Danny L Rutherford
Danny Rutherford is a Chemist with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center.
Science and Products
Strontium isotopic data from the Mount Emmons-Redwell area, Crested Butte, Colorado
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains strontium isotopic data from water and rock samples collected between 2000 and 2019 from the Mount Emmons area, central Colorado. The data include strontium isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, for surface- and groundwater samples collected from streams, springs, draining mines, piezometers, and drill holes and for leachates of rock samples col
Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016.
This data release includes sampling location data; field-collected stream attribute data; laboratory-analyzed chemistry concentrations (total mercury, methyl mercury) and isotopic composition (total mercury, carbon, and nitrogen) for stream biota (seston, periphyton, benthic insects, emerging adult insects, riparian spiders, and fish); density, body length, and taxonomic information for benthic in
Hg Concentrations of Fish Tissue Samples in the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho
The USGS examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish populations inhabiting impacted and reference streams as part of an investigation into the transport of trace metals in a watershed impacted by legacy mercury mining downstream from the Cinnabar mine site, Valley County, ID. Fish were sampled through an electrofishing survey utilizing a two-pass quantitative depletion approach where possible. F
Water, Soil, Rock, and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2017
Water and sediment samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at or near baseflow conditions from 2015-2017 in the East Fork South Fork Salmon River watershed near Yellow Pine, Valley County, Idaho. Soil, rock and tailings samples were collected in June 2015. Sampling focused on Cinnabar Creek, which flows through the Cinnabar
Water and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2014-2015
Samples were collected at or near baseflow conditions. Water pH and specific conductance were measured in the field, with specific conductance also measured in the laboratory and calculated based on the ionic strength of samples based on laboratory analyses. Water samples were collected for laboratory analyses using a peristaltic pump with silicon tubing. Samples were filtered through a reusabl
Increased mercury and reduced insect diversity in linked stream-riparian food webs downstream of a historical mercury mine
Historical mining left a legacy of abandoned mines and waste rock in remote headwaters of major river systems in the western United States. Understanding the influence of these legacy mines on culturally and ecological important downstream ecosystems is not always straight-forward because of elevated natural levels of mineralization in mining-impacted watersheds. To test the ecological effects of
Johanna M. Kraus, JoAnn Holloway, Michael Pribil, Ben N. Mcgee, Craig A. Stricker, Danny Rutherford, Andrew S. Todd
Occurrence and sources of lead in private wells, Sturbridge, Massachusetts
Lead (Pb) occurrence and sources and aqueous geochemistry were assessed in private wellhead and tap water at a targeted area of concern for possible exceedances and at a control area in the same geologic formation, and in wells at a nearby landfill in south-central Massachusetts (MA). Total Pb concentrations were below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Action Level of 15 μg/L in all
Leah M. Santangelo, Craig J. Brown, James B. Shanley, Michael Pribil, Danny Rutherford
Lead speciation, bioaccessibility and source attribution in Missouri's Big River watershed
The Southeast Missouri Lead District is among the most productive lead deposits exploited in modern times. Intensive mining conducted prior to regulations resulted in a legacy of lead contaminated soil, large piles of mine tailings and elevated childhood blood lead levels. This study seeks to identify the source of the lead contamination in the Big River and inform risk to the public. Isotopic ana
Matthew Noerpel, Michael Pribil, Danny Rutherford, Preston Law, Karen Bradham, Clay Nelson, Rob Weber, Gene Gunn, Kirk G. Scheckel
Assessing mercury distribution using isotopic fractionation of mercury processes and sources adjacent and downstream of a legacy mine district in Tuscany, Italy
Mercury (Hg) concentrations and isotopic compositions in a range of sample types collected from the legacy Abbadia San Salvatore Mine (ASSM) area were used to evaluate the distribution of Hg in the region. The district generated more than 100,000 metric tons of Hg releasing extensive amounts of gaseous Hg emissions and producing large amounts of mine waste calcine from which Hg can be mobilized i
Michael Pribil, Valentina Rimondi, Pilario Costagliola, Pierfranco Lattanzi, Danny Rutherford
Formation of a low-crystalline Zn-silicate in a stream in SW Sardinia, Italy
n southwestern Sardinia, Italy, the Rio Naracauli drains a catchment that includes several abandoned mines. The drainage from the mines and associated waste rocks has led to extreme concentrations of dissolved Zn, but because of the near-neutral pH, concentrations of other metals remain low. In the reach from approximately 2300 to 3000 m downstream from the headwaters area, an amorphous Zn-silicat
Richard B. Wanty, G. De Giudici, P. Onnis, D. Rutherford, B. A. Kimball, F. Podda, R. Cidu, P. Lattanzi, D. Medas
Science and Products
Strontium isotopic data from the Mount Emmons-Redwell area, Crested Butte, Colorado
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains strontium isotopic data from water and rock samples collected between 2000 and 2019 from the Mount Emmons area, central Colorado. The data include strontium isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, for surface- and groundwater samples collected from streams, springs, draining mines, piezometers, and drill holes and for leachates of rock samples col
Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016.
This data release includes sampling location data; field-collected stream attribute data; laboratory-analyzed chemistry concentrations (total mercury, methyl mercury) and isotopic composition (total mercury, carbon, and nitrogen) for stream biota (seston, periphyton, benthic insects, emerging adult insects, riparian spiders, and fish); density, body length, and taxonomic information for benthic in
Hg Concentrations of Fish Tissue Samples in the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho
The USGS examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish populations inhabiting impacted and reference streams as part of an investigation into the transport of trace metals in a watershed impacted by legacy mercury mining downstream from the Cinnabar mine site, Valley County, ID. Fish were sampled through an electrofishing survey utilizing a two-pass quantitative depletion approach where possible. F
Water, Soil, Rock, and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2017
Water and sediment samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at or near baseflow conditions from 2015-2017 in the East Fork South Fork Salmon River watershed near Yellow Pine, Valley County, Idaho. Soil, rock and tailings samples were collected in June 2015. Sampling focused on Cinnabar Creek, which flows through the Cinnabar
Water and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2014-2015
Samples were collected at or near baseflow conditions. Water pH and specific conductance were measured in the field, with specific conductance also measured in the laboratory and calculated based on the ionic strength of samples based on laboratory analyses. Water samples were collected for laboratory analyses using a peristaltic pump with silicon tubing. Samples were filtered through a reusabl
Increased mercury and reduced insect diversity in linked stream-riparian food webs downstream of a historical mercury mine
Historical mining left a legacy of abandoned mines and waste rock in remote headwaters of major river systems in the western United States. Understanding the influence of these legacy mines on culturally and ecological important downstream ecosystems is not always straight-forward because of elevated natural levels of mineralization in mining-impacted watersheds. To test the ecological effects of
Johanna M. Kraus, JoAnn Holloway, Michael Pribil, Ben N. Mcgee, Craig A. Stricker, Danny Rutherford, Andrew S. Todd
Occurrence and sources of lead in private wells, Sturbridge, Massachusetts
Lead (Pb) occurrence and sources and aqueous geochemistry were assessed in private wellhead and tap water at a targeted area of concern for possible exceedances and at a control area in the same geologic formation, and in wells at a nearby landfill in south-central Massachusetts (MA). Total Pb concentrations were below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Action Level of 15 μg/L in all
Leah M. Santangelo, Craig J. Brown, James B. Shanley, Michael Pribil, Danny Rutherford
Lead speciation, bioaccessibility and source attribution in Missouri's Big River watershed
The Southeast Missouri Lead District is among the most productive lead deposits exploited in modern times. Intensive mining conducted prior to regulations resulted in a legacy of lead contaminated soil, large piles of mine tailings and elevated childhood blood lead levels. This study seeks to identify the source of the lead contamination in the Big River and inform risk to the public. Isotopic ana
Matthew Noerpel, Michael Pribil, Danny Rutherford, Preston Law, Karen Bradham, Clay Nelson, Rob Weber, Gene Gunn, Kirk G. Scheckel
Assessing mercury distribution using isotopic fractionation of mercury processes and sources adjacent and downstream of a legacy mine district in Tuscany, Italy
Mercury (Hg) concentrations and isotopic compositions in a range of sample types collected from the legacy Abbadia San Salvatore Mine (ASSM) area were used to evaluate the distribution of Hg in the region. The district generated more than 100,000 metric tons of Hg releasing extensive amounts of gaseous Hg emissions and producing large amounts of mine waste calcine from which Hg can be mobilized i
Michael Pribil, Valentina Rimondi, Pilario Costagliola, Pierfranco Lattanzi, Danny Rutherford
Formation of a low-crystalline Zn-silicate in a stream in SW Sardinia, Italy
n southwestern Sardinia, Italy, the Rio Naracauli drains a catchment that includes several abandoned mines. The drainage from the mines and associated waste rocks has led to extreme concentrations of dissolved Zn, but because of the near-neutral pH, concentrations of other metals remain low. In the reach from approximately 2300 to 3000 m downstream from the headwaters area, an amorphous Zn-silicat
Richard B. Wanty, G. De Giudici, P. Onnis, D. Rutherford, B. A. Kimball, F. Podda, R. Cidu, P. Lattanzi, D. Medas