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Long Island Sound Coastal Hazards and Habitat Change

The USGS conducts interdisciplinary modeling and observational studies to evaluate coastal hazards and habitat change in Long Island Sound and provide data to stakeholders to inform management decisions.

Coastal hazards include damage to ecosystems and habitat for species of concern, buildings, and nearshore infrastructure from storm events and longer-term changes in groundwater levels, tidal amplitudes, and stormwater runoff resulting from sea-level rise, climate change, and other coastal stressors. 

The USGS is engaged in multidisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships to evaluate the physical, biological, and social factors that contribute to landscape and habitat changes. These factors then are incorporated in modeling frameworks to explore the likelihood of a variety of future impacts and outcomes. USGS is also conducting interdisciplinary research to develop tools to identify suitable coastal habitats under various sea-level-rise scenarios for species of concern, such as the piping plover (Charadrius melodus). In addition to these studies, the USGS operates data-collection networks to monitor coastal water levels and flooding events. The coastal areas of Long Island Sound are highly vulnerable to tidal flooding and timely evacuation of people from flood-threatened areas in advance of approaching hurricanes and nor'easters (northeast coastal storms) requires adequate flood-warning time.

Explore the Coastal Hazard and Habitat Change page for more information on current and recently completed USGS studies, monitoring programs, and publications.

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