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Andrew J Kowalczk

"What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on."

-Jacques-Yves Cousteau

My passion for exploring our watery world developed after learning to scuba dive as a young teenager. This passion quickly grew into a desire for exploring and understanding the unknown natural world, and after high school, prompted taking the next step into a career as a scientist. I graduated from Texas A&M University at Galveston in 2006 with a B.Sc. in Marine Science along with a minor in Chemistry. During that time I expanded my scuba knowledge and training with involvement in the scientific diving community, which led to furthering my path into science at Florida State University. 

In 2009 I completed a M. Sc. in Chemical Oceanography at FSU. My primary research focused on modeling cave ventilation dynamics in karst environments and the impacts on speleothem chemistry and mineral precipitation. My secondary research projects looked into developing paleoclimate records based off speleothem trace element and isotope records and from sediment cores collected from local underwater caves. 


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