Paul Friesz (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 14
Evaluation of alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond, upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts
Kingsbury Pond is a glacial kettle pond in the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts, in the Mill River Basin, which is part of the Upper Charles River Basin in eastern Massachusetts. The pond is hydraulically connected to the surrounding groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wastewater return flows through septic sys
Paul M. Barlow, Paul J. Friesz, Jeffrey R. Barbaro
Areas contributing recharge to selected production wells in unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers in Chenango River Basin, New York
In the Chenango River Basin of central New York, unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers are an important source of drinking-water supplies. The risk of contaminating water withdrawn by wells that tap these aquifers might be reduced if the areas contributing recharge to the wells are delineated and these areas protected from land uses that might affect the water quality. The U.S. Geol
Paul J. Friesz, John H. Williams, Jason S. Finkelstein, Joshua C. Woda
Approaches for assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
The California Department of Transportation, commonly known as CalTrans, and other municipal separate storm sewer system permittees in California as well as other State departments of transportation nationwide need information about potential loads and yields (loads per unit area) of constituents of concern in stormwater runoff and discharges from stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Altho
Gregory E. Granato, Paul J. Friesz
Hydrogeologic framework and delineation of transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in the upper Santa Fe Group aquifer, southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1900–2050
The Santa Fe Group aquifer is an important source of water to communities within the Middle Rio Grande Basin, including the Albuquerque-Rio Rancho metropolitan area and Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. In November 1999, Kirtland Air Force Base personnel observed fuel-stained soils at the Bulk Fuels Facility on the base. Subsequent pressure tests identified pipeline leaks. Fuels stored at the B
Nathan C. Myers, Paul J. Friesz
Areas contributing recharge to production wells and effects of climate change on the groundwater system in the Chipuxet River and Chickasheen Brook Basins, Rhode Island
The Chipuxet River and Chickasheen Brook Basins in southern Rhode Island are an important water resource for public and domestic supply, irrigation, recreation, and aquatic habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Rhode Island Department of Health, began a study in 2012 as part of an effort to protect the source of water to six large-capacity production wells that supply drinki
Paul J. Friesz, Janet Radway Stone
Evaluating prediction uncertainty of areas contributing recharge to well fields of multiple water suppliers in the Hunt-Annaquatucket-Pettaquamscutt River Basins, Rhode Island
Three river basins in central Rhode Island-the Hunt River, the Annaquatucket River, and the Pettaquamscutt River-contain 15 production wells clustered in 4 pumping centers from which drinking water is withdrawn. These high-capacity production wells, operated by three water suppliers, are screened in coarse-grained deposits of glacial origin. The risk of contaminating water withdrawn by these well
Paul J. Friesz
Delineation and Prediction Uncertainty of Areas Contributing Recharge to Selected Well Fields in Wetland and Coastal Settings, Southern Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge to four well fields in two study sites in southern Rhode Island were delineated on the basis of steady-state groundwater-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The wells are screened in sand and gravel deposits in wetland and coastal settings. The groundwater-flow models were calibrated by inverse modeling using nonlinear regression. Summary statistics
Paul J. Friesz
Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Areas Contributing Recharge to Production Wells in Contrasting Glacial Valley-Fill Settings, Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge and sources of water to a production well field in the Village of Harrisville and to a production well field in the Town of Richmond were delineated on the basis of calibrated, steady-state ground-water-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The study sites represent contrasting glacial valley-fill settings. The area contributing recharge to a well is d
Paul J. Friesz, Janet Radway Stone
Delineation of areas contributing recharge to selected public-supply wells in Glacial Valley-Fill and Wetland Settings, Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge and sources of water to one proposed and seven present public-supply wells, screened in sand and gravel deposits and clustered in three study areas, were determined on the basis of calibrated, steady-state ground-water-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The area contributing recharge to a well is defined as the surface area where water recharges the
Paul J. Friesz
Pond-aquifer interaction at South Pond of Lake Cochituate, Natick, Massachusetts
A U.S. Army facility on a peninsula in South Pond of Lake Cochituate was designated a Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1994 because contaminated ground water was detected at the facility, which is near the Natick Springvale public-supply wellfield. The interaction between South Pond and the underlying aquifer controls ground-water flow patterns near the pond and determ
Paul J. Friesz, Peter E. Church
Hydrology and trophic ecology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts
No abstract available.
Paul J. Friesz, John A. Colman
Geohydrology and limnology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts
The trophic ecology and ground-water contributing area of Walden Pond, in Concord and Lincoln, Mass., were investigated by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management from April 1997 to July 2000. Bathymetric investigation indicated that Walden Pond (24.88 hectares), a glacial kettle-hole lake with no surface inlet or outlet, has three de
John A. Colman, Paul J. Friesz
Simulation of Contributing Areas to Selected Public Water-Supply Wellfields in the Valley-Fill Aquifers of New York State
Background For effective wellhead protection, the area where water carrying potential contaminants can enter the groundwater system and flow to the supply well must first be defined, and then best management practices need to be implemented to minimize the opportunity for contamination to occur in areas defined as sources of water to the well. Determination of the sources of water and contributi
MODFLOW-2000 and Management-Optimization Models Used to Evaluate Alternative Groundwater-Withdrawal Scenarios on Water Levels in Kingsbury Pond, Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts
An existing, three-dimensional, transient groundwater-flow model of the Upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts, was modified to evaluate alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond. The pond is hydraulically connected to the groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wast
Model archive for Assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading Dilution Model (SELDM)
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitees including the California Department of Transportation need information about potential loads and yields (loads per unit area) of constituents of concern in stormwater runoff. These entities also need information about the potential effectiveness of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) used to mitigate the effects of runoff. This informat
MODFLOW-LGR2 groundwater-flow model used to delineate transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in the upper Santa Fe Group Aquifer, southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico
A three-dimensional groundwater-flow model of a 73.2 square mile area in southeastern Albuquerque,
New Mexico was designed and coupled to a regional (parent) model of the Middle Rio Grande Basin with
the local-grid refinement numerical code MODFLOW-LGR2. This fine-gridded local (child) model was designed to simulate the response of the aquifer to pumping stresses and simulate advective groundwat
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 14
Evaluation of alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond, upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts
Kingsbury Pond is a glacial kettle pond in the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts, in the Mill River Basin, which is part of the Upper Charles River Basin in eastern Massachusetts. The pond is hydraulically connected to the surrounding groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wastewater return flows through septic sys
Paul M. Barlow, Paul J. Friesz, Jeffrey R. Barbaro
Areas contributing recharge to selected production wells in unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers in Chenango River Basin, New York
In the Chenango River Basin of central New York, unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers are an important source of drinking-water supplies. The risk of contaminating water withdrawn by wells that tap these aquifers might be reduced if the areas contributing recharge to the wells are delineated and these areas protected from land uses that might affect the water quality. The U.S. Geol
Paul J. Friesz, John H. Williams, Jason S. Finkelstein, Joshua C. Woda
Approaches for assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
The California Department of Transportation, commonly known as CalTrans, and other municipal separate storm sewer system permittees in California as well as other State departments of transportation nationwide need information about potential loads and yields (loads per unit area) of constituents of concern in stormwater runoff and discharges from stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Altho
Gregory E. Granato, Paul J. Friesz
Hydrogeologic framework and delineation of transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in the upper Santa Fe Group aquifer, southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1900–2050
The Santa Fe Group aquifer is an important source of water to communities within the Middle Rio Grande Basin, including the Albuquerque-Rio Rancho metropolitan area and Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. In November 1999, Kirtland Air Force Base personnel observed fuel-stained soils at the Bulk Fuels Facility on the base. Subsequent pressure tests identified pipeline leaks. Fuels stored at the B
Nathan C. Myers, Paul J. Friesz
Areas contributing recharge to production wells and effects of climate change on the groundwater system in the Chipuxet River and Chickasheen Brook Basins, Rhode Island
The Chipuxet River and Chickasheen Brook Basins in southern Rhode Island are an important water resource for public and domestic supply, irrigation, recreation, and aquatic habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Rhode Island Department of Health, began a study in 2012 as part of an effort to protect the source of water to six large-capacity production wells that supply drinki
Paul J. Friesz, Janet Radway Stone
Evaluating prediction uncertainty of areas contributing recharge to well fields of multiple water suppliers in the Hunt-Annaquatucket-Pettaquamscutt River Basins, Rhode Island
Three river basins in central Rhode Island-the Hunt River, the Annaquatucket River, and the Pettaquamscutt River-contain 15 production wells clustered in 4 pumping centers from which drinking water is withdrawn. These high-capacity production wells, operated by three water suppliers, are screened in coarse-grained deposits of glacial origin. The risk of contaminating water withdrawn by these well
Paul J. Friesz
Delineation and Prediction Uncertainty of Areas Contributing Recharge to Selected Well Fields in Wetland and Coastal Settings, Southern Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge to four well fields in two study sites in southern Rhode Island were delineated on the basis of steady-state groundwater-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The wells are screened in sand and gravel deposits in wetland and coastal settings. The groundwater-flow models were calibrated by inverse modeling using nonlinear regression. Summary statistics
Paul J. Friesz
Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Areas Contributing Recharge to Production Wells in Contrasting Glacial Valley-Fill Settings, Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge and sources of water to a production well field in the Village of Harrisville and to a production well field in the Town of Richmond were delineated on the basis of calibrated, steady-state ground-water-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The study sites represent contrasting glacial valley-fill settings. The area contributing recharge to a well is d
Paul J. Friesz, Janet Radway Stone
Delineation of areas contributing recharge to selected public-supply wells in Glacial Valley-Fill and Wetland Settings, Rhode Island
Areas contributing recharge and sources of water to one proposed and seven present public-supply wells, screened in sand and gravel deposits and clustered in three study areas, were determined on the basis of calibrated, steady-state ground-water-flow models representing average hydrologic conditions. The area contributing recharge to a well is defined as the surface area where water recharges the
Paul J. Friesz
Pond-aquifer interaction at South Pond of Lake Cochituate, Natick, Massachusetts
A U.S. Army facility on a peninsula in South Pond of Lake Cochituate was designated a Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1994 because contaminated ground water was detected at the facility, which is near the Natick Springvale public-supply wellfield. The interaction between South Pond and the underlying aquifer controls ground-water flow patterns near the pond and determ
Paul J. Friesz, Peter E. Church
Hydrology and trophic ecology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts
No abstract available.
Paul J. Friesz, John A. Colman
Geohydrology and limnology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts
The trophic ecology and ground-water contributing area of Walden Pond, in Concord and Lincoln, Mass., were investigated by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management from April 1997 to July 2000. Bathymetric investigation indicated that Walden Pond (24.88 hectares), a glacial kettle-hole lake with no surface inlet or outlet, has three de
John A. Colman, Paul J. Friesz
Simulation of Contributing Areas to Selected Public Water-Supply Wellfields in the Valley-Fill Aquifers of New York State
Background For effective wellhead protection, the area where water carrying potential contaminants can enter the groundwater system and flow to the supply well must first be defined, and then best management practices need to be implemented to minimize the opportunity for contamination to occur in areas defined as sources of water to the well. Determination of the sources of water and contributi
MODFLOW-2000 and Management-Optimization Models Used to Evaluate Alternative Groundwater-Withdrawal Scenarios on Water Levels in Kingsbury Pond, Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts
An existing, three-dimensional, transient groundwater-flow model of the Upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts, was modified to evaluate alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond. The pond is hydraulically connected to the groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wast
Model archive for Assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading Dilution Model (SELDM)
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitees including the California Department of Transportation need information about potential loads and yields (loads per unit area) of constituents of concern in stormwater runoff. These entities also need information about the potential effectiveness of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) used to mitigate the effects of runoff. This informat
MODFLOW-LGR2 groundwater-flow model used to delineate transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in the upper Santa Fe Group Aquifer, southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico
A three-dimensional groundwater-flow model of a 73.2 square mile area in southeastern Albuquerque,
New Mexico was designed and coupled to a regional (parent) model of the Middle Rio Grande Basin with
the local-grid refinement numerical code MODFLOW-LGR2. This fine-gridded local (child) model was designed to simulate the response of the aquifer to pumping stresses and simulate advective groundwat