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November 18, 2019

The National Climate Adaptation Science Center will be accepting Statements of Interest for the 2020 Science to Action Fellowship through January 31, 2020.

The application period has closed.


The Science to Action Fellowship was developed to:

  • Expose graduate students to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) through the USGS National Climate Adaptation Science Center (NCASC), whose mission is to provide scientific information, tools, and techniques to help natural and cultural resource managers anticipate and adapt to the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, and ecosystems.
  • Support graduate students in developing a policy-relevant product related to the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, their habitats, and users. This product should put science into action, applying scientific research directly to decision making about natural resources. It may be related to the graduate student’s own research, and if so, may present a unique opportunity to enhance and share research with a broader community of decision makers. 
  • Provide students the opportunity to interact with the USGS community and others outside of academia.

During the fellowship year and beyond, fellows benefit from collaborations with university and USGS mentors, from interactions with other colleagues and partners of USGS, and from exposure to high priority, real-world challenges in the natural resources policy arena. Preference will be given to applicants with a clear research - management/policy link.  


This opportunity is open to graduate students at Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) Consortium Institutions who are students for the entire fellowship year (special circumstances otherwise considered). To view the list of consortium institutions for each CASC, please check out our CASC pages and the CASC Network map below.

Financial Award

Up to two fellows will be selected, annually, to receive a financial award of $10,000* each. The financial award is intended to support the additional efforts undertaken by the Fellow for the CASC project, not as a graduate stipend.

Mentorship Experience

Each Fellow will work closely with his/her university mentor (typically, the applicant’s graduate program advisor) and a mentor from a CASC (identified by the applicant during the application process). 

Fellowship Duration and Location

The fellowship experience will last one year (start date is flexible within funded year, starting April at the earliest). During this time, the Fellow will be expected to work at NCASC or a regional CASC with a CASC mentor for two months (typically summer; specific dates are flexible) but may remain at his/her host institution for the rest of the term.

Learn More

More information about the Science to Action Fellowship, descriptions of past and current fellow projects, and instructions for submitting a Statement of Interest can be found on the Science to Action Fellowship web page.

*No portion of this financial award may be used for indirect expenses from a Fellow’s host institution. All grant funds are required to be used for direct fellowship expenses (e.g., travel and lodging for two months in Reston, supplies, travel to conferences, etc.).  

Map showing the states and consortium members of the 9 regional CASCs
Map of the Climate Adaptation Science Center Network.


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