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Strain induced molecular heterogeneity in ancient sedimentary organic matter mapped at nanoscales using optical photothermal infrared spectroscopy

Here we report ultra-high resolution infrared mapping of organic matter functional group distribution in Tasmanites (algal microfossils) from the Upper Devonian Ohio Shale using optical photothermal infrared spectroscopy (O-PTIR). O-PTIR is capable of rapidly measuring the vibrational response of samples in situ with ~500-nm spatial resolution, well below the infrared diffraction limit. Our result

Textural occurrence and organic porosity of solid bitumen in shales

This study presents Raman spectroscopic data paired with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess solid bitumen composition and porosity development as a function of solid bitumen texture and association with minerals. A series of hydrous pyrolysis experiments (1-103 days, 300-370°C) using a low maturity (0.25% solid bitumen reflectance, BRo), high total organic carbon [(TOC), 14.0 wt. %] New

Optimization simulations to estimate maximum brine injection rates in the Illinois Basin

We developed a methodology to estimate maximum brine injection rates in subsurface formations across wide geographic areas using inverse modeling-based optimization techniques. We first defined geographic areas where groundwater was too saline to meet the standard for drinking water and where sufficient confining units existed above and below the injection layers. We then assumed concurrent brine

Organic petrology of Cretaceous Mowry and Niobrara source-rock reservoirs, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA

Imaging of Niobrara Formation and Mowry Shale samples from a range of thermal maturities provided observations and data on pore systems, organic matter (OM) types and associations with mineralogy and fabric, wettability, and microporosity associated with both diagenetic and detrital clays. Imaging techniques included scanning electron microscopy, organic petrography and correlative scanning electr

USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project-U.S. Gulf Coast, Deep Tuscaloosa Conventional Gas: Assessment Unit Boundary, Assessment Input Data, and Fact Sheet Data Tables

This data release contains the boundaries of assessment units and input data for the assessment of undiscovered Deep Tuscaloosa Group sandstones conventional gas resources in the U.S. Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Mississippi. The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined wi

United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Dataset

The United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well (DOW) dataset contains 117,672 wells in 27 states. The definition of an orphaned oil or gas well varies across data sources; the dataset includes oil or gas wells where the state indicates that the well is an unplugged orphan, or the following criteria are met: 1) no production for an average of 12 months (6 to 24 months depending on

United States Wind Turbine Database

This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release, typically done

Heat flow maps and supporting data for the Great Basin, USA

Geothermal well data from Southern Methodist University (SMU, 2021) and the U.S. Geological Survey (Sass et al., 2005) were used to create maps of estimated background conductive heat flow across the greater Great Basin region of the western US. The heat flow maps in this data release were created using a process that sought to remove hydrothermal convective influence from predictions of backgroun

Stratigraphic and fault surfaces from the Three-Dimensional Geologic Map of the southeastern Gabbs Valley Geothermal Area

This digital dataset represents the 3D fault and stratigraphic surfaces of the three dimensional geologic map of the southeastern Gabbs Valley, Nevada. The data define the easting, northing, and elevations (meters, NAD 83 Zone 11N) of points that define the top and bottom contacts of stratigraphic units and fault surfaces.

Absorbance and Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix Data for Produced Waters from Oil and Gas Producing Basins in the United States

Waters co-produced during petroleum extraction are normally considered wastes but are also possible resources, especially in water-stressed regions. Produced waters can be chemically complex. High salinity, naturally occurring radioactive materials, and organic substances derived from the producing formation can complicate treatment processes. Rapid screening methods to characterize produced water

Reflectance and spectral fluorescence data from the effect of diagenesis on the preservation of morphology and ultrastructural features of pollen

Pollen morphology and pollen morphology in conjunction with other characteristics have elucidated the origin and evolution of various plant groups. Many studies of fossil pollen rarely discuss the effects of diagenesis and sample preparation on pollen characteristics. This paper examines the relationship of diagenesis, sample preparation (e.g., acetolysis), and staining techniques on the preservat

Maturation study of vitrinite in carbonaceous shales and coals

This study evaluated carbonaceous shales proximal to coal measures and coal samples via isothermal hydrous pyrolysis (HP) to compare differences in the maturation pathways of vitrinite in different matrices and with different starting aromaticity. Sample residues were analysed via vitrinite reflectance (VRo), geochemical screening tests (organic carbon and programmed temperature pyrolysis), and in
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