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The Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) initiative recently released an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant (Version 1.3) Web Map Service (WMS) endpoint for all ten LCMAP science products. The WMS layers are enabled with a Time dimension, meaning that users can access the entire 35+ year archive of LCMAP data. 

The available timesteps can be found in the Time Dimension tag in the WMS GetCapabilities link for the endpoint. The WMS consists of a single endpoint that contains links to access all ten LCMAP layers. The LCMAP WMS can be consumed using software such as QGIS, ESRI’s ArcMap, or directly using programming languages such as Python. Users can also view the LCMAP WMS directly in a web browser using the LCMAP Web Viewer

The Quick Guides listed below provide step-by-step instructions for interacting with the LCMAP WMS endpoint in QGIS and ArcMap.  

LCMAP WMS Endpoint 

LCMAP Products and corresponding LCMAP WMS layers
LCMAP Product WMS Layer Title 
Primary Land Cover (LCPRI)  primary-landcover_conus_year_data
Secondary Land Cover (LCSEC)  secondary-landcover_conus_year_data 
Primary Land Cover Confidence (LCPCONF)  primary-confidence_conus_year_data 
Secondary Land Cover Confidence (LCSCONF)  secondary-confidence_conus_year_data 
Annual Land Cover Change (LCACHG)  cover-change_conus_year_data 
Time of Spectral Change (SCTIME)  change-day_conus_year_data 
Change Magnitude (SCMAG)  change-magnitude_conus_year_data 
Time Since Last Change (SCLAST)  spectral-lastchange_conus_year_data 
Spectral Stability Period (SCSTAB)  spectral-stability_conus_year_data 
Spectral Model Quality (SCMQA)  model-quality_conus_year_data 
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