A group photo of the 13 members of the Cataract Canyon segment of the SCREE taken at the Dirty Devil (Lake Powell) take-out. From left to right: Ben Kraushaar, Pat Kikut, Matt Cuzzocreo, Tess Harden, Rick Moscati, Erika Osborne, Jessica Flock, Jan McCool, Dan McCool, John Weisheit, Kate Hudson, Tom Minckley, and Cody Perry.
Richard J Moscati
Rick Moscati currently works in the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry (G3) Science Center conducting research in geochronology and isotope geochemistry.
Rick Moscati began his career in Chicago as a geologist for the USEPA in 1990. In 1991 he was hired by the USGS, Branch of Isotope Geology in Denver, and then transferred to the Yucca Mountain Project Branch (YMPB) where he conducted research from 1992 to 2010 in stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies on the history of secondary mineral deposition (largely calcite and silica) in soil and unsaturated-zone settings and as PI of the Isotope and Chemical Monitoring of Precipitation study. Since 2010 Rick has focused on geochemical studies involving radiogenic isotopes (U, Pb, Sr, and Nd) using TIMS techniques, trace element geochemistry, and in situ (SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb analyses of minerals for geochronology studies. Among the many projects he was/is involved in, a few standout: zircon geochronology of the Proterozoic Colorado Province, the Afghanistan geochronology project, Angel Lake (Nevada), Chalk River (Ontario), the Mountain Pass REE deposit (California), and the U-Pb dating of cassiterite from many locations and geologic environments around the world including the Sullivan SedEx deposit (British Columbia), Cornwall (England), Abu Dabbab (Egypt), and Yazov (Russia). In 2018 Rick expanded his research and joined the 40Ar/39Ar geochronology lab where he assists in method development and providing a variety of USGS and outside projects with 40Ar/39Ar age data of volcanic rocks.
Science and Products
Argon Geochronology
SHRIMP-RG U-Pb zircon geochronology and geochemistry, and whole-rock geochemistry and radioisotope data of select samples from southern California and Arizona, and northern Mexico
Þingmúli Volcanic Complex, eastern Iceland: Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data, 2024
Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Nevada: U-Pb zircon age and trace element data and whole-rock Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data
Data Release of Geochemical, Geochronologic, and Isotopic Data for Precambrian to Cenozoic Rocks from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Quetrupillán Volcanic Complex, southern Chile: Argon age data and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data
U-Pb and Ar-Ar age data and whole rock geochemistry data of igneous and metasedimentary rocks of northeast Afghanistan (ver. 2.0, June 2024)
Pb-Pb and U-Pb data of Proterozoic to Phanerozoic cassiterite deposits in Russia
In situ U-Pb dating of apatite and rutile from St. Francois Mountains IOA and IOCG deposits, southeast Missouri
U-Pb data for the Coles Hill uranium deposit, Virginia
U-Pb data for inherited cassiterite in "Tin Granites", an example from the Yazov Granite, Eastern Siberia
U-Pb data for Origin of Tin Mineralization in the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, British Columbia: Constraints from Textures, Geochemistry, and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Geochronology of Cassiterite
U-Pb data for: Monazite and cassiterite U-Pb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
Geologic map of the upper Arkansas River valley region, north-central Colorado
A group photo of the 13 members of the Cataract Canyon segment of the SCREE taken at the Dirty Devil (Lake Powell) take-out. From left to right: Ben Kraushaar, Pat Kikut, Matt Cuzzocreo, Tess Harden, Rick Moscati, Erika Osborne, Jessica Flock, Jan McCool, Dan McCool, John Weisheit, Kate Hudson, Tom Minckley, and Cody Perry.
The black silhouettes of the SCREE flotilla drifts in the shadow of rock walls within Narrow Canyon of the Colorado River.
The black silhouettes of the SCREE flotilla drifts in the shadow of rock walls within Narrow Canyon of the Colorado River.
The "groover" is river slang for the toilet. At every camp, the groover site is choosen to accommodate a scenic view as well as to provide its users with a modicum of privacy. At our Ledge Camp, it was easy to find groover users an incredible view, but the privacy factor was in short supply. If you're on a river trip, you can't be groover shy!
The "groover" is river slang for the toilet. At every camp, the groover site is choosen to accommodate a scenic view as well as to provide its users with a modicum of privacy. At our Ledge Camp, it was easy to find groover users an incredible view, but the privacy factor was in short supply. If you're on a river trip, you can't be groover shy!
The SCREE boats are tied off at a rock ledge camp along the Colorado River at Mile 178.
The SCREE boats are tied off at a rock ledge camp along the Colorado River at Mile 178.

Paper Powell is posed in the bow of a boat relaxing upon calm waters and in the morning shade within the canyon.
Paper Powell is posed in the bow of a boat relaxing upon calm waters and in the morning shade within the canyon.
The SCREE team gathered around John Weisheit overlooking Rapid 15. John Weisheit is a river guide who has made over 400 trips through Cataract Canyon. He is describing to the SCREE team the line to take through the forthcoming sets of rapids.
The SCREE team gathered around John Weisheit overlooking Rapid 15. John Weisheit is a river guide who has made over 400 trips through Cataract Canyon. He is describing to the SCREE team the line to take through the forthcoming sets of rapids.
Tess Harden and Rick Moscati (the USGS participants for this river segment) pose for a "selfie" in front of the "Danger" sign preceeding Cataract Canyon.
Tess Harden and Rick Moscati (the USGS participants for this river segment) pose for a "selfie" in front of the "Danger" sign preceeding Cataract Canyon.

The SCREE flotilla in the calm waters of Stillwater Canyon
The SCREE flotilla in the calm waters of Stillwater Canyon
Sunset view, looking east, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking east, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking west, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking west, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Our media or film crew, Ben Kraushaar and Cody Perry, floating by the Organ Rock Shale in their boat filled with A/V equipment.
Our media or film crew, Ben Kraushaar and Cody Perry, floating by the Organ Rock Shale in their boat filled with A/V equipment.
Taken from the saddle, a panoramic view of the Bowknot Bend of the Green River. The Bowknot Bend is 7 river miles around. Erosion will eventually shorten the river course considerably.
Taken from the saddle, a panoramic view of the Bowknot Bend of the Green River. The Bowknot Bend is 7 river miles around. Erosion will eventually shorten the river course considerably.
Three SCREE hikers traversing a thin hiking trail to the saddle that separates the two arms of the Green River that defines the Bowknot Bend at Mile 63.
Three SCREE hikers traversing a thin hiking trail to the saddle that separates the two arms of the Green River that defines the Bowknot Bend at Mile 63.
This was the morning view from my tent at our camp (Mile 90) at Trin-Alcove Bend.
This was the morning view from my tent at our camp (Mile 90) at Trin-Alcove Bend.
At about Mile 102 you can see Dellenbaugh Butte, which is also known as The Anvil, or Inkwell Butte. Powell camped here July 14, 1869. The majority of the butte is composed of the Summerville Formation.
At about Mile 102 you can see Dellenbaugh Butte, which is also known as The Anvil, or Inkwell Butte. Powell camped here July 14, 1869. The majority of the butte is composed of the Summerville Formation.
SCREE film maker, Ben Kraushaar, passes under I-70 at Green River, UT. The next time he will see a bridge over his boat will be 166 river miles away, on the Colorado River, at Hite, UT.
SCREE film maker, Ben Kraushaar, passes under I-70 at Green River, UT. The next time he will see a bridge over his boat will be 166 river miles away, on the Colorado River, at Hite, UT.
Details of Crystal Geyser can be found at https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/geosights/crystal-geyser/ Photo shows tufa deposits at the geyser deposited by disolved calcium carbonate.
Details of Crystal Geyser can be found at https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/geosights/crystal-geyser/ Photo shows tufa deposits at the geyser deposited by disolved calcium carbonate.
Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS: Examples spanning ~1.85 Ga to ~100 Ma in Russia and implications for dating Proterozoic to Phanerozoic tin deposits.
LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating reveals cassiterite inheritance in the Yazov granite, Eastern Siberia: Implications for tin mineralization
Monazite and cassiterite Usingle bondPb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
U-Pb geochronology of tin deposits associated with the Cornubian Batholith of southwest England: Direct dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS
Igneous and detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronology of the late Meso- to Neoproterozoic northwest Botswana rift: Maximum depositional age and provenance of the Ghanzi Group, Kalahari Copperbelt, Botswana and Namibia
In situ LA-ICPMS U–Pb dating of cassiterite without a known-age matrix-matched reference material: Examples from worldwide tin deposits spanning the Proterozoic to the Tertiary
U-Pb ages and geochemistry of zircon from Proterozoic plutons of the Sawatch and Mosquito ranges, Colorado, U.S.A.: Implications for crustal growth of the central Colorado province
High spatial resolution U-Pb geochronology and Pb isotope geochemistry of magnetite-apatite ore from the Pea Ridge iron oxide-apatite deposit, St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri, USA
Major element and oxygen isotope geochemistry of vapour-phase garnet from the Topopah Spring Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA
U–Pb, Rb–Sr, and U-series isotope geochemistry of rocks and fracture minerals from the Chalk River Laboratories site, Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada
Mass fractionation of noble gases in synthetic methane hydrate: Implications for naturally occurring gas hydrate dissociation
Fluid geochemistry of Yucca Mountain and vicinity
Science and Products
Argon Geochronology
SHRIMP-RG U-Pb zircon geochronology and geochemistry, and whole-rock geochemistry and radioisotope data of select samples from southern California and Arizona, and northern Mexico
Þingmúli Volcanic Complex, eastern Iceland: Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data, 2024
Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Nevada: U-Pb zircon age and trace element data and whole-rock Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data
Data Release of Geochemical, Geochronologic, and Isotopic Data for Precambrian to Cenozoic Rocks from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Quetrupillán Volcanic Complex, southern Chile: Argon age data and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data
U-Pb and Ar-Ar age data and whole rock geochemistry data of igneous and metasedimentary rocks of northeast Afghanistan (ver. 2.0, June 2024)
Pb-Pb and U-Pb data of Proterozoic to Phanerozoic cassiterite deposits in Russia
In situ U-Pb dating of apatite and rutile from St. Francois Mountains IOA and IOCG deposits, southeast Missouri
U-Pb data for the Coles Hill uranium deposit, Virginia
U-Pb data for inherited cassiterite in "Tin Granites", an example from the Yazov Granite, Eastern Siberia
U-Pb data for Origin of Tin Mineralization in the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, British Columbia: Constraints from Textures, Geochemistry, and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Geochronology of Cassiterite
U-Pb data for: Monazite and cassiterite U-Pb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
Geologic map of the upper Arkansas River valley region, north-central Colorado
A group photo of the 13 members of the Cataract Canyon segment of the SCREE taken at the Dirty Devil (Lake Powell) take-out. From left to right: Ben Kraushaar, Pat Kikut, Matt Cuzzocreo, Tess Harden, Rick Moscati, Erika Osborne, Jessica Flock, Jan McCool, Dan McCool, John Weisheit, Kate Hudson, Tom Minckley, and Cody Perry.
A group photo of the 13 members of the Cataract Canyon segment of the SCREE taken at the Dirty Devil (Lake Powell) take-out. From left to right: Ben Kraushaar, Pat Kikut, Matt Cuzzocreo, Tess Harden, Rick Moscati, Erika Osborne, Jessica Flock, Jan McCool, Dan McCool, John Weisheit, Kate Hudson, Tom Minckley, and Cody Perry.
The black silhouettes of the SCREE flotilla drifts in the shadow of rock walls within Narrow Canyon of the Colorado River.
The black silhouettes of the SCREE flotilla drifts in the shadow of rock walls within Narrow Canyon of the Colorado River.
The "groover" is river slang for the toilet. At every camp, the groover site is choosen to accommodate a scenic view as well as to provide its users with a modicum of privacy. At our Ledge Camp, it was easy to find groover users an incredible view, but the privacy factor was in short supply. If you're on a river trip, you can't be groover shy!
The "groover" is river slang for the toilet. At every camp, the groover site is choosen to accommodate a scenic view as well as to provide its users with a modicum of privacy. At our Ledge Camp, it was easy to find groover users an incredible view, but the privacy factor was in short supply. If you're on a river trip, you can't be groover shy!
The SCREE boats are tied off at a rock ledge camp along the Colorado River at Mile 178.
The SCREE boats are tied off at a rock ledge camp along the Colorado River at Mile 178.

Paper Powell is posed in the bow of a boat relaxing upon calm waters and in the morning shade within the canyon.
Paper Powell is posed in the bow of a boat relaxing upon calm waters and in the morning shade within the canyon.
The SCREE team gathered around John Weisheit overlooking Rapid 15. John Weisheit is a river guide who has made over 400 trips through Cataract Canyon. He is describing to the SCREE team the line to take through the forthcoming sets of rapids.
The SCREE team gathered around John Weisheit overlooking Rapid 15. John Weisheit is a river guide who has made over 400 trips through Cataract Canyon. He is describing to the SCREE team the line to take through the forthcoming sets of rapids.
Tess Harden and Rick Moscati (the USGS participants for this river segment) pose for a "selfie" in front of the "Danger" sign preceeding Cataract Canyon.
Tess Harden and Rick Moscati (the USGS participants for this river segment) pose for a "selfie" in front of the "Danger" sign preceeding Cataract Canyon.

The SCREE flotilla in the calm waters of Stillwater Canyon
The SCREE flotilla in the calm waters of Stillwater Canyon
Sunset view, looking east, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking east, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking west, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Sunset view, looking west, at Turks Head campsite, Green River, Mile 21.
Our media or film crew, Ben Kraushaar and Cody Perry, floating by the Organ Rock Shale in their boat filled with A/V equipment.
Our media or film crew, Ben Kraushaar and Cody Perry, floating by the Organ Rock Shale in their boat filled with A/V equipment.
Taken from the saddle, a panoramic view of the Bowknot Bend of the Green River. The Bowknot Bend is 7 river miles around. Erosion will eventually shorten the river course considerably.
Taken from the saddle, a panoramic view of the Bowknot Bend of the Green River. The Bowknot Bend is 7 river miles around. Erosion will eventually shorten the river course considerably.
Three SCREE hikers traversing a thin hiking trail to the saddle that separates the two arms of the Green River that defines the Bowknot Bend at Mile 63.
Three SCREE hikers traversing a thin hiking trail to the saddle that separates the two arms of the Green River that defines the Bowknot Bend at Mile 63.
This was the morning view from my tent at our camp (Mile 90) at Trin-Alcove Bend.
This was the morning view from my tent at our camp (Mile 90) at Trin-Alcove Bend.
At about Mile 102 you can see Dellenbaugh Butte, which is also known as The Anvil, or Inkwell Butte. Powell camped here July 14, 1869. The majority of the butte is composed of the Summerville Formation.
At about Mile 102 you can see Dellenbaugh Butte, which is also known as The Anvil, or Inkwell Butte. Powell camped here July 14, 1869. The majority of the butte is composed of the Summerville Formation.
SCREE film maker, Ben Kraushaar, passes under I-70 at Green River, UT. The next time he will see a bridge over his boat will be 166 river miles away, on the Colorado River, at Hite, UT.
SCREE film maker, Ben Kraushaar, passes under I-70 at Green River, UT. The next time he will see a bridge over his boat will be 166 river miles away, on the Colorado River, at Hite, UT.
Details of Crystal Geyser can be found at https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/geosights/crystal-geyser/ Photo shows tufa deposits at the geyser deposited by disolved calcium carbonate.
Details of Crystal Geyser can be found at https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/geosights/crystal-geyser/ Photo shows tufa deposits at the geyser deposited by disolved calcium carbonate.