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Ottawa Workshop for NGP

Integrated Map of North America (IMNA) Workshop

Ottawa, Canada July 22-25, 2019


Integrated Map of North America (IMNA) Workshop
Ottawa, Canada July 22-25, 2019

Workshop Location:
Day 1: 580 Booth Street Collaborative Library Space, Natural Resources Canada Tower
Day 2 -4: 615 Booth Street, Geomatics Canada Building

DAY 1:
08:30 – Arrival/Check-in
09:00 – Welcome/Opening Remarks – [Roberto Lugo, Mike Tischler]
09:30 – Background on GeoSUR, PAIGH and status of the Integrated Map of the Americas – [Roberto Lugo]
10:15 - 15-minute break
10:30 - Welcoming Remarks by David Henry [Acting Director, NRCan]
10:45 - Review technical specifications of the Integrated Map
12:00 - LUNCH
13:00 - Presentation of country geospatial data contributions to IMNA 250K Map [Elaine Guidero (USGS); Simon
Riopel, Scott Tweedy (NRCan); Abraham Guerrero, Eufracio Zavala (INEGI)]
14:30 - Discussion of data harmonization/integration, database schema standardization, use of the term “country
outline” in place of borders, imagery to reference
15:15 - 15-minute break
15:30 - continuation of 14:30 discussion, planning day 2-4 of workshop, and determine which themes to start
16:00 - Day 1 adjourns

DAY 2:
08:30 - Recap of day 1 activities - [Roberto]
09:00 – Discussion of guidelines for geospatial data themes adjustments and develop plan for where to begin work
for each border region - [Roberto]
10:30 – 15-min break
10:45 - Work with technical counterparts on geospatial data themes and document issues, deeper dive on
Hydrography theme to integrate datasets at selected geographic region
13:00 – LUNCH

14:00 – Continue working with your technical counterparts on next theme and document issues
15:15 – 15-min break
15:30 – 16:00 Recap and Day 2 adjourns

DAY 3:
08:30 – Recap of day 2 activities [Roberto]
09:00 – Begin working with your technical counterparts on theme harmonization and document issues
10:30 – 15-min break
10:45 – Continue working with your technical counterparts on next theme and document issues
11:30 – LUNCH
12:30 - Continue working with your technical counterparts on next theme and document issues
14:30 – Discussion of Hydro Network theme using Argentina/Uruguay data - [Roberto]
 Possible errors in the datasets to watch out for
 Running the Utility Network Analyst Toolbar to verify flow direction
 Manipulation of flow direction patch (Arrow symbology) for visualization purposes
 Documenting errors with technical partners dataset
15:45 – 16:00 Recap and Day 3 adjourns

DAY 4:
08:30 – Recap of day 3 activities - [Roberto]
08:45 – Creation and import of an XML based attribute schema template - [Scott Tweedy]
09:00 – Continue to work on data integration
12:00 – LUNCH
13:00 - Esri ‘Maps We Love’ map titled “Once Upon a River”. This interactive map used stream networks,
watershed boundaries and stream gauges to visualize and report on water movement within a drainage system.
This is a possible visualization for the integrated Hydrography dataset - [Roberto]
13:15 – Continue working on harmonizing data
15:00 – 16:00: [All participants]
- Discussion to determine how and when to share datasets
- Clarifying Geographic Names and Glacier dataset contribution for Canada
- Metadata reporting
- Discussion of issues and outstanding action items
- Closing remarks, participation certificate presentation, group photo
- Vanessa Baez discussed 3DEP lidar visualization tools and free access model with Scott Tweedy.

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