Hydrologist Brendan Hallmark drilling a hole in the ice of the Pecatonica River, Wisconsin. USGS sticker unfocused on pole in foreground. Location is at Marintown, WI streamgage 05434500.
Megan J Haserodt
Megan Haserodt is a Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
- groundwater flow modeling
- groundwater-surface water field investigations
- stream gaging
- wetlands
Professional Experience
2016-present Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Water Science Center
2014-2016 Hydrogeologist, Foth Environment, Inc., Duluth, MN
2012-2014 Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Geoscience
2011-2012 Environmental Scientist, Kenai Watershed Forum, Kenai, AK
2011 Reclamation Ecologist, Aster Canyon Consulting, Pinedale, WY
Education and Certifications
M.S., Hydrogeology - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
B.S., Geology and Chemistry- Hope College, 2007
SIT Viet Nam Delta Ecology and Resource Management Semester, 2011
Science and Products
Groundwater Flow and Temperature Modeling to Predict Stream Temperatures in Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology and Temperature, Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2022-2023
Slug test analysis results from unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers at Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Sauk County, Wisconsin, 2020
MODFLOW-NWT simulations of regional groundwater flow under mining and pre-mining scenarios near the Mesabi Iron Range within the St. Louis River Basin, northeastern Minnesota
Columbia County Groundwater Model
Data and model archive for multiple linear regression models for prediction of weighted cyanotoxin mixture concentrations and microcystin concentrations at three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in Minnesota
04087088 - Underwood Creek at Wauwatosa, WI - 2018/09/14 GPS Survey
MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Hydrologist Brendan Hallmark drilling a hole in the ice of the Pecatonica River, Wisconsin. USGS sticker unfocused on pole in foreground. Location is at Marintown, WI streamgage 05434500.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark drills a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark drills a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark uses an ice auger to drill a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark uses an ice auger to drill a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Pecatonica River at Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
The path cleared of snow on the river contains drilled holes that are used to measure streamflow under the ice.
Pecatonica River at Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
The path cleared of snow on the river contains drilled holes that are used to measure streamflow under the ice.
Scientist holding cell phone reflected in water in hole drilled in the frozen Pecatonica River, Wisconsin.
Scientist holding cell phone reflected in water in hole drilled in the frozen Pecatonica River, Wisconsin.
Stream habitat data is collected along a series of transects marked by tape measure and includes estimating rock size categories (for example, sand, gravel, cobble, boulders) with a guide (shown).
Stream habitat data is collected along a series of transects marked by tape measure and includes estimating rock size categories (for example, sand, gravel, cobble, boulders) with a guide (shown).
Bank height above the water surface is measured at each transect along a stream reach to estimate the channel and bed substrate as well as the type and size of sediment size that can be transported by the stream.
Bank height above the water surface is measured at each transect along a stream reach to estimate the channel and bed substrate as well as the type and size of sediment size that can be transported by the stream.
Stream habitat measurement showing meter stick and gravelometer used to measure channel depths and particle sizes.
Stream habitat measurement showing meter stick and gravelometer used to measure channel depths and particle sizes.
Simulation of groundwater flow at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Sauk County, Wisconsin
Hydrologic change in the St. Louis River Basin from iron mining on the Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota
Simulation of regional groundwater flow and groundwater/lake interactions in the Central Sands, Wisconsin
Groundwater/surface-water interactions in the Partridge River Basin and evaluation of hypothetical future mine pits, Minnesota
Appendix C: Central sands lakes study technical report: Modeling documentation
Assessment of groundwater trends near Crex Meadows, Wisconsin
Hydrology of Haskell Lake and investigation of a groundwater contamination plume, Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wisconsin
Simulation of the regional groundwater-flow system in the St. Louis River basin, Minnesota
Extraction and development of inset models in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers
Estimation of the groundwater resources of the bedrock aquifers at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
Science and Products
Groundwater Flow and Temperature Modeling to Predict Stream Temperatures in Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology and Temperature, Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2022-2023
Slug test analysis results from unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers at Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Sauk County, Wisconsin, 2020
MODFLOW-NWT simulations of regional groundwater flow under mining and pre-mining scenarios near the Mesabi Iron Range within the St. Louis River Basin, northeastern Minnesota
Columbia County Groundwater Model
Data and model archive for multiple linear regression models for prediction of weighted cyanotoxin mixture concentrations and microcystin concentrations at three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in Minnesota
04087088 - Underwood Creek at Wauwatosa, WI - 2018/09/14 GPS Survey
MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Hydrologist Brendan Hallmark drilling a hole in the ice of the Pecatonica River, Wisconsin. USGS sticker unfocused on pole in foreground. Location is at Marintown, WI streamgage 05434500.
Hydrologist Brendan Hallmark drilling a hole in the ice of the Pecatonica River, Wisconsin. USGS sticker unfocused on pole in foreground. Location is at Marintown, WI streamgage 05434500.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark drills a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark drills a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark uses an ice auger to drill a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Hydrologic technician Brendan Hallmark uses an ice auger to drill a hole in the frozen Pecatonica River at the Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
Pecatonica River at Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
The path cleared of snow on the river contains drilled holes that are used to measure streamflow under the ice.
Pecatonica River at Martintown, Wisconsin streamgage in winter.
The path cleared of snow on the river contains drilled holes that are used to measure streamflow under the ice.
Scientist holding cell phone reflected in water in hole drilled in the frozen Pecatonica River, Wisconsin.
Scientist holding cell phone reflected in water in hole drilled in the frozen Pecatonica River, Wisconsin.
Stream habitat data is collected along a series of transects marked by tape measure and includes estimating rock size categories (for example, sand, gravel, cobble, boulders) with a guide (shown).
Stream habitat data is collected along a series of transects marked by tape measure and includes estimating rock size categories (for example, sand, gravel, cobble, boulders) with a guide (shown).
Bank height above the water surface is measured at each transect along a stream reach to estimate the channel and bed substrate as well as the type and size of sediment size that can be transported by the stream.
Bank height above the water surface is measured at each transect along a stream reach to estimate the channel and bed substrate as well as the type and size of sediment size that can be transported by the stream.
Stream habitat measurement showing meter stick and gravelometer used to measure channel depths and particle sizes.
Stream habitat measurement showing meter stick and gravelometer used to measure channel depths and particle sizes.