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Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) bWEGUx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Western Gull. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Gray-tailed Vole (Microtus canicaudus) mGTVOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Gray-tailed Vole. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) aSPPEx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Spring Peeper. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) rWFLIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Western Fence Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Chihuahuan Nightsnake (Hypsiglena jani) rCHNIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Chihuahuan Nightsnake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondii) bHAFLx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Hammond's Flycatcher. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Eastern Ratsnake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) rEARAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Eastern Ratsnake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) rDETOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Desert Tortoise. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) rAMALx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for American Alligator. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Austin Blind Salamander (Eurycea waterlooensis) aABSAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Austin Blind Salamander. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Townsend's Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi) bTOSOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Townsend's Solitaire. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) aBVTRx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Bird-voiced Treefrog. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
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