Emile Bergeron (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Marine geophysical data collected in a shallow back-barrier estuary, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
In 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, began a multidisciplinary research project to better understand the water quality in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. This back-barrier estuary is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen stress, macroalgae, stinging nettles, and...
Brian D. Andrews, Jennifer L. Miselis, William W. Danforth, Barry J. Irwin, Charles R. Worley, Emile M. Bergeron, Dann S. Blackwood
Continuous resistivity profiling and seismic-reflection data collected in April 2010 from Indian River Bay, Delaware
A geophysical survey to delineate the fresh-saline groundwater interface and associated sub-bottom sedimentary structures beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, was carried out in April 2010. This included surveying at higher spatial resolution in the vicinity of a study site at Holts Landing, where intensive onshore and offshore studies were subsequently completed. The total length of...
V.A. Cross, J.F. Bratton, H.A. Michael, K.D. Kroeger, Adrian G. Mann, Emile M. Bergeron
The Partition Intervalometer: A Programmable Underwater Timer for Marking Accumulated Sediment Profiles Collected in Anderson Sediment Traps: Development, Operation, Testing Procedures, and Field Results
This manual illustrates the development of a programmable instrument designed to deploy a series of wafer-shaped discs (partitions) into the collection tube of a sediment trap in various aquatic environments. These hydrodynamically shaped discs are deployed at discrete time intervals from the Intervalometer and provide markers that delineate time intervals within the sediments that...
Richard R. Rendigs, Roger Y. Anderson, Jingping Xu, Raymond E. Davis, Emile M. Bergeron
USGS advances in integrated, high-resolution sea-floor mapping: inner continental shelf to estuaries
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been involved in geological mapping of the sea floor for the past thirty years. Early geophysical and acoustic mapping efforts using GLORIA (Geologic LOng Range Inclined ASDIC) a long-range sidescan-sonar system, provided broad-scale imagery of deep waters within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In the early 1990's, research emphasis shifted...
J. F. Denny, W. C. Schwab, D. C. Twichell, T.F. O'Brien, W. W. Danforth, D.S. Foster, E. Bergeron, C.W. Worley, B.J. Irwin, B. Butman, P. C. Valentine, W. E. Baldwin, R.A. Morton, E.R. Thieler, D.R. Nichols, B.D. Andrews
Progress in the development of shallow-water mapping systems
The USGS (US Geological Survey) Coastal and Marine Geology has deployed an advance autonomous shallow-draft robotic vehicle, Iris, for shallow-water mapping in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. The vehicle incorporates a side scan sonar system, seismic-reflection profiler, single-beam echosounder, and global positioning system (GPS) navigation. It is equipped with an onboard microprocessor...
E. Bergeron, C.R. Worley, T. O'Brien
Continuous resistivity profiling data from the upper Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, 2004-2005
The Neuse River Estuary in North Carolina has suffered impacts of eutrophication in recent years. As part of a larger project to better constrain nutrient budgets in the estuary, field investigations were performed to study occurrence and discharge of fresh and brackish ground water and nutrients beneath the estuary itself (fig. 1). A Continuous Resistivity Profiling (CRP) system...
VeeAnn A. Cross, John F. Bratton, Emile M. Bergeron, Jeff K. Meunier, John Crusius, Dirk Koopmans
Sea Floor Mapping Group
The Sea Floor Mapping Group (SFMG) is a core capability at the Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) that provides support for coastal, lacustrine and marine geologic research. The staff has a wide-range of expertise and is responsible for geophysical and sampling data acquisition, processing, interpretation and publication, logistics, design, and research and development. SFMG has...
Coastal Model Applications and Field Measurements
Numerical models are used by scientists, engineers, coastal managers, and the public to understand and predict processes in the coastal ocean. This project supports the development and application of open-source coastal models and has several objectives: 1) improve the code of numerical sediment-transport models by implementing new or improved algorithms; 2) obtain measurements of coastal ocean...
Science and Products
Marine geophysical data collected in a shallow back-barrier estuary, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
In 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, began a multidisciplinary research project to better understand the water quality in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. This back-barrier estuary is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen stress, macroalgae, stinging nettles, and...
Brian D. Andrews, Jennifer L. Miselis, William W. Danforth, Barry J. Irwin, Charles R. Worley, Emile M. Bergeron, Dann S. Blackwood
Continuous resistivity profiling and seismic-reflection data collected in April 2010 from Indian River Bay, Delaware
A geophysical survey to delineate the fresh-saline groundwater interface and associated sub-bottom sedimentary structures beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, was carried out in April 2010. This included surveying at higher spatial resolution in the vicinity of a study site at Holts Landing, where intensive onshore and offshore studies were subsequently completed. The total length of...
V.A. Cross, J.F. Bratton, H.A. Michael, K.D. Kroeger, Adrian G. Mann, Emile M. Bergeron
The Partition Intervalometer: A Programmable Underwater Timer for Marking Accumulated Sediment Profiles Collected in Anderson Sediment Traps: Development, Operation, Testing Procedures, and Field Results
This manual illustrates the development of a programmable instrument designed to deploy a series of wafer-shaped discs (partitions) into the collection tube of a sediment trap in various aquatic environments. These hydrodynamically shaped discs are deployed at discrete time intervals from the Intervalometer and provide markers that delineate time intervals within the sediments that...
Richard R. Rendigs, Roger Y. Anderson, Jingping Xu, Raymond E. Davis, Emile M. Bergeron
USGS advances in integrated, high-resolution sea-floor mapping: inner continental shelf to estuaries
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been involved in geological mapping of the sea floor for the past thirty years. Early geophysical and acoustic mapping efforts using GLORIA (Geologic LOng Range Inclined ASDIC) a long-range sidescan-sonar system, provided broad-scale imagery of deep waters within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In the early 1990's, research emphasis shifted...
J. F. Denny, W. C. Schwab, D. C. Twichell, T.F. O'Brien, W. W. Danforth, D.S. Foster, E. Bergeron, C.W. Worley, B.J. Irwin, B. Butman, P. C. Valentine, W. E. Baldwin, R.A. Morton, E.R. Thieler, D.R. Nichols, B.D. Andrews
Progress in the development of shallow-water mapping systems
The USGS (US Geological Survey) Coastal and Marine Geology has deployed an advance autonomous shallow-draft robotic vehicle, Iris, for shallow-water mapping in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. The vehicle incorporates a side scan sonar system, seismic-reflection profiler, single-beam echosounder, and global positioning system (GPS) navigation. It is equipped with an onboard microprocessor...
E. Bergeron, C.R. Worley, T. O'Brien
Continuous resistivity profiling data from the upper Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, 2004-2005
The Neuse River Estuary in North Carolina has suffered impacts of eutrophication in recent years. As part of a larger project to better constrain nutrient budgets in the estuary, field investigations were performed to study occurrence and discharge of fresh and brackish ground water and nutrients beneath the estuary itself (fig. 1). A Continuous Resistivity Profiling (CRP) system...
VeeAnn A. Cross, John F. Bratton, Emile M. Bergeron, Jeff K. Meunier, John Crusius, Dirk Koopmans
Sea Floor Mapping Group
The Sea Floor Mapping Group (SFMG) is a core capability at the Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) that provides support for coastal, lacustrine and marine geologic research. The staff has a wide-range of expertise and is responsible for geophysical and sampling data acquisition, processing, interpretation and publication, logistics, design, and research and development. SFMG has...
Coastal Model Applications and Field Measurements
Numerical models are used by scientists, engineers, coastal managers, and the public to understand and predict processes in the coastal ocean. This project supports the development and application of open-source coastal models and has several objectives: 1) improve the code of numerical sediment-transport models by implementing new or improved algorithms; 2) obtain measurements of coastal ocean...