Additional Guidance for External Presentation Materials
Updated October 2023
The following guidance supplements existing Fundamental Science Practices (FSP) policy and provides recommendations specifically related to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientific presentation materials for external conferences and meetings, whether those presentations are live or recorded by the sponsoring organization, to ensure the appropriate FSP review and approval requirements are met. These requirements for virtual presentations and posters are not new and are consistent with the existing policy regarding posters and presentations that are left for conference dissemination or publicly posted on the web.
FSP Policy References
1. Refer to SM 205.18, sections 4.A, 4.B, 4.E, and 4.I.
2. Related FSP FAQs are found at
a. #E.4.2 – What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in poster sessions?
b. #E.4.3 – What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings?
c. #E.4.5 – What are the requirements for audiovisual media and products?
d. #E.2.C.7 – Who may review data and metadata?
3. USGS Visual Identity System (VIS) presentation templates and guidance are found at the internal VIS website.
Additional Information and Recommendations
1. FSP policy allows optional peer review for presentations (refer to SM 502.3). In the case of live or recorded USGS presentations by sponsoring organizations, peer reviews are strongly recommended. Bureau approval by the Science Center Director must be obtained as described in SM 205.18.
2. Inclusion of scientific data:
a. Published data: Include a source citation to the previously approved and published USGS or non-USGS scientific data.
b. Provisional or preliminary data: The data should meet quality assurance and approval requirements as determined by the Science Center Director (refer to SM 502.5 and SM 502.8).
3. If the presentation includes preliminary/provisional information and/or data, then the presentation must include the disclaimer statement found at
4. If asked to provide a video recording of a USGS presentation or poster for a virtual conference or meeting, all FSP policy and guidance provided for presentation materials must be followed (refer to SM 205.18). This would include peer reviews of the presentation or poster and approval by the Science Center Director (or their designee) documented in the internal USGS Information Product Data System (IPDS).
5. If the presentation or poster, or the recording of either one, is to be permanently posted to a website after the conference or meeting, refer to the presentations-related FSP FAQs at
6. If asked to sign a waiver or publishing/licensing agreement for release of your presentation, do not sign. Contact and send questions to the Department of the Interior Division of General Law of the Office of the Solicitor via email to the dropbox
7. Authors are encouraged to provide a summary narrative (i.e., script) for each slide in the presentation, which should be included as part of the package forwarded for Bureau approval. The script is intended to focus the presentation, ensure key points associated with each slide are emphasized and ensure the Science Center Director is aware of the content.