Landsat Collection 2 U.S. Analysis Ready Data Now Available
Landsat Collection 2 (C2) U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) are now available to download from the USGS.
C2 ARD are tiled, georegistered, top of atmosphere, and atmospherically corrected products defined in a common projection that make the Landsat archive more accessible, easier to analyze, and reduce the amount of time users spend on data processing for time-series analysis. Landsat C2 Level-1 data that are processed into Albers-projected Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature products serve as inputs for generating Landsat C2 ARD, for the conterminous United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.
During Landsat C2 Level-1 processing in 2020, several data improvements were made, including:
- Better geometric accuracy that allows more Tier 1 scenes. In turn, the number of C2 U.S. ARD tiles has increased
- The Alaska ARD tile grid has been modified for C2, as it now includes the Aleutian Islands. (No changes have been made to the CONUS and Hawaii tile grids)
Like C2 Level-1 and Level-2 data products, C2 ARD are stored in Cloud Optimized Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format (COG) and distributed from a commercial cloud environment, via EarthExplorer. Landsat Collection 2 ARD can also be accessed from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. Visit the Landsat Commercial Cloud Data Access page for more information.
Visit Landsat C2 U.S. ARD to learn more about product contents and data access. C2 ARD tile grid maps and shapefiles can be found on this page as well.
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