Patricia K Haggerty (Former Employee)
Science and Products
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Drought-related responses of stream flow, climate, and vegetation productivity from the Donner und Blitzen watershed, Great Basin Desert, USA (1988-2020)
Airborne Thermal Infrared and High-resolution True-color Imagery and Longitudinal Profiles of Stream Temperatures, Upper Donner und Blitzen River Basin, Oregon, August 2020
Forest stands and LiDAR derived model estimates of marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) occupancy in the Coos Bay BLM District, Southwestern Oregon
Air and stream temperature and pressure for HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Oregon, 2020
Long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles in western North America, 2007-2017
Capture-mark-recapture data for Oregon spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) along the Deschutes River, Oregon, 2016-2019
Riparian Final Vegclass. Olympic National Park NRCA Westside Rivers Riparian Vegetation Project (2016)
Estimated Probabilities from Lidar Models for Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) Occupancy in Forest Vegetation Stands in the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
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Interpreting long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles: Prospecting and nomadism?
Demography of the Oregon spotted frog along a hydrologically modified river
Tree mortality in blue oak woodland during extreme drought in Sequoia National Park, California
Removal of cattle grazing correlates with increases in vegetation productivity and in abundance of imperiled breeding birds
Modeling habitat for Marbled Murrelets on the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon, using lidar data
Mercury and drought along the lower Carson River, Nevada: IV. Snowy egret post-fledging dispersal, timing of migration and survival, 2002–2004
Using occupancy models to accommodate uncertainty in the interpretation of aerial photograph data: status of beaver in Central Oregon, USA
North Cascades National Park Service Complex
Modeling marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat using LiDAR-derived canopy data
Golden eagle records from the Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey: information for wind energy management and planning
A Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Rocky Mountain National Park
Science and Products
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Drought-related responses of stream flow, climate, and vegetation productivity from the Donner und Blitzen watershed, Great Basin Desert, USA (1988-2020)
Airborne Thermal Infrared and High-resolution True-color Imagery and Longitudinal Profiles of Stream Temperatures, Upper Donner und Blitzen River Basin, Oregon, August 2020
Forest stands and LiDAR derived model estimates of marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) occupancy in the Coos Bay BLM District, Southwestern Oregon
Air and stream temperature and pressure for HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Oregon, 2020
Long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles in western North America, 2007-2017
Capture-mark-recapture data for Oregon spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) along the Deschutes River, Oregon, 2016-2019
Riparian Final Vegclass. Olympic National Park NRCA Westside Rivers Riparian Vegetation Project (2016)
Estimated Probabilities from Lidar Models for Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) Occupancy in Forest Vegetation Stands in the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Interpreting long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles: Prospecting and nomadism?
Demography of the Oregon spotted frog along a hydrologically modified river
Tree mortality in blue oak woodland during extreme drought in Sequoia National Park, California
Removal of cattle grazing correlates with increases in vegetation productivity and in abundance of imperiled breeding birds
Modeling habitat for Marbled Murrelets on the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon, using lidar data
Mercury and drought along the lower Carson River, Nevada: IV. Snowy egret post-fledging dispersal, timing of migration and survival, 2002–2004
Using occupancy models to accommodate uncertainty in the interpretation of aerial photograph data: status of beaver in Central Oregon, USA
North Cascades National Park Service Complex
Modeling marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat using LiDAR-derived canopy data
Golden eagle records from the Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey: information for wind energy management and planning
A Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Rocky Mountain National Park
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government