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Fish and Aquatic Species Publications

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Herring Disease Program II 19120111-E - 2019 Annual Report

We will investigate fish health factors that may be contributing to the failed recovery of Pacific herring populations in Prince William Sound. Field samples will provide infection and disease prevalence data from Prince William Sound and Sitka Sound that will inform the ASA model, serological data that will indicate the prior exposure history and future susceptibility of herring to VHS, and diet
Paul Hershberger, Maureen K. Purcell

Juvenile Lost River and shortnose sucker year-class formation, survival, and growth in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon and Clear Lake Reservoir, California—2017 Monitoring Report

Executive SummaryPopulations of federally endangered Lost River (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (Chasmistes brevirostris) in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, and Clear Lake Reservoir (hereinafter referred to as Clear Lake; fig. 1), California, are experiencing long-term declines in abundance. Upper Klamath Lake populations are decreasing because juvenile suckers are not surviving and recruiti
Ryan J. Bart, Summer M. Burdick, Marshal S. Hoy, Carl O. Ostberg

Evaluating dewatering approaches to protect larval Pacific lamprey

Executive SummaryLarval Pacific lamprey live for several years burrowed in nearshore sediments where they filter feed on detritus and organic matter. Dewatering of larval habitat can occur as a result of flow-management practices, construction projects, or seasonal closures of irrigation diversions. Effective management of dewatering events requires guidance on approaches to protect lamprey, such
Theresa L. Liedtke, Lisa K. Weiland, Joseph J. Skalicky, Ann E. Gray

Climate change can drive marine diseases

As an ultimate driver of marine ecosystem processes, climate change is expected to influence proximate disease drivers in marine systems. The observable effects of climate change, including changes in temperature, hypoxia, CO2 accumulation, precipitation, and storm and cyclone frequencies and intensities, may directly act as proximate drivers of marine disease, especially in poikilotherms. These c
Burge Colleen A, Paul Hershberger

Increased prespawning mortality threatens an integrated natural- and hatchery-origin sockeye salmon population in the Lake Washington Basin

The life cycle of diadromous fishes such as salmonids involves natural mortality in a series of distinct life history stages, occurring sequentially in different habitats. Decades of research have emphasized mortality at the embryo, juvenile, and sub-adult stages but it is increasingly clear that some adults that survive and return to freshwater habitats die during the final homeward migration or
Heidy K Barnett, Thomas P. Quinn, Mary Bhuthimethee, James Winton

Ichthyophonus sp. Infection in Opaleye (Girella nigricans)

Over a 3-year-period, 17 wild-caught opaleye (Girella nigricans) housed in a public display aquarium were found dead without premonitory signs. Grossly, 4 animals had pinpoint brown or black foci on coelomic adipose tissue. Histologically, liver, spleen, heart, and posterior kidney had mesomycetozoan granulomas in all cases; other organs were less commonly infected. Four opaleye had goiter; additi
Elise E. B LaDouceur, Judy St. Leger, Alexandria Mena, Ashley MacKenzie, Jacob Gregg, Maureen K. Purcell, William N. Batts, Paul Hershberger

Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus specialization in a multihost salmonid system

Many pathogens interact and evolve in communities where more than one host species is present, yet our understanding of host–pathogen specialization is mostly informed by laboratory studies with single species. Managing diseases in the wild, however, requires understanding how host–pathogen specialization affects hosts in diverse communities. Juvenile salmonid mortality in hatcheries caused by inf
David Paez, Shannon L. LaDeau, Rachel Breyta, Gael Kurath, Kerry A. Naish, Paige Ferguson

Modeling pathogen dispersal in marine fish and shellfish

Bio-physical models are a useful tool for understanding dispersal and transmission of marine pathogens. While utilized for larval dispersal models, they are only recently being used in epidemiological studies and are currently underutilized by the marine epidemiology field. Bio-physical models are useful for spatial planning and coastal management. For example, they have been used for spatial pla
Danielle L Cantrell, Maya L. Groner, Tal Ben-Horin, Jon Grant, Crawford W. Revie

Mortality of endangered juvenile Lost River Suckers associated with cyanobacteria blooms in mesocosms in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon

Unsustainably high mortality within the first 2 years of life prevents endangered Lost River Suckers Deltistes luxatus in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, from recruiting to spawning populations. Massive blooms of the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae and their subsequent death and decay in the lake (bloom‐crashes) are associated with high pH, low percent oxygen saturation, high total ammonia con
Summer M. Burdick, Danielle M Hereford, Carla M. Conway, Nathan V Banet, Rachel L. Powers, Barbara A. Martin, Diane G. Elliott

Climate change vulnerability assessment for Pacific Lamprey in rivers of the Western United States

Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) are a native anadromous species that, like salmon, historically returned to spawn in large numbers in watersheds along the west coast of the United States (U.S.). Lamprey play a vital role in river ecosystems and are one of the oldest vertebrates that have persisted over time likely influencing the evolution of many aquatic species. Pacific Lamprey have de
Christina J Wang, Howard A Shaller, Kelly C. Coates, Michael C. Hayes, Robert K Rose

A round-robin evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of environmental DNA assays for dreissenid mussels

Resource managers may be hesitant to make decisions based on environmental (e)DNA results alone since eDNA is an indirect method of species detection. One way to reduce the uncertainty of eDNA is to identify laboratory‐based protocols that ensure repeatable and reproducible results. We conducted a double‐blind round‐robin analysis of probe‐based assays for DNA of dreissenid (Dreissena spp.) mussel
Adam J. Sepulveda, Patrick R. Hutchins, Craig Jackson, Carl Ostberg, Matthew Laramie, Jon Amberg, Timothy D. Counihan, Andrew B. Hoegh, David Pilliod

Characterization of the genetic structure of four sucker species in the Klamath River. Final Report

Four species of suckers (family Catostomidae) inhabit the Klamath River Basin of Oregon and California: Lost River suckers (LRS; Deltistes luxatus), shortnose suckers (SNS; Chasmistes brevirostris), Klamath largescale suckers (KLS; Catostomus snyderi), and Klamath smallscale suckers (KSS; Catostomus rimiculus). All but Klamath smallscale suckers are endemic and restricted to the Klamath River Basi
Matt Smith, Jennifer Von Bargen, Christian A. Smith, Michael A. Miller, Josh Rasmussen, David A. Hewitt

Effect of growth rate on transcriptomic responses to immune stimulation in wild-type, domesticated, and GH-transgenic coho salmon

Background Transcriptomic responses to immune stimulation were investigated in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) with distinct growth phenotypes. Wild-type fish were contrasted to strains with accelerated growth arising either from selective breeding (i.e. domestication) or genetic modification. Such distinct routes to accelerated growth may have unique implications for relationships and/or trade
Jin-Hyoung Kim, Daniel J Macqueen, James Winton, John D. Hansen, Hyun Park, Robert H Devlin

Characterization of immunoglobulin light chain utilization and variable family diversity in rainbow trout

This study characterizes immunoglobulin light chain (IgL) expression and variable family usage in rainbow trout. IgL transcripts were generated by 5’ RACE from both immune and TNP-KLH immunized fish. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the IgL variable regions clustered into seven different families: three kappa families (two newly described in this study), three sigma families, and a single lambd
Katherine Rego, Eva Bengtén, Melanie Wilson, John D. Hansen, Erin S Bromage

Generation of lamprey monoclonal antibodies (Lampribodies) using the phage display system

The variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) consist of leucine rich repeats (LRRs) and comprise the humoral antibodies produced by lampreys and hagfishes. The diversity of the molecules is generated by stepwise genomic rearrangements of LRR cassettes dispersed throughout the VLRB locus. Previously, target-specific monovalent VLRB antibodies were isolated from sea lamprey larvae after immunization wit
Khan M A Hassan, John Hansen, Brantley R Herrin, Chris T Amemiya

Seasonal use of a nonnatal marine basin by juvenile hatchery chinook salmon

Information on the movement patterns of fishes is essential for managers that are making critical resource decisions. We examined the frequency of a keystone species, Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha that migrated from different marine basins to the Nisqually River estuary, which lies within the southernmost marine basin (hereafter, “South basin”) in Puget Sound (Washington, USA). Hatchery‐
Michael C. Hayes, Sayre Hodgson, Christopher S. Ellings, Walker D Duval, Steve Rubin

Standardized IMGT nomenclature of salmonidae IGH genes, the paradigm of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout: From genomics to repertoires

In teleost fish as in mammals, humoral adaptive immunity is based on B lymphocytes expressing highly diverse immunoglobulins (IG). During B cell differentiation, IG loci are subjected to genomic rearrangements of V, D, and J genes, producing a unique antigen receptor expressed on the surface of each lymphocyte. During the course of an immune response to infections or immunizations, B cell clones s
Susana Magadan, Aleksei Krasnov, Saida Hadi-Saljoki, Sergey Afanasyev, Stanislas Mondot, Rosario Castro, Irene Salinas, Oriol Sunyer, John Hansen, Ben F Koop, Marie-Paule Lefranc, Pierre Boudinot

Evolutionary dynamics of Ceratonova species (Cnidaria: Myxozoa) reveal different host adaptation strategies

The myxozoan parasite Ceratonova shasta is an important pathogen that infects multiple species of Pacific salmonids. Ongoing genetic surveillance has revealed stable host-parasite relationships throughout the parasite's endemic range. We applied Bayesian phylogenetics to test specific hypotheses about the evolution of these host-parasite relationships within the well-studied Klamath River watershe
Rachel B. Breyta, Stephen D Atkinson, Jerri L Bartholomew

A geographic hot spot of Ichthyophonus infection in the southern Salish Sea, USA

The prevalence of Ichthyophonus infection in Pacific herring Clupea pallasii was spatially heterogeneous in the southern Salish Sea, Washington State, USA. Over the course of 13 mo, 2232 Pacific herring were sampled from 38 midwater trawls throughout the region. Fork length was positively correlated with Ichthyophonus infection at all sites. After controlling for the positive relationship between
Paul Hershberger, Ashley MacKenzie, Jacob Gregg, A Lindquist, T Sandell, Maya L. Groner, D Lowry

Using the stream salmonid simulator (S3) to assess juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) production under historical and proposed action flows in the Klamath River, California

Executive SummaryThe production of Klamath River fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in northern California and southern Oregon is thought to be limited by poor survival during freshwater juvenile life stages, in part a result of Ceratonova shasta—a highly infectious disease that can lead to high fish mortality. Higher flushing river flows are thought to affect the concentration of C. s
John M. Plumb, Russell W. Perry, Nicholas A. Som, Julie Alexander, Nicholas J. Hetrick

Application of the Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3) to Klamath River fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), California—Parameterization and calibration

Executive SummaryIn this report, we describe application of the Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3) to Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Klamath River between Keno Dam in southern Oregon and the ocean in northern California. S3 is a deterministic life-stage-structured population model that tracks daily growth, movement, and survival of juvenile salmon. It can track different source popul
Russell W. Perry, John M. Plumb, Edward C. Jones, Nicholas A. Som, Thomas B. Hardy, Nicholas J. Hetrick
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