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Abby Powell, PhD

Unit Leader - Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit 

Dr. Powell joined the unit program in 2000, when she became an Assistant Unit Leader at the Alaska Unit. Prior to that she served as a Research Wildlife Biologist for several USGS Science Centers after receiving her graduate degree from University of Minnesota. In 2015, Dr. Powell became the Unit Leader of the Florida Unit. Her research focuses on avian ecology, particularly species of conservation concern, and spans from the North Slope of Alaska to the shores of Florida. Dr. Powell's interests include breeding and migration ecology. Her work on migration includes tracking birds with devices ranging from light-level geolocators to satellite transmitters to determine routes of migration routes, timing of migration, variation in age classes and individuals, and locations of stopover/staging and wintering areas. Although her early work on piping plovers led to a long career working with shorebirds, she has worked on many other groups including waterfowl, songbirds, and long-legged waders. Dr. Powell has taught classes and workshops on Scientific Writing and Publishing, as well as special topics courses on Migration Ecology and Avian Ecology.

Areas of Expertise

Marine/Coastal Ecology, Movement Ecology, Population Dynamics, Species Management, T&E Species Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Coastal/Marine Birds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Waterfowl

Research Interests

  • Conservation Biology
  • Avian Ecology
  • Endangered Species Biology and Management

Teaching Interests

  • Conservation Biology
  • Endangered Species Management
  • Avian Ecology
  • Scientific Writing
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