they were

USGS scientists remember where they were during the 1992 Landers earthquake in Southern California

USGS scientists remember where they were during the 1992 Landers earthquake in Southern California

Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Sue on what it felt like
Landers Rupture — Sue on what it felt like
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Sue on what it felt like

USGS seismologist Susan Hough recalls what the 1992 Landers earthquake felt like from Pasadena, CA. 

USGS seismologist Susan Hough recalls what the 1992 Landers earthquake felt like from Pasadena, CA. 

Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Jonathan Fieldwork
Landers Rupture — Jonathan Fieldwork
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Jonathan Fieldwork

USGS geologist Jonathan Matti recalls fieldwork in the Mojave Desert soon after the 1992 Landers earthquake. 

USGS geologist Jonathan Matti recalls fieldwork in the Mojave Desert soon after the 1992 Landers earthquake. 

Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Andy on using satellite data
Landers Rupture — Andy on using satellite data
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Andy on using satellite data

USGS seismologist Andrew Michael talks about the remote location of the 1992 Landers earthquake and how researchers were able to use satellite data to better see the quake’s impacts.

USGS seismologist Andrew Michael talks about the remote location of the 1992 Landers earthquake and how researchers were able to use satellite data to better see the quake’s impacts.

Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Sue on her role after the earthquake and seismic monitoring in Southern CA
Landers Rupture — Sue on her role after the earthquake and seismic monitoring in Southern CA
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Sue on her role after the earthquake and seismic monitoring in Southern CA

USGS seismologist Susan Hough talks about her role following the 1992 Landers earthquake and seismic monitoring stations in Southern California.

Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Scott on what it looked like
Landers Rupture — Scott on what it looked like
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers rupture
Landers Rupture — Scott on what it looked like

USGS field technician Scott Lydeen recalls what the aftermath of the 1992 Landers earthquake looked like.

USGS field technician Scott Lydeen recalls what the aftermath of the 1992 Landers earthquake looked like.

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