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Lisa A Wald

Lisa has worked for the USGS since 1987, first as a Research Geophysicist and then as a Science Communicator and Web Content Manager for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, the Landslide Hazards Program, the Geomagnetism Program, and the Natural Hazards Mission Area. She is also a member of Natural Hazards Mission Science Communications Team.

Computer/Software Experience

  • HTML, CSS, Adobe Creative Suite, Office 365, WordPress.

Relevant Experience in Science Communications and Graphic Design & Layout

  • Created and coordinated an Education & Outreach Program for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Team office in Pasadena, CA with no budget; created USGS Public Lecture Series, created and lead Teacher Workshops to teach teachers how to teach classrooms  about earthquakes  with hands-on materials.
  • Created classroom activities for K-6 to teach about various earthquake science.
  • Forged a partnership with the KidSpace Museum in Pasadena, CA, and served as a scientific consultant for their new hands-on earthquake exhibit; worked with exhibit designers.
  • Created and presented hands-on talks/presentations about earthquakes to K-6 classrooms and community organizations throughout the Los Angeles Metropolitan area.
  • Coordinated several-year long project to completely redesign the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program website, which involved several  1000 webpages, and web developers spread in several offices throughout the US.
  • Coordinated USGS “booths” at local, regional, and national meetings and answered questions.
  • Author and co-author, and graphic design and layout of many USGS Fact Sheets, which are publications that communicate science to the general public; general 5000-10,000 copies printed at a time often with second printings.
  • Created  posters, flyers, and brochures for Pasadena and Golden USGS office events, internal and public.
  • Science writer for USGS "Science for Everyone" articles.

Science Communications Articles for a Non-Technical Audience

  • Science for Everyone articles - Earthquake Hazards Program
  • Science for Everyone articles - Landslide Hazards Program
  • Science for Everyone articles - Geomagnetism Program

*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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