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Frederick J Spitz

A research hydrologist with the USGS New Jersey Water Science Center

Project Management/Development

  • Set and achieve objectives, cooperator and colleague collaboration, oral and written presentation of results
  • Development of pre-preposals, full proposals, work plans, and budgets

Technical Work

  • Computer modeling within and outside NJ involving multidisciplinary water resource themes
  • Surface water modeling/water quality modeling

               Hydrodynamic-water quality model linkage development
               Flow routing, constituent transport, and mixing
               Hydraulic model review

  • Groundwater modeling

               Surface-water/groundwater interaction
               Effects and optimization of withdrawals
               Method development for improved delineation of wellhead protection areas
               Saltwater encroachment

  • Technical advice and review


  • Hydrodynamic modeling, water quality modeling, watershed modeling


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