Boe Jay Derosier
I am a Research Geophysicist for the USGS specializing in Marine Geophysics. My current research objectives combine geological and geophysical observations and techniques within the marine and lacustrine environments to study problems in active tectonics, paleoseismology, and earthquake geology.
Mendenhall Fellow • Postdoctoral Research Geophysicist (January 2023 -present)
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, USGS- Santa Cruz, Ca
Postdoctoral Researcher (June 2022 -January 2023)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD. San Diego, CA
Graduate Student Researcher and Teaching Assistant (December 2015-June 2022)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD. San Diego, CA
Professional Experience
Field Support Scientist: Lacustrine Seismic Survey and Coring of Lake Alison, Valdez, AK, 2024
Field Scientist: Lacustrine Seismic Survey and Coring of Lake Washington, Seattle, WA, 2023
Field Support Scientist: Lacustrine Seismic Survey and Coring Lake Whatcom. Bellingham, WA, 2023
Co-chief Scientist: Lacustrine Seismic Survey of Lake Chelan, Chelan, WA, 2023
Seismic Technician: Ross Sea (UNOLS), Antarctica, 2022-2023
Geology Lead: Sonar Commissioning Cruise (SR2104), Offshore CA, 2021
Chief Scientist: Lacustrine Seismic Survey of California Reservoirs, Central CA, 2021
Lead Field Technician: Lacustrine Seismic Survey of Oregon Lakes, Coastal OR, 2021
Lead Field Technician: Lacustrine Archeology Surveys Oregon Reservoirs, OR, 2021
Chief Scientist: Co-Chief Scientist: Marine Archeology Survey Offshore Coastal Oregon, OR, 2018
San Clemente Fault Survey, San Diego, CA, 2020
Field Technician: San Diego Beach Cliff Erosion Study, CA, 2014-2020
Co-Chief Scientist: San Clemente Island Transect, SCI, CA, 2014-2022
Field Technician: Marine Seismic Survey Great American Canal, CA, 2018
Field Technician: Active Source Marine Seismic Survey, Long Beach, CA, 2018
Field Technician: Seismic Survey Northern Sierra Rift Lakes, CA, 2017
Field Technician: San Joaquin River Delta Active Source Seismic Survey, CA, 2017
Field Technician: Marine Archaeological Survey Northern Channel Islands, CA, 2016
Alumni: Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE), Santa Fe, NM, 2014
Education and Certifications
Ph.D., Earth Sciences (2022)
Scripps Institution of
San Diego, CAM.S., Earth Sciences (2018)
University of California
San Diego, CAB.S., Earth Sciences (2014)
University of California
San Diego, CA
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Geophysical Union (2015-2024)
Seismology Society of America (2023-2024)
Society of Exploration geophysicist (non-active)
Abstracts and Presentations
Derosier, B., D. Singleton, D. Brothers, B. Sherrod, J. Hill, P. Dartnell. "Lacustrine paleoseismic investigation in the South Washington Cascade Range: Geophysical and sedimentological observations from Keechelus, Kachess, and Cle Elum Lakes." SSA Annual Meeting 2024.
Derosier, B., D. Brothers, B. Sherrod, D. Singleton, P. Dartnell, P. Long, S. Angster. "Comprehensive high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment coring in Lake Chelan, WA: A deep, steep lake dominated by mass transport processes." SSA Annual Meeting 2024.
Fabbrizzi, A., J. Maloney, B. Derosier, B, Keith, S, Tovar Quintero, H. Guerrero. "High-resolution Geophysical Mapping of the Outer California Borderland: Tectonics and Repeated Submarine Landslides in Cortes Basin." GSA annual meeting 2023.
Orange, D., Derosier, B., Hiroji, A., Oderinde, O., Holland, W., Henderson, C., Ellett, L.,
Appelgate, B. Next-generation Sub-Bottom Profiler (SBP 29) Has Arrived and Represents a "Step-change" in Data Quality and Quantity for the Marine Geoscience Community: Imaging Marine Sediments at Decimeter-scales, >100m Penetration, Without Diffractions, All While Surveying at 10+ Knots. AGU 2021.Futty, J., Maloney, J., Klotsko, S., Derosier, B., Wriston, T., Casperson. Geophysical
Mapping of submerged landscapes in Oregon reservoirs for detection of archaeological sites.
Poster presentation as 2021 Earth and Space Science Open Archive.Sahakian, V. J., Driscoll, N. W., Derosier, B., Oller, B., Klimasewski, A. R., & Stock, J. M.
(2019, 08). Shallow Surface Deformation on the Southern Imperial Fault System from
Marine Subsurface Imaging Data. Poster Presentation at the 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting.Derosier, B., N. W. Driscoll, L. G. Graves, J. J. Holmes, and C. Nicholson. "New CHIRP
Seismic Images of Submarine Terraces Around San Clemente Island Constrain its Tectonic
Evolution and Geomorphology." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2015.Derosier, B., K. N. Dennis, R. O. Plata Martinez, M. Montahaei, P. Bedrosian, and L.
Pellerin. "Dimensionality and geological implications of a sparse magnetotelluric dataset." In
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2014.Derosier, B., K. N. Dennis, R. O. Plata Martinez, M. Montahaei, P. Bedrosian, and L.
Pellerin. "Dimensionality and geological implications of a sparse magnetotelluric dataset." In
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2014.
Science and Products
Coastal and Marine Geohazards of the U.S. West Coast and Alaska
Science and Products
Coastal and Marine Geohazards of the U.S. West Coast and Alaska
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government