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Lisa Carper

Lisa Carper is a Physical Scientist in the New England Water Science Center.


  • Geeking out with gadgets
  • Field testing and exploring various sensor technologies to discern environmental patterns
  • Surrogate modeling
  • Passive samplers

Skills and Experience

  • Reconnoitering, engineering, and installation of real-time water-quality monitoring stations
  • Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of data loggers and water-quality sensors
  • Routine use of multi-parameter sondes and fluorometric and spectrometric sensors for NO3+NO2 as N, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin
  • Surface and ground water-quality discrete sample collection and processing for chemical analyses including nutrients, trace metals, pesticides, low-level mercury, volatile organic compounds, endocrine disrupting compounds and legacy and emerging contaminants
  • Records processing according to USGS standards and protocol
  • Quality assure water-quality data by performing statistical and technical analyses using R

Recent Projects

  • NJ continuous water-quality monitoring network (45 stations)
  • Downstream Fate and Transport of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in the Raritan Basin Water Supply Commission, New Jersey
  • Next Generation Water Observing Systems, Delaware River Basin – White Clay Creek Piedmont Basin Sediment Study
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