Upcoming Reprocessing of Recently Acquired Landsat 8 Data
Since November 2020, NASA and USGS calibration and validation engineers have observed a slow reduction in radiometric response from Landsat 8's Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). The current impact is that TIRS's image products are 1 to 3 percent colder than expected.
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The Calibration and Validation team is monitoring the TIRS instrument with higher frequency calibration collects, and due to the slow-moving impact, more time and calibration collects are needed to accurately model this effect. Future reprocessing of Landsat 8 tiered Collection 1 and Collection 2 data in the USGS archive, including Level-1, Level-2, U.S. Analysis Ready Data and Level-3 Science Products, acquired since early November 2020 to present, is likely.
Users should also be aware that all Landsat 8 data since December 16, 2020 (DOY351) is being held in Real-Time tiered status until an accurate correction for this effect can be developed and applied.
The USGS will provide an update once calibration and validation engineering and assessment activities have been completed, and a reprocessing timeline has been determined.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please email custserv@usgs.gov.
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