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Gregory Steyer, Ph.D.

Greg Steyer is the USGS Science Advisor for the Gulf of Mexico.


Ph.D., Oceanography and Coastal Studies, Louisiana State University, 2008

M.S., Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1988

B.S., Biology, University of Maryland College Park, 1985


Greg's primary interest is developing ecological indicators, adaptive management approaches, and ecological and landscape models for use in natural resource decision support. For over 30 years, he has worked for State and Federal governments developing monitoring, modeling and research programs for the evaluation of wetland restoration projects and programs. 

Greg has developed a comprehensive wetland monitoring network for the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) called the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (, that allows evaluation of the effects of restoration and protection efforts at project, hydrologic basin and coastwide scales.  Greg has also developed desktop ecological models for the Louisiana Coastal Area and Louisiana State Master Plan that project over 50 years how wetland vegetation communities and coastal geomorphology will change with and without restoration and protection efforts.  Greg is actively involved in working with USGS, DOI and other Gulf of Mexico scientists in developing foundational monitoring and adaptive management programs for the RESTORE Council and Natural Resources Damage Assessment and Restoration Trustee Council. His current research investigates the cumulative effects of multiple restoration projects on coastal landscape change and resilience.    

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