Andrea G. Veilleux, PhD (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Regional flood skew for parts of the mid-Atlantic region (hydrologic unit 02) in eastern New York and Pennsylvania
This data release contains annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year, specification and output files from flood-frequency analysis of the annual peak-flow data in USGS PeakFQ software, a GIS shapefile of the basin polygons with attributes of site information, basin characteristics, results of flood-frequency analysis, and results of B-WLS/B-GLS analysis of skewness of the annual...
Worksheet for computing annual exceedance probability flood discharges and prediction intervals at stream sites in Connecticut
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Connecticut Department of Transportation, completed a study to improve flood-frequency estimates in Connecticut. This companion data release is a Microsoft Excel workbook for: (1) computing flood discharges for the 50- to 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities from peak-flow regression equations, and (2) computing additional...
Annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specification files and PeakFQ output files for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual pe
This dataset contains annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specifications, and results of flood-frequency analyses of annual peak flows for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins. "PeakFQinput_all.txt" contains annual peak-flow data, ending in water year 2013, for all 368 streamgages in the...
Peak-flow files and PeakFQ output files for U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the New England region that were used in regional skew analysis
This data release contains annual peak-flow data and PeakFQ output files for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). The annual peak-flow data were obtained from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS)...
Magnitude and frequency of floods for rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2017—Results
Reliable estimates of the magnitude and frequency of floods are an important part of the framework for hydraulic-structure design and flood-plain management in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Annual peak flows measured at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages are used to compute flood‑frequency estimates at those streamgages. However, flood‑frequency estimates also are needed...
Toby D. Feaster, Anthony J. Gotvald, Jonathan W. Musser, J. Curtis Weaver, Katharine Kolb, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Methods for estimating regional skewness of annual peak flows in parts of eastern New York and Pennsylvania, based on data through water year 2013
Bulletin 17C (B17C) recommends fitting the log-Pearson Type III (LP−III) distribution to a series of annual peak flows at a streamgage by using the method of moments. The third moment, the skewness coefficient (or skew), is important because the magnitudes of annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows estimated by using the LP–III distribution are affected by the skew; interest is focused...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Development of regression equations for the estimation of the magnitude and frequency of floods at rural, unregulated gaged and ungaged streams in Puerto Rico through water year 2017
The methods of computation and estimates of the magnitude of flood flows were updated for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent chance exceedance levels for 91 streamgages on the main island of Puerto Rico by using annual peak-flow data through 2017. Since the previous flood frequency study in 1994, the U.S. Geological Survey has collected additional peak flows at...
Patrick J. Ryan, Anthony J. Gotvald, Cody L. Hazelbaker, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Methods for estimating regional coefficient of skewness for unregulated streams in New England, based on data through water year 2011
The magnitude of annual exceedance probability floods is greatly affected by the coefficient of skewness (skew) of the annual peak flows at a streamgage. Standard flood frequency methods recommend weighting the station skew with a regional skew to better represent regional and stable conditions. This study presents an updated analysis of a regional skew for New England developed using a...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Phillip J. Zarriello, Glenn A. Hodgkins, Elizabeth A. Ahearn, Scott A. Olson, Timothy A. Cohn
Methods for estimating regional skewness of annual peak flows in parts of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Basins, based on data through water year 2013
Bulletin 17C (B17C) recommends fitting the log-Pearson Type III (LP−III) distribution to a series of annual peak flows at a streamgage by using the method of moments. The third moment, the skewness coefficient (or skew), is important because the magnitudes of annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows estimated by using the LP−III distribution are affected by the skew; interest is focused...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency — Bulletin 17C
Accurate estimates of flood frequency and magnitude are a key component of any effective nationwide flood risk management and flood damage abatement program. In addition to accuracy, methods for estimating flood risk must be uniformly and consistently applied because management of the Nation’s water and related land resources is a collaborative effort involving multiple actors including...
John F. England, Timothy A. Cohn, Beth A. Faber, Jery R. Stedinger, Wilbert O. Thomas, Andrea G. Veilleux, Julie E. Kiang, Robert R. Mason,
Science and Products
Regional flood skew for parts of the mid-Atlantic region (hydrologic unit 02) in eastern New York and Pennsylvania
This data release contains annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year, specification and output files from flood-frequency analysis of the annual peak-flow data in USGS PeakFQ software, a GIS shapefile of the basin polygons with attributes of site information, basin characteristics, results of flood-frequency analysis, and results of B-WLS/B-GLS analysis of skewness of the annual...
Worksheet for computing annual exceedance probability flood discharges and prediction intervals at stream sites in Connecticut
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Connecticut Department of Transportation, completed a study to improve flood-frequency estimates in Connecticut. This companion data release is a Microsoft Excel workbook for: (1) computing flood discharges for the 50- to 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities from peak-flow regression equations, and (2) computing additional...
Annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specification files and PeakFQ output files for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual pe
This dataset contains annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specifications, and results of flood-frequency analyses of annual peak flows for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins. "PeakFQinput_all.txt" contains annual peak-flow data, ending in water year 2013, for all 368 streamgages in the...
Peak-flow files and PeakFQ output files for U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the New England region that were used in regional skew analysis
This data release contains annual peak-flow data and PeakFQ output files for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). The annual peak-flow data were obtained from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS)...
Magnitude and frequency of floods for rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2017—Results
Reliable estimates of the magnitude and frequency of floods are an important part of the framework for hydraulic-structure design and flood-plain management in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Annual peak flows measured at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages are used to compute flood‑frequency estimates at those streamgages. However, flood‑frequency estimates also are needed...
Toby D. Feaster, Anthony J. Gotvald, Jonathan W. Musser, J. Curtis Weaver, Katharine Kolb, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Methods for estimating regional skewness of annual peak flows in parts of eastern New York and Pennsylvania, based on data through water year 2013
Bulletin 17C (B17C) recommends fitting the log-Pearson Type III (LP−III) distribution to a series of annual peak flows at a streamgage by using the method of moments. The third moment, the skewness coefficient (or skew), is important because the magnitudes of annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows estimated by using the LP–III distribution are affected by the skew; interest is focused...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Development of regression equations for the estimation of the magnitude and frequency of floods at rural, unregulated gaged and ungaged streams in Puerto Rico through water year 2017
The methods of computation and estimates of the magnitude of flood flows were updated for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent chance exceedance levels for 91 streamgages on the main island of Puerto Rico by using annual peak-flow data through 2017. Since the previous flood frequency study in 1994, the U.S. Geological Survey has collected additional peak flows at...
Patrick J. Ryan, Anthony J. Gotvald, Cody L. Hazelbaker, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Methods for estimating regional coefficient of skewness for unregulated streams in New England, based on data through water year 2011
The magnitude of annual exceedance probability floods is greatly affected by the coefficient of skewness (skew) of the annual peak flows at a streamgage. Standard flood frequency methods recommend weighting the station skew with a regional skew to better represent regional and stable conditions. This study presents an updated analysis of a regional skew for New England developed using a...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Phillip J. Zarriello, Glenn A. Hodgkins, Elizabeth A. Ahearn, Scott A. Olson, Timothy A. Cohn
Methods for estimating regional skewness of annual peak flows in parts of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Basins, based on data through water year 2013
Bulletin 17C (B17C) recommends fitting the log-Pearson Type III (LP−III) distribution to a series of annual peak flows at a streamgage by using the method of moments. The third moment, the skewness coefficient (or skew), is important because the magnitudes of annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows estimated by using the LP−III distribution are affected by the skew; interest is focused...
Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner
Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency — Bulletin 17C
Accurate estimates of flood frequency and magnitude are a key component of any effective nationwide flood risk management and flood damage abatement program. In addition to accuracy, methods for estimating flood risk must be uniformly and consistently applied because management of the Nation’s water and related land resources is a collaborative effort involving multiple actors including...
John F. England, Timothy A. Cohn, Beth A. Faber, Jery R. Stedinger, Wilbert O. Thomas, Andrea G. Veilleux, Julie E. Kiang, Robert R. Mason,