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Richard L Kiesling, Ph.D.

Dr. Kiesling is a hydrologist and limnologist with USGS. He holds a B.S. in Biology from the University of Minnesota (1980) and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Michigan (1990) with specialization in limnology and community ecology. He is currently the Lake Specialist with the Minnesota Water Science Office, Upper Midwest Water Science Center.

Research Interests:

Dr. Kiesling’s current research includes studies of the effects of endocrine disruption on lake fish communities and the effects of land use and hydrologic modifications on nutrient fate and transport in aquatic ecosystems. Current research projects include modeling the effect of landuse and hydrologic modifications on nutrient fate and transport in lake and reservoir systems; linking spatial analysis of watersheds with mechanistic, biological response models of lakes; and developing nutrient and aquatic habitat restoration criteria through the use of predictive, biophysical ecosystem models


1980      B.S.  Biology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

1990      Ph. D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Professional Experience:

    US Geological Survey: Hydrologist 8/2001 to present

  • Limnology Specialist, 9/2005 to present
  • Water Quality Specialist 8/2008 to 9/2020

    Tarleton State University:

  • Adjunct Professor, Environmental Sciences, Tarleton State University, 1/99 to 8/07
  • Research Scientist, Environmental Sciences Program, Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research; Tarleton State University, 1/98 to 8/01

     Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission:

  • Research Scientist and Team Leader, Ecosystem Research and Assessment Team, Research and Environmental Assessments Division 1993 to 1997
  • Research Scientist, Science Policy and Research Section, Standards and Assessment Division, Texas Water Commission, 1992 to 1993
  • Aquatic Ecologist, Water Quality Standards Team, Standards and Assessment Division, Texas Water Commission, 1990 to 1992

Additional Work Experience:

     University Appointments: 2001-2014

  • St. Cloud State University - Adjunct Professor. Dept. of Biology, 9/2013 to present
  • University of Minnesota - Research Associate, Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, 2/2006 to 2/2008
  • University of Texas - Research Fellow, Environmental Science Institute, 1/02 to 8/2008
  • University of Michigan - Lecturer for General Ecology, Biology 381, University of Michigan 6/88‑12/89

     International Consulting

  • Instream Flow Water Resource Consultant, Environmental Policies and Institutions for Armenia, ARD Inc., US Agency for International Development, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 10/01 to 4/03
  • Water Quality Consultant, Environmental Policies and Institutions for Central Asia, US Agency for International Development, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 4/99 to 8/99

Professional Affiliations:

  • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
  • International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
  • North American Lake Management Society
  • Phycological Society of America


Refereed Publications -

  • Smith, E.A., Kiesling, R.L., and Hayter, E.J. 2020. Simulation of discharge, water-surface elevations, and water tem

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