Northwest CASC
Visit the Northwest CASC Website
Learn more about the Northwest CASC through their website, created and maintained by consortium host the University of Washington.
Explore Northwest CASC Projects
The Northwest CASC explores topics such as at-risk species, invasive species, aquatic resources, forest ecosystems, and shrubland ecosystems.
Established in 2010, the Northwest CASC provides regionally-relevant scientific information, tools, and techniques to resource managers and communities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

The Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) was established to help safeguard the natural and cultural resources of Idaho, Oregon, Washington and surrounding river basins. The CASC is a federal-university partnership that produces relevant and accessible science on climate change impacts and adaptation actions for Northwest natural resource managers and policy-makers. This partnership allows access to a broad range of scientific expertise, production of high-quality science, and the leveraging of funds, resources, and facilities. Key stakeholders of the NW CASC are the Department of Interior bureaus, including USGS, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, and Bureau of Reclamation, as well as Northwest Tribes and Northwest state fish and wildlife and natural lands agencies.
To facilitate communication and collaboration with Tribal Nations in the region, the Northwest CASC is joined by several Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons.
- University of Washington (Host)
- Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
- Boise State University
- Northwest Indian College
- Oregon State University
- Portland State University
- University of Montana
- Washington State University
- Western Washington University.
- Past consortium members: 2010-2017: Oregon State University (Host), University of Idaho
Management Priorities Include
- Working lands and waters
- At-risk species and habitats
- Invasive species and disease
- Aquatic resources
- Forest ecosystems
- Shrubland ecosystems
Key Documents & Reports
- NW CASC External Review Report, April 2022 (PDF)
- NW CASC External Review Report, February 2017 (PDF)
- Science Agenda 2018-2023 (PDF)
- Strategic Plan 2012-2016 (PDF)
- Science Agenda 2012-2016 (PDF)
- 2017-2023 Consortium Report (PDF)
- FY24 Annual Report (PDF)
- FY16 Annual Report (PDF)
- FY15 Annual Report (PDF)
- FY14 Annual Report (PDF)
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