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Drew A Westerman

Drew Westerman is a hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center at Little Rock.

He has worked in water resource investigations of groundwater and surface water that have included multiple states and six countries. Project responsibilities have included web-application design, Python programing, water resource computer modeling, and a full range of Geographic Information Systems endeavors. Drew graduated from University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a Bachelors of Science in Physics and a Masters in Earth Sciences and GIS. Outside of work, Drew actively contributes to the field of speleology through his caving adventures. 


Drew A. Westerman

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center

USGS  401 Hardin Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72211

501- 228-3643



M.S., Integrated Science and Mathematics, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), 2009

Graduate Certificate, in Geospatial Technology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2009

B.S., Physics with Geology minor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2007


Professional Experience

November 2010 – Present: Hydrologist/ Geographic Information (GIS) Specialist

January 2009 – November 2010: Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey

o   Principal investigator of hydrologic and unsteady-state hydraulic modeling project

o   Development of a groundwater flow model of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer of southeastern Arkansas.

o   Development of a preliminary watershed model of the Tigris-Euphrates River system in Iraq using GeoSFM.

o   Development of surface-water and lake hydrodynamics models that include the simulation of suspended sediments and nutrients.

o   Visualization of surface-water model inputs and results.

o   Computer system administration, through software applications assistance and code/script development.


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