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Joseph D Schmitt, PhD

I am a Research Fisheries Biologist at the Lake Erie Biological Station. I have wide research interests including food web interactions, invasion ecology, and conservation biology.

I began working at the Lake Erie Biological Station in 2018, and currently lead our percid recruitment trawl survey in the west basin, and our cold-water assessment in the east basin. Lake Erie has been interesting, as it is a dynamic and complex system that is susceptible to harmful algal blooms in the west basin and widespread hypoxia/anoxia in the central basin.

I am currently exploring how these phenomena, along with warming lake temperatures, will affect oxythermal habitat for cold-water species including burbot, whitefish, cisco, and lake trout moving forward. I am also exploring multi-decadal trends in the feeding ecology of percids in Lake Erie, population genetics of Lake Erie whitefish, and have several projects focusing on cisco, which are extirpated from the lake.

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