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Can oceans store more CO2 to help with climate change?

Can oceans store more CO2 to help with climate change?

Did you know that oceans capture a large amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate climate change? It’s true, and scientists are...

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USGS scientists shade corals in emergency rescue effort amidst unprecedented ocean temperatures

USGS scientists shade corals in emergency rescue effort amidst unprecedented ocean temperatures

Coral provide shelter for many marine species and directly support most of Florida’s multibillion dollar recreation and fishing industries. They also...

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Where the Rubber Meets the Road (and River)—Evaluating Impacts of Stormwater and Road Runoff on Salmon and Aquatic Ecosystems

Where the Rubber Meets the Road (and River)—Evaluating Impacts of Stormwater and Road Runoff on Salmon and Aquatic Ecosystems

Every day, millions of cars, and trucks drive along our nation’s roadways, many crossing streams and rivers as they go. Those driving may not consider...

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High water temperatures bleaching coral along south Florida coast

High water temperatures bleaching coral along south Florida coast

As much of the world grapples with historic heat waves exacerbated by climate change and the ongoing El Nino event, ocean temperatures are also on the...

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The Early Deer—and the Late Ones—Get the Herbs

The Early Deer—and the Late Ones—Get the Herbs

Climate change is messing with nature’s alarm clock. For animals that use seasonal signs from nature to start important activities like migration...

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Models examine how climate change may affect Oregon's Crater Lake

Models examine how climate change may affect Oregon's Crater Lake

How will climate change affect deep water mixing in Crater Lake? 

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Archaeological sites in Grand Canyon National Park eroding following six decades of Glen Canyon Dam operations

Archaeological sites in Grand Canyon National Park eroding following six decades of Glen Canyon Dam operations

The majority of archaeological sites in the Grand Canyon National Park, Colorado River corridor were created by ancestors of Native Americans who...

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Tonga’s Hunga eruption produced the most intense lightning ever recorded

Tonga’s Hunga eruption produced the most intense lightning ever recorded

The eruption produced 2,600 flashes per minute at peak intensity. Scientists used the lightning to peer into the ash cloud, teasing out new details of...

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Sea level rise could significantly impact an endangered sparrow in Florida 

Sea level rise could significantly impact an endangered sparrow in Florida 

Sea level rise along southern Florida’s coast could contribute to a significant decrease in the endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow population in...

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New insight on sea duck hearing could help protect them from fishing nets

New insight on sea duck hearing could help protect them from fishing nets

It’s estimated that more than 100,000 sea ducks are killed worldwide annually when caught in large fishing nets known as gillnets. A recent study...

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Volcanic explosion penetrates both upper atmosphere and upper crust around the globe

Volcanic explosion penetrates both upper atmosphere and upper crust around the globe

Slightly more than one year ago, a rare, enormous volcanic explosion created pressure waves in the atmosphere that pushed on the top 3.1 miles/5...

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How sea ice, ocean currents, and climate change may have affected early human migration to North America

How sea ice, ocean currents, and climate change may have affected early human migration to North America

Based on paleoclimate records and climate models, researchers have identified the most feasible time periods for early human migrations along the...

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