20 Years of Hydro News
This year we mark 20 years of National Hydrography Dataset Newsletters! Jeff Simley distributed the first NHD Newsletter in November 2001. To celebrate how far we’ve come over this time, we’ll be sharing snapshots of our progress throughout the years in upcoming newsletters.
Hot topics in the first November 2001 issue included:
- The 1:100,000-scale NHD was nearly complete for the CONUS.
- The ESRI Geodatabase model was proposed as a pathway towards a “more advanced geo-spatial model that will make data applications and data updating, easier and faster.”
- A large volume of Alaska 1:63,360-scale NHD was in work, with an expectation that Alaska NHD will be completed by September 2002.
If you’re interested in seeing the historical newsletters, they are available at the NHD Newsletter Archive. Newsletters from 2016-2020 are linked at the top of the page. Newsletters prior to 2016 can be found in the Related Content viewer at the bottom of the page.
We have made amazing progress over these many years, and there’s more innovation and progress on the horizon. We’re so glad you’ve been on this journey with us!
- The USGS Hydro Team
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