Evan and the team dug a snowpit to collect snowpack data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
Evan J Gohring
Evan is a Hydrologic Technician with the USGS Colorado Water Science Center (COWSC), in Lakewood, CO.
Evan is multidisciplinary Hydrologic Technician in the studies section of the COWSC. He has spent time working on data collection and analysis related to snow hydrology, surface water, water quality, groundwater, and remote sensing among others.
Science and Products
In-stream and laboratory fDOM data from wildfire affected streams of the western United States, 2021-22
Remote sensing and in-situ data to support chlorophyll-a mapping in Blue Mesa Reservoir from Sentinel-2 imagery
NGWOS Ground Based Discrete Snowpack Measurements
Climatological data for the Loch Vale watershed in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 1992-2019
Evan and the team dug a snowpit to collect snowpack data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
In the snowpit, Evan collects snow depth, snow density, and weather data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
In the snowpit, Evan collects snow depth, snow density, and weather data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
Two photos are arranged side by side. In the first photo, the photographer stands at the bottom of the snowpit. We can see how deep the snowpit is – about the length of a ski from tip to tail. There is a shelf dug into the side of the pit that holds science gear.
Two photos are arranged side by side. In the first photo, the photographer stands at the bottom of the snowpit. We can see how deep the snowpit is – about the length of a ski from tip to tail. There is a shelf dug into the side of the pit that holds science gear.
Dynamic water-quality responses to wildfire in Colorado
Science and Products
In-stream and laboratory fDOM data from wildfire affected streams of the western United States, 2021-22
Remote sensing and in-situ data to support chlorophyll-a mapping in Blue Mesa Reservoir from Sentinel-2 imagery
NGWOS Ground Based Discrete Snowpack Measurements
Climatological data for the Loch Vale watershed in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 1992-2019
Evan and the team dug a snowpit to collect snowpack data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
Evan and the team dug a snowpit to collect snowpack data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
In the snowpit, Evan collects snow depth, snow density, and weather data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
In the snowpit, Evan collects snow depth, snow density, and weather data at Berthoud Pass, CO.
Two photos are arranged side by side. In the first photo, the photographer stands at the bottom of the snowpit. We can see how deep the snowpit is – about the length of a ski from tip to tail. There is a shelf dug into the side of the pit that holds science gear.
Two photos are arranged side by side. In the first photo, the photographer stands at the bottom of the snowpit. We can see how deep the snowpit is – about the length of a ski from tip to tail. There is a shelf dug into the side of the pit that holds science gear.