Javin J. Hatcherian
Javin Hatcherian is a Physical Science Technician with the USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center in Reston, VA.
Since joining the USGS in February 2016, Javin has devoted his career to studying petroleum geology and specializes in organic petrography.
Professional Experience
Feb 2016 to Present: Physical Science Technician, USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center, Reston, VA
Jul 2014 to Dec 2015: Volunteer student researcher, Texas A&M, College Station, TX
Aug 2011 to Dec 2013: Field Technician, AREHNA Engineering, Tampa, FL
Science and Products
Vitrinite Reflectance Service
Vitrinite is a maceral group that is derived from the remains of woody material from vascular plants and is composed of the thermally evolved products of lignin and cellulose. A maceral group is a set of organic matter types with similar properties and appearance. Vitrinite reflectance measures the percentage of incident light that is reflected from the surface of vitrinite as calibrated to a...
Filter Total Items: 15
Microscopic Images of Leonardite and Humate Biochar: Using Reflected Light Microscopy in Biochar Characterization
Biochar is a carbon-rich substance that is derived through the thermochemical conversion of biomass. Biochar is recognized for its significance in environmental applications and sustainable agriculture. In an effort to comprehend how the source material and pyrolysis parameters influence its properties, reflected light microscopy is being used to produce microscopic images for analysis...
Data from Cretaceous formations of the Babouri-Figuil Sedimentary Basin, northern Cameroon
This study contains TOC and programmed pyrolysis data, as well as vitrinite reflectance collected from 12 samples taken from the Babouri-Figuil Sedimentary basin in northern Cameroon.
Portable Raman spectroscopic analysis of bulk crushed rock
This study presents a simplified method and empirical relationships for determining organic matter thermal maturity using a portable Raman system equipped with a 785 nm laser, for analysis of crushed, whole-rock samples. Several sets of rocks comprised of shale and coal samples with various mineralogical composition, thermal maturity, total organic carbon (TOC), and age were used to test...
TOC, Reflectance and Raman Data from Eocene Green River Mahogany Zone
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of exchangeable hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt. percent total organic carbon, TOC)...
Reflectance and confocal laser scanning fluorescence spectroscopy of bituminite in Kimmeridge Clay
This work investigates the characterization of bituminite (amorphous sedimentary organic matter) in Kimmeridge Clay source rock via confocal laser canning microscopy (CLSM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). As part of an International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology working group, an immature (0.42% vitrinite reflectance), organic-rich (44.1 wt.% total organic carbon content)...
Atomic Force Microscopy-based Infrared Spectroscopy Data within Immature Eagle Ford Shale at the Nanometer-scale
The nanoscale molecular composition of kerogen is a challenging parameter to characterize given the chemical and structural complexity exhibited by this important biopolymer. However, kerogen composition will strongly impact its reactivity and so is a critical parameter to understand petroleum generation processes during kerogen catagenesis. The recent advent of tip-enhanced analytical...
Investigating the effects of broad ion beam milling to sedimentary organic matter
To test if reflectance increases to sedimentary organic matter (vitrinite) caused by broad ion beam (BIB) milling were related to molecular aromatization and condensation, we used Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies to evaluate potential compositional changes in the same vitrinite locations pre- and post-BIB milling. The same locations also were examined by atomic...
Reflectance, Raman band separation and Mean multivariant curve resolution (MCR) in organic matter in Boquillas Shale
The molecular composition of petroliferous organic matter and its composition evolution throughout thermal advance are key to understanding and insight into petroleum generation. This information is critical for comprehending hydrocarbon resources in unconventional reservoirs, as source rock organic matter is highly dispersed, in contact with the surrounding mineral matrix, and may be...
Bitumen Reflectance Data from the Tattoo Well in the Horn River Basin, Sample E200205
Bitumen reflectance data from a sample collected from the vertical EOG TATTOO D129 A28-F/094-O-10 ("Tattoo") well in the Horn River Basin, as part of the collection of a high-resolution geochemical data set.
Nanoscale Molecular Composition of Solid Bitumen from the Eagle Ford Group Across a Natural Thermal Maturity Gradient
Solid bitumen is a petrographically-defined secondary organic matter residue produced during petroleum generation and subsequent oil transformation. The presence of solid bitumen impacts many shale reservoir properties including porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon generation and storage, amongst others. Furthermore, solid bitumen reflectance is an important parameter for assessing...
Oil-source rock correlation studies in the unconventional Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale petroleum system, Mississippi and Louisiana, USA (2019)
The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered unconventional hydrocarbon resources reservoired in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale (TMS) of southern Mississippi and adjacent Louisiana in 2018. As part of the assessment, oil- source rock correlations were examined in the study area where operators produce light (38-45 degrees API), sweet oil from horizontal, hydraulically...
Data from Nanoscale Molecular Fractionation of Organic Matter within Unconventional Petroleum Source Beds (2019)
Fractionation of petroleum during migration through sedimentary rock matrices has been observed across lengths of meters to kilometers. Selective adsorption of specific chemical moieties at mineral surfaces and/or the phase behavior of petroleum during pressure changes are typically invoked to explain this behavior. Given the current emphasis on unconventional (continuous) resources...
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Evaluation of solid bitumen created from marine oil shale bituminite under hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis conditions
To test the influence of environmental conditions on aromaticity of solid bitumen generated during petroleum generation, four organic-rich (26–36 wt% total organic carbon) oil shale samples collected from the Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian restricted marine Salt Range Formation in the upper Indus Basin, Pakistan, were pyrolyzed under hydrous and anhydrous conditions. Experiments used...
Paul C. Hackley, Brett J. Valentine, Ryan J. McAleer, Javin J. Hatcherian, Jennifer Nedzweckas, Bonnie McDevitt, Imran Khan
Decoding paleomire conditions of Paleogene superhigh-organic-sulfur coals
Superhigh-organic‑sulfur (SHOS) coals (coals with organic sulfur content >4 wt%) are unique coal deposits found at a few notable locations in the world. Specific peat accumulation and preservation conditions must be met to form SHOS coals. Organic sulfur is a major constituent of such coals, and it may have various sources depending on the prevailing paleomire conditions. Understanding...
Tushar Adsul, Molly D. O'Beirne, David Fike, Santanu Ghosh, Josef P. Werne, William P. Gilhooly, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, Bright Philip, Bodhisastwa Hazra, Sudip Bhattachryya, Ritam Konar, Atul Kumar Varma
Atlas of microscopic images of biochar using reflected light microscopy in biochar characterization
Derived through the thermochemical conversion of biomass, biochar is a carbon-rich substance recognized for its significance in environmental applications and sustainable agriculture. As interest in its utilization continues to rise, it becomes crucial to comprehend how the source material and pyrolysis parameters influence the properties of biochar and, consequently, to research the...
Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Will Knauth, Omid Adarkani, Telma Ataíde dos Santos, Valdeci Caio de Faria, Tara Congo, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, James C. Hower, Henrik I. Petersen, Julito Reyes, Hamed Sanei
Spatial distribution of API gravity and gas/oil ratios for petroleum accumulations in Upper Cretaceous strata of the San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Formations of the south Texas Maverick Basin—Implications for petroleum migration and charge history
The Maverick Basin of south Texas is currently undergoing active exploration and production of gas and oil from tight sandstone reservoirs. The most productive tight sandstones in the basin are in the Upper Cretaceous San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Formations. These units are second only to the Eagle Ford Shale in terms of cumulative production volumes. The structural history of the...
Colin A. Doolan, William H. Craddock, Marc Buursink, Javin J. Hatcherian, Steven M. Cahan
Novel insights about petroleum systems from source and reservoir rock characterization, Cretaceous Deposits, Babouri-Figuil Basin, Northern Cameroon
The Babouri-Figuil Basin (BFB) is a frontier basin for petroleum in Cameroon. It belongs to the series of Cretaceous rift basins of the West and Central Rift System (WCARS), the origin of which is related to the opening of the South Atlantic. Within the same rift system, commercial hydrocarbon accumulations have been discovered in Chad, Sudan, Niger and, more recently, in Nigeria...
Manga Gaspard, Javin J. Hatcherian, Paul C. Hackley, Moise Bessong, Carole Bapowa, Henry Pougue, Arsene Meying
Evaluation of portable Raman spectroscopic analysis for source-rock thermal maturity assessments on bulk crushed rock
This study presents a simplified method and empirical relationships for determining organic matter thermal maturity using a portable Raman system equipped with a 785 nm laser, for analysis of crushed, whole-rock samples. Suites of rocks represented by shale and coal samples with various mineralogical composition, thermal maturity, and total organic carbon (TOC) were used to test the...
Martha (Rebecca) Stokes, Aaron M. Jubb, Paul C. Hackley, Justin E. Birdwell, Elliott Barnhart, Clint Scott, Jenna L. Shelton, Margaret M. Sanders, Javin J. Hatcherian
Interlaboratory study: Testing reproducibility of solid biofuels component identification using reflected light microscopy
Considering global market trends and concerns about climate change and sustainability, increased biomass use for energy is expected to continue. As more diverse materials are being utilized to manufacture solid biomass fuels, it is critical to implement quality assessment methods to analyze these fuels thoroughly. One such method is reflected light microscopy (RLM), which has the...
Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Zbigniew Jelonek, Iwona Jelonek, Tushar Adsul, Neža Malenšek Andolšek, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Tara Congo, Batbold Demberelsuren, Bryon S. Donohoe, Ashley Douds, Deolinda Flores, Ranjin Ganzorig, Santanu Ghosh, Andrew Gize, Paula Alexandra Goncalves, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, James C. Hower, Stavros Kalaitzidis, Sławomir Kędzior, Wayne Knowles, Jolanta Kus, Kacper Lis, Grzegorz Lis, Bei Liu, Qingyong Luo, Meili Du, Divya Mishra, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, Theophile Mugerwa, Jennifer Nedzweckas, Jennifer M. K. O'Keefe, Jackie Park, Richard Pearson, Henrik I. Petersen, Julito Reyes, Joana Ribeiro, Genaro de la Rosa-Rodriguez, Piotr Sosnowski, Brett J. Valentine, Atul Kumar Varma, Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, Zhanjie Xu, Alexander Zdravkov, Konrad Ziemianin
Evaluating aromatization of solid bitumen generated in the presence and absence of water: Implications for solid bitumen reflectance as a thermal proxy
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt% total organic carbon, TOC) mudrock samples from the...
Paul C. Hackley, Aaron M. Jubb, Patrick L. Smith, Ryan J. McAleer, Brett J. Valentine, Javin J. Hatcherian, Palma J. Botterell, Justin E. Birdwell
Identification of thermal maturity-relevant organic matter in Shale Working Group Report 2021
The Identification of Thermal Maturity-Relevant Organic Matter in Shale Working Group of the ICCP was established in 2008 to provide guidelines for identifying and measuring the reflectance of the population of dispersed organic matter that is relevant to thermal maturity determination. Information products published by the working group include ASTM D7708 Standard Test Method for...
Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, Jennifer L. Rivera, Margaret M. Sanders, Brett J. Valentine
Characterization of bituminite in Kimmeridge Clay by confocal laser scanning and atomic force microscopy
This work investigates bituminite (amorphous sedimentary organic matter) in Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay source rock via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). These petrographic tools were used to provide better understanding of the nature of bituminite, which has been historically difficult to identify and differentiate from similar organic...
Paul C. Hackley, Jolanta Kus, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, Andrew D. Czaja, Angeles G. Borrego, Dragana Životić, Brett J. Valentine, Javin J. Hatcherian
New insights into organic matter accumulation from high-resolution geochemical analysis of a black shale: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, Canada
Organic matter (OM) accumulation in organic matter-rich mudstones, or black shales, is generally recognized to be controlled by combinations of bioproductivity, preservation, and dilution. However, specific triggers of OM deposition in these formations are commonly difficult to identify with geochemical proxies, in part because of feedbacks that cause geochemical proxies for these...
Haolin Zhou, Nicholas B. Harris, Tian Dong, Korhan Ayranci, Jilu Feng, Benoit Rivard, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian
Hydrous pyrolysis of New Albany Shale: A study examining maturation changes and porosity development
The characterization of nanoscale organic structures has improved our understanding of porosity development within source-rock reservoirs, but research linking organic porosity evolution to thermal maturity has generated conflicting results. To better understand this connection, an immature (0.25% solid bitumen reflectance; BRo) sample of the New Albany Shale was used in four isothermal...
Brett J. Valentine, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian
Science and Products
Vitrinite Reflectance Service
Vitrinite is a maceral group that is derived from the remains of woody material from vascular plants and is composed of the thermally evolved products of lignin and cellulose. A maceral group is a set of organic matter types with similar properties and appearance. Vitrinite reflectance measures the percentage of incident light that is reflected from the surface of vitrinite as calibrated to a...
Filter Total Items: 15
Microscopic Images of Leonardite and Humate Biochar: Using Reflected Light Microscopy in Biochar Characterization
Biochar is a carbon-rich substance that is derived through the thermochemical conversion of biomass. Biochar is recognized for its significance in environmental applications and sustainable agriculture. In an effort to comprehend how the source material and pyrolysis parameters influence its properties, reflected light microscopy is being used to produce microscopic images for analysis...
Data from Cretaceous formations of the Babouri-Figuil Sedimentary Basin, northern Cameroon
This study contains TOC and programmed pyrolysis data, as well as vitrinite reflectance collected from 12 samples taken from the Babouri-Figuil Sedimentary basin in northern Cameroon.
Portable Raman spectroscopic analysis of bulk crushed rock
This study presents a simplified method and empirical relationships for determining organic matter thermal maturity using a portable Raman system equipped with a 785 nm laser, for analysis of crushed, whole-rock samples. Several sets of rocks comprised of shale and coal samples with various mineralogical composition, thermal maturity, total organic carbon (TOC), and age were used to test...
TOC, Reflectance and Raman Data from Eocene Green River Mahogany Zone
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of exchangeable hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt. percent total organic carbon, TOC)...
Reflectance and confocal laser scanning fluorescence spectroscopy of bituminite in Kimmeridge Clay
This work investigates the characterization of bituminite (amorphous sedimentary organic matter) in Kimmeridge Clay source rock via confocal laser canning microscopy (CLSM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). As part of an International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology working group, an immature (0.42% vitrinite reflectance), organic-rich (44.1 wt.% total organic carbon content)...
Atomic Force Microscopy-based Infrared Spectroscopy Data within Immature Eagle Ford Shale at the Nanometer-scale
The nanoscale molecular composition of kerogen is a challenging parameter to characterize given the chemical and structural complexity exhibited by this important biopolymer. However, kerogen composition will strongly impact its reactivity and so is a critical parameter to understand petroleum generation processes during kerogen catagenesis. The recent advent of tip-enhanced analytical...
Investigating the effects of broad ion beam milling to sedimentary organic matter
To test if reflectance increases to sedimentary organic matter (vitrinite) caused by broad ion beam (BIB) milling were related to molecular aromatization and condensation, we used Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies to evaluate potential compositional changes in the same vitrinite locations pre- and post-BIB milling. The same locations also were examined by atomic...
Reflectance, Raman band separation and Mean multivariant curve resolution (MCR) in organic matter in Boquillas Shale
The molecular composition of petroliferous organic matter and its composition evolution throughout thermal advance are key to understanding and insight into petroleum generation. This information is critical for comprehending hydrocarbon resources in unconventional reservoirs, as source rock organic matter is highly dispersed, in contact with the surrounding mineral matrix, and may be...
Bitumen Reflectance Data from the Tattoo Well in the Horn River Basin, Sample E200205
Bitumen reflectance data from a sample collected from the vertical EOG TATTOO D129 A28-F/094-O-10 ("Tattoo") well in the Horn River Basin, as part of the collection of a high-resolution geochemical data set.
Nanoscale Molecular Composition of Solid Bitumen from the Eagle Ford Group Across a Natural Thermal Maturity Gradient
Solid bitumen is a petrographically-defined secondary organic matter residue produced during petroleum generation and subsequent oil transformation. The presence of solid bitumen impacts many shale reservoir properties including porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon generation and storage, amongst others. Furthermore, solid bitumen reflectance is an important parameter for assessing...
Oil-source rock correlation studies in the unconventional Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale petroleum system, Mississippi and Louisiana, USA (2019)
The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered unconventional hydrocarbon resources reservoired in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale (TMS) of southern Mississippi and adjacent Louisiana in 2018. As part of the assessment, oil- source rock correlations were examined in the study area where operators produce light (38-45 degrees API), sweet oil from horizontal, hydraulically...
Data from Nanoscale Molecular Fractionation of Organic Matter within Unconventional Petroleum Source Beds (2019)
Fractionation of petroleum during migration through sedimentary rock matrices has been observed across lengths of meters to kilometers. Selective adsorption of specific chemical moieties at mineral surfaces and/or the phase behavior of petroleum during pressure changes are typically invoked to explain this behavior. Given the current emphasis on unconventional (continuous) resources...
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Evaluation of solid bitumen created from marine oil shale bituminite under hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis conditions
To test the influence of environmental conditions on aromaticity of solid bitumen generated during petroleum generation, four organic-rich (26–36 wt% total organic carbon) oil shale samples collected from the Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian restricted marine Salt Range Formation in the upper Indus Basin, Pakistan, were pyrolyzed under hydrous and anhydrous conditions. Experiments used...
Paul C. Hackley, Brett J. Valentine, Ryan J. McAleer, Javin J. Hatcherian, Jennifer Nedzweckas, Bonnie McDevitt, Imran Khan
Decoding paleomire conditions of Paleogene superhigh-organic-sulfur coals
Superhigh-organic‑sulfur (SHOS) coals (coals with organic sulfur content >4 wt%) are unique coal deposits found at a few notable locations in the world. Specific peat accumulation and preservation conditions must be met to form SHOS coals. Organic sulfur is a major constituent of such coals, and it may have various sources depending on the prevailing paleomire conditions. Understanding...
Tushar Adsul, Molly D. O'Beirne, David Fike, Santanu Ghosh, Josef P. Werne, William P. Gilhooly, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, Bright Philip, Bodhisastwa Hazra, Sudip Bhattachryya, Ritam Konar, Atul Kumar Varma
Atlas of microscopic images of biochar using reflected light microscopy in biochar characterization
Derived through the thermochemical conversion of biomass, biochar is a carbon-rich substance recognized for its significance in environmental applications and sustainable agriculture. As interest in its utilization continues to rise, it becomes crucial to comprehend how the source material and pyrolysis parameters influence the properties of biochar and, consequently, to research the...
Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Will Knauth, Omid Adarkani, Telma Ataíde dos Santos, Valdeci Caio de Faria, Tara Congo, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, James C. Hower, Henrik I. Petersen, Julito Reyes, Hamed Sanei
Spatial distribution of API gravity and gas/oil ratios for petroleum accumulations in Upper Cretaceous strata of the San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Formations of the south Texas Maverick Basin—Implications for petroleum migration and charge history
The Maverick Basin of south Texas is currently undergoing active exploration and production of gas and oil from tight sandstone reservoirs. The most productive tight sandstones in the basin are in the Upper Cretaceous San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Formations. These units are second only to the Eagle Ford Shale in terms of cumulative production volumes. The structural history of the...
Colin A. Doolan, William H. Craddock, Marc Buursink, Javin J. Hatcherian, Steven M. Cahan
Novel insights about petroleum systems from source and reservoir rock characterization, Cretaceous Deposits, Babouri-Figuil Basin, Northern Cameroon
The Babouri-Figuil Basin (BFB) is a frontier basin for petroleum in Cameroon. It belongs to the series of Cretaceous rift basins of the West and Central Rift System (WCARS), the origin of which is related to the opening of the South Atlantic. Within the same rift system, commercial hydrocarbon accumulations have been discovered in Chad, Sudan, Niger and, more recently, in Nigeria...
Manga Gaspard, Javin J. Hatcherian, Paul C. Hackley, Moise Bessong, Carole Bapowa, Henry Pougue, Arsene Meying
Evaluation of portable Raman spectroscopic analysis for source-rock thermal maturity assessments on bulk crushed rock
This study presents a simplified method and empirical relationships for determining organic matter thermal maturity using a portable Raman system equipped with a 785 nm laser, for analysis of crushed, whole-rock samples. Suites of rocks represented by shale and coal samples with various mineralogical composition, thermal maturity, and total organic carbon (TOC) were used to test the...
Martha (Rebecca) Stokes, Aaron M. Jubb, Paul C. Hackley, Justin E. Birdwell, Elliott Barnhart, Clint Scott, Jenna L. Shelton, Margaret M. Sanders, Javin J. Hatcherian
Interlaboratory study: Testing reproducibility of solid biofuels component identification using reflected light microscopy
Considering global market trends and concerns about climate change and sustainability, increased biomass use for energy is expected to continue. As more diverse materials are being utilized to manufacture solid biomass fuels, it is critical to implement quality assessment methods to analyze these fuels thoroughly. One such method is reflected light microscopy (RLM), which has the...
Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Zbigniew Jelonek, Iwona Jelonek, Tushar Adsul, Neža Malenšek Andolšek, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Tara Congo, Batbold Demberelsuren, Bryon S. Donohoe, Ashley Douds, Deolinda Flores, Ranjin Ganzorig, Santanu Ghosh, Andrew Gize, Paula Alexandra Goncalves, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, James C. Hower, Stavros Kalaitzidis, Sławomir Kędzior, Wayne Knowles, Jolanta Kus, Kacper Lis, Grzegorz Lis, Bei Liu, Qingyong Luo, Meili Du, Divya Mishra, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, Theophile Mugerwa, Jennifer Nedzweckas, Jennifer M. K. O'Keefe, Jackie Park, Richard Pearson, Henrik I. Petersen, Julito Reyes, Joana Ribeiro, Genaro de la Rosa-Rodriguez, Piotr Sosnowski, Brett J. Valentine, Atul Kumar Varma, Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, Zhanjie Xu, Alexander Zdravkov, Konrad Ziemianin
Evaluating aromatization of solid bitumen generated in the presence and absence of water: Implications for solid bitumen reflectance as a thermal proxy
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt% total organic carbon, TOC) mudrock samples from the...
Paul C. Hackley, Aaron M. Jubb, Patrick L. Smith, Ryan J. McAleer, Brett J. Valentine, Javin J. Hatcherian, Palma J. Botterell, Justin E. Birdwell
Identification of thermal maturity-relevant organic matter in Shale Working Group Report 2021
The Identification of Thermal Maturity-Relevant Organic Matter in Shale Working Group of the ICCP was established in 2008 to provide guidelines for identifying and measuring the reflectance of the population of dispersed organic matter that is relevant to thermal maturity determination. Information products published by the working group include ASTM D7708 Standard Test Method for...
Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian, Jennifer L. Rivera, Margaret M. Sanders, Brett J. Valentine
Characterization of bituminite in Kimmeridge Clay by confocal laser scanning and atomic force microscopy
This work investigates bituminite (amorphous sedimentary organic matter) in Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay source rock via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). These petrographic tools were used to provide better understanding of the nature of bituminite, which has been historically difficult to identify and differentiate from similar organic...
Paul C. Hackley, Jolanta Kus, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, Andrew D. Czaja, Angeles G. Borrego, Dragana Životić, Brett J. Valentine, Javin J. Hatcherian
New insights into organic matter accumulation from high-resolution geochemical analysis of a black shale: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, Canada
Organic matter (OM) accumulation in organic matter-rich mudstones, or black shales, is generally recognized to be controlled by combinations of bioproductivity, preservation, and dilution. However, specific triggers of OM deposition in these formations are commonly difficult to identify with geochemical proxies, in part because of feedbacks that cause geochemical proxies for these...
Haolin Zhou, Nicholas B. Harris, Tian Dong, Korhan Ayranci, Jilu Feng, Benoit Rivard, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian
Hydrous pyrolysis of New Albany Shale: A study examining maturation changes and porosity development
The characterization of nanoscale organic structures has improved our understanding of porosity development within source-rock reservoirs, but research linking organic porosity evolution to thermal maturity has generated conflicting results. To better understand this connection, an immature (0.25% solid bitumen reflectance; BRo) sample of the New Albany Shale was used in four isothermal...
Brett J. Valentine, Paul C. Hackley, Javin J. Hatcherian