Steve A Farha
Steve Farha is a Biological Science Technician based in Ann Arbor, MI.
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Demographic, morphometric, and meristic data describing cisco (Coregonus artedi) captured in the Spanish River, Ontario, Canada, 15-16 November 2022
These data describe demographic (e.g, age), morphometric (body shape), and meristic (total number of gill rakers) measurements of a probable spawning run of cisco (Coregonus artedi) collected from the Spanish River (Ontario, Canada) immediately downstream of the Espanola Dam from 15-16 November 2022. These data were used to provide baseline biological, demographic, and morphological...
Hydroacoustic data from uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) overtakes in Lake Superior, 2022
These data were derived from hydroacoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) and powered research vessels in Lake Superior in 2022. The powered vessels overtook the USVs to study fish avoidance of survey vessels during traditional acoustic surveys. The water column was divided into four depth groups for analysis. Each USV transect was binned into 30-sec intervals and...
Lakebed features extracted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes
Acoustic seabed classification (ASC) is an important method for understanding landscape-level physical and biological patterns in the aquatic environment. Bottom habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes are poorly mapped to date, and will require a variety of contributors and data sources to complete. We repurposed a long-term split-beam echosounder dataset gathered for purposes of...
Hydroacoustic data from uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) overtakes in Lakes Huron and Michigan, 2021
These data were derived from hydroacoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) and powered research vessels. The powered vessels overtook the USVs in Lakes Huron and Michigan to study fish avoidance of survey vessels during traditional acoustic surveys. The water column was divided into three depth groups (epilimnion, metalimnion, hypolimnion) for analysis. Each drone...
Wild lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diets from annual Lake Huron fall bottom trawl surveys (2008-2017)
Diet analyses were performed on juvenile lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) captured by bottom trawl during annual USGS Great Lakes Science Center demersal fish community surveys in mid-October to mid-November 2008?2017 in Lake Huron. This dataset contains lake trout capture information (e.g., location, depth) and diet item data (taxa consumed and their associated lengths).
Publications by this scientist
Filter Total Items: 20
Documentation of a probable spawning run of cisco Coregonus artedi in the Spanish River, Ontario, Canada
Coregonines were historically diverse and abundant in the Laurentian Great Lakes but declined throughout the 19th and 20th centuries due to multiple factors, including overfishing, habitat degradation, and interactions with invasive species. Great Lakes fishery managers are now working to restore coregonines across the basin. An important aspect of restoration efforts is the...
Andrew Edgar Honsey, Ralph W. Tingley, Katie Victoria Anweiler, Cory Brant, Marc Chalupnicki, Chris Davis, Steve A. Farha, Paul William Fedorowicz, Todd Hayden, Philippa Kohn, Benjamin Scott Leonhardt, Brian O'Malley
Paired comparisons with quiet surface drones show evidence of fish behavioral response to motorized vessels during acoustic surveys in Lake Superior
Acoustic surveys are important for fish stock assessments, but fish responses to survey vessels can bias acoustic estimates. We leveraged quiet uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) to characterize potential bias in acoustic surveys. Five conventional motorized ships overtook USVs from astern over 2 km transects at night in Lake Superior in 2022. We examined the difference in acoustic...
Thomas M. Evans, Lars G. Rudstam, Suresh A Sethi, Daniel Yule, David Warner, Steve A. Farha, Andrew R. Barnard, Mark Richard Dufour, Timothy P. O'Brien, Kayden Nasworthy, Ian Harding, Bradley A. Ray, Edmund J. Isaac, Joshua Blankenheim, Hannah B. Blair, James M. Watkins, Steven A. Senczyszyn, James Roberts, Peter C. Esselman
Status and trends of pelagic and benthic prey fish populations in Lake Michigan, 2023
Fall bottom trawl (fall BT) and lakewide acoustic (AC) surveys are conducted annually to generate indices of pelagic and benthic prey fish densities in Lake Michigan. The fall BT survey has been conducted each fall since 1973 using 12-m trawls at depths ranging from 9 to 110 m at fixed locations distributed across seven transects; this survey estimates densities of seven prey fish...
David Warner, Ralph W. Tingley, Charles P. Madenjian, Cory Brant, Steve A. Farha, Patricia Dieter, Benjamin A. Turschak, Dale Hanson, Kristy Phillips, Caleb Geister
Large-scale variation in lakebed properties interpreted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes
Acoustic seabed classification (ASC) is an important method for understanding landscape-level physical and biological patterns in the aquatic environment. Bottom habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes are poorly mapped to date, and will require a variety of contributors and data sources to complete. We repurposed a long-term split-beam echosounder dataset gathered for purposes of...
Samuel Pecoraro, Peter C. Esselman, Timothy P. O'Brien, Steve A. Farha, David Warner
Diet and bathymetric distribution of juvenile Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron
Rehabilitation efforts for Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron have resulted in increased capture of young wild Lake Trout in annual bottom trawl surveys conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. To better understand the ecology of juvenile (
Edward F. Roseman, Stephen Riley, Taaja Tucker, Steve A. Farha, Scott Jackson, Dustin Bowser
Evidence of spawning by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on substrates at the base of large boulders in northern Lake Huron
Identification of lake trout spawning sites has focused on cobble substrates associated with bathymetric relief (e.g., ‘contour’ or ‘slope’ along reefs), but this ‘model’ may be narrow in scope. Previous telemetry work conducted near Drummond Island, USA, Lake Huron, identified egg presence in substrates at the base of large boulders (>1 m diameter); however, the extent of this...
Steve A. Farha, Thomas Binder, Charles R. Bronte, Daniel B. Hayes, John Janssen, J. Ellen Marsden, Stephen Riley, Charles C. Krueger
Status and trends of pelagic prey fish in Lake Huron, 2018
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center conducted integrated acoustic and mid-water trawl surveys of Lake Huron annually from 2004-2018. The 2018 survey was conducted during September and included transects in Lake Huron’s main basin, Georgian Bay, and North Channel. Mean lake-wide pelagic fish density was 1532 fish/ha and mean pelagic fish biomass was...
Timothy P. O'Brien, Steve A. Farha, David Warner, Peter C. Esselman, Kristy Phillips, Steven Lenart, Chris Olds
A conceptual framework for the identification and characterization of lacustrine spawning habitats for native lake charr Salvelinus namaycush
Lake charr Salvelinus namaycush are endemic to the formerly glaciated regions of North America and spawn primarily in lakes, unlike most other Salmoninae. Spawning habitats for lake charr are thought to be characterized by relatively large substrate particle sizes which provide sufficient interstitial spaces for egg incubation, but little is known about the physical processes that create...
Stephen Riley, J. E. Marsden, M. S. Ridgway, Christopher Konrad, Steve A. Farha, Thomas R. Binder, Trevor A. Middel, Peter C. Esselman, Charles C. Krueger
Status and trends of pelagic prey fish in Lake Huron, 2017
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center conducted integrated acoustic and mid-water trawl surveys of Lake Huron in 1997 and annually from 2004-2017. The 2017 survey was conducted during September and included transects in Lake Huron’s main basin, Georgian Bay, and North Channel. Mean lake-wide pelagic fish density was 1582 fish/ha and mean pelagic fish...
Timothy P. O'Brien, David M. Warner, Peter C. Esselman, Steve A. Farha, Steve Lenart, Chris Olds, Kristy Phillips
Fine-scale acoustic telemetry reveals unexpected lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, spawning habitats in northern Lake Huron, North America
Previous studies of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, spawning habitat in the Laurentian Great Lakes have used time- and labour-intensive survey methods and have focused on areas with historic observations of spawning aggregations and on habitats prejudged by researchers to be suitable for spawning. As an alternative, we used fine-scale acoustic telemetry to locate, describe and compare...
Thomas Binder, Steve A. Farha, Henry T. Thompson, Christopher Holbrook, Roger A. Bergstedt, Stephen Riley, Charles R. Bronte, Ji He, Charles C. Krueger
Evidence of sound production by spawning lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes Huron and Champlain
Two sounds associated with spawning lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes Huron and Champlain were characterized by comparing sound recordings to behavioral data collected using acoustic telemetry and video. These sounds were named growls and snaps, and were heard on lake trout spawning reefs, but not on a non-spawning reef, and were more common at night than during the day. Growls...
Nicholas S. Johnson, Dennis Higgs, Thomas R. Binder, J. Ellen Marsden, Tyler John Buchinger, Linnea Brege, Tyler Bruning, Steve A. Farha, Charles C. Krueger
Age and growth of round gobies in Lake Huron: Implications for food web dynamics
Although the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has become established throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes, information is scarce on spatial variation in round goby growth between and within lakes. Based on a sample of 754 specimens captured in 2014, age, growth, and mortality of round gobies at four locations in Lake Huron were assessed via otolith analysis. Total length (TL) of...
You J. Duan, Charles P. Madenjian, Cong X. Xie, James S. Diana, Timothy P. O'Brien, Ying M. Zhao, Ji X. He, Steve A. Farha, Bin Huo
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Demographic, morphometric, and meristic data describing cisco (Coregonus artedi) captured in the Spanish River, Ontario, Canada, 15-16 November 2022
These data describe demographic (e.g, age), morphometric (body shape), and meristic (total number of gill rakers) measurements of a probable spawning run of cisco (Coregonus artedi) collected from the Spanish River (Ontario, Canada) immediately downstream of the Espanola Dam from 15-16 November 2022. These data were used to provide baseline biological, demographic, and morphological...
Hydroacoustic data from uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) overtakes in Lake Superior, 2022
These data were derived from hydroacoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) and powered research vessels in Lake Superior in 2022. The powered vessels overtook the USVs to study fish avoidance of survey vessels during traditional acoustic surveys. The water column was divided into four depth groups for analysis. Each USV transect was binned into 30-sec intervals and...
Lakebed features extracted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes
Acoustic seabed classification (ASC) is an important method for understanding landscape-level physical and biological patterns in the aquatic environment. Bottom habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes are poorly mapped to date, and will require a variety of contributors and data sources to complete. We repurposed a long-term split-beam echosounder dataset gathered for purposes of...
Hydroacoustic data from uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) overtakes in Lakes Huron and Michigan, 2021
These data were derived from hydroacoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) and powered research vessels. The powered vessels overtook the USVs in Lakes Huron and Michigan to study fish avoidance of survey vessels during traditional acoustic surveys. The water column was divided into three depth groups (epilimnion, metalimnion, hypolimnion) for analysis. Each drone...
Wild lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diets from annual Lake Huron fall bottom trawl surveys (2008-2017)
Diet analyses were performed on juvenile lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) captured by bottom trawl during annual USGS Great Lakes Science Center demersal fish community surveys in mid-October to mid-November 2008?2017 in Lake Huron. This dataset contains lake trout capture information (e.g., location, depth) and diet item data (taxa consumed and their associated lengths).
Publications by this scientist
Filter Total Items: 20
Documentation of a probable spawning run of cisco Coregonus artedi in the Spanish River, Ontario, Canada
Coregonines were historically diverse and abundant in the Laurentian Great Lakes but declined throughout the 19th and 20th centuries due to multiple factors, including overfishing, habitat degradation, and interactions with invasive species. Great Lakes fishery managers are now working to restore coregonines across the basin. An important aspect of restoration efforts is the...
Andrew Edgar Honsey, Ralph W. Tingley, Katie Victoria Anweiler, Cory Brant, Marc Chalupnicki, Chris Davis, Steve A. Farha, Paul William Fedorowicz, Todd Hayden, Philippa Kohn, Benjamin Scott Leonhardt, Brian O'Malley
Paired comparisons with quiet surface drones show evidence of fish behavioral response to motorized vessels during acoustic surveys in Lake Superior
Acoustic surveys are important for fish stock assessments, but fish responses to survey vessels can bias acoustic estimates. We leveraged quiet uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) to characterize potential bias in acoustic surveys. Five conventional motorized ships overtook USVs from astern over 2 km transects at night in Lake Superior in 2022. We examined the difference in acoustic...
Thomas M. Evans, Lars G. Rudstam, Suresh A Sethi, Daniel Yule, David Warner, Steve A. Farha, Andrew R. Barnard, Mark Richard Dufour, Timothy P. O'Brien, Kayden Nasworthy, Ian Harding, Bradley A. Ray, Edmund J. Isaac, Joshua Blankenheim, Hannah B. Blair, James M. Watkins, Steven A. Senczyszyn, James Roberts, Peter C. Esselman
Status and trends of pelagic and benthic prey fish populations in Lake Michigan, 2023
Fall bottom trawl (fall BT) and lakewide acoustic (AC) surveys are conducted annually to generate indices of pelagic and benthic prey fish densities in Lake Michigan. The fall BT survey has been conducted each fall since 1973 using 12-m trawls at depths ranging from 9 to 110 m at fixed locations distributed across seven transects; this survey estimates densities of seven prey fish...
David Warner, Ralph W. Tingley, Charles P. Madenjian, Cory Brant, Steve A. Farha, Patricia Dieter, Benjamin A. Turschak, Dale Hanson, Kristy Phillips, Caleb Geister
Large-scale variation in lakebed properties interpreted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes
Acoustic seabed classification (ASC) is an important method for understanding landscape-level physical and biological patterns in the aquatic environment. Bottom habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes are poorly mapped to date, and will require a variety of contributors and data sources to complete. We repurposed a long-term split-beam echosounder dataset gathered for purposes of...
Samuel Pecoraro, Peter C. Esselman, Timothy P. O'Brien, Steve A. Farha, David Warner
Diet and bathymetric distribution of juvenile Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron
Rehabilitation efforts for Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron have resulted in increased capture of young wild Lake Trout in annual bottom trawl surveys conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. To better understand the ecology of juvenile (
Edward F. Roseman, Stephen Riley, Taaja Tucker, Steve A. Farha, Scott Jackson, Dustin Bowser
Evidence of spawning by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on substrates at the base of large boulders in northern Lake Huron
Identification of lake trout spawning sites has focused on cobble substrates associated with bathymetric relief (e.g., ‘contour’ or ‘slope’ along reefs), but this ‘model’ may be narrow in scope. Previous telemetry work conducted near Drummond Island, USA, Lake Huron, identified egg presence in substrates at the base of large boulders (>1 m diameter); however, the extent of this...
Steve A. Farha, Thomas Binder, Charles R. Bronte, Daniel B. Hayes, John Janssen, J. Ellen Marsden, Stephen Riley, Charles C. Krueger
Status and trends of pelagic prey fish in Lake Huron, 2018
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center conducted integrated acoustic and mid-water trawl surveys of Lake Huron annually from 2004-2018. The 2018 survey was conducted during September and included transects in Lake Huron’s main basin, Georgian Bay, and North Channel. Mean lake-wide pelagic fish density was 1532 fish/ha and mean pelagic fish biomass was...
Timothy P. O'Brien, Steve A. Farha, David Warner, Peter C. Esselman, Kristy Phillips, Steven Lenart, Chris Olds
A conceptual framework for the identification and characterization of lacustrine spawning habitats for native lake charr Salvelinus namaycush
Lake charr Salvelinus namaycush are endemic to the formerly glaciated regions of North America and spawn primarily in lakes, unlike most other Salmoninae. Spawning habitats for lake charr are thought to be characterized by relatively large substrate particle sizes which provide sufficient interstitial spaces for egg incubation, but little is known about the physical processes that create...
Stephen Riley, J. E. Marsden, M. S. Ridgway, Christopher Konrad, Steve A. Farha, Thomas R. Binder, Trevor A. Middel, Peter C. Esselman, Charles C. Krueger
Status and trends of pelagic prey fish in Lake Huron, 2017
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center conducted integrated acoustic and mid-water trawl surveys of Lake Huron in 1997 and annually from 2004-2017. The 2017 survey was conducted during September and included transects in Lake Huron’s main basin, Georgian Bay, and North Channel. Mean lake-wide pelagic fish density was 1582 fish/ha and mean pelagic fish...
Timothy P. O'Brien, David M. Warner, Peter C. Esselman, Steve A. Farha, Steve Lenart, Chris Olds, Kristy Phillips
Fine-scale acoustic telemetry reveals unexpected lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, spawning habitats in northern Lake Huron, North America
Previous studies of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, spawning habitat in the Laurentian Great Lakes have used time- and labour-intensive survey methods and have focused on areas with historic observations of spawning aggregations and on habitats prejudged by researchers to be suitable for spawning. As an alternative, we used fine-scale acoustic telemetry to locate, describe and compare...
Thomas Binder, Steve A. Farha, Henry T. Thompson, Christopher Holbrook, Roger A. Bergstedt, Stephen Riley, Charles R. Bronte, Ji He, Charles C. Krueger
Evidence of sound production by spawning lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes Huron and Champlain
Two sounds associated with spawning lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes Huron and Champlain were characterized by comparing sound recordings to behavioral data collected using acoustic telemetry and video. These sounds were named growls and snaps, and were heard on lake trout spawning reefs, but not on a non-spawning reef, and were more common at night than during the day. Growls...
Nicholas S. Johnson, Dennis Higgs, Thomas R. Binder, J. Ellen Marsden, Tyler John Buchinger, Linnea Brege, Tyler Bruning, Steve A. Farha, Charles C. Krueger
Age and growth of round gobies in Lake Huron: Implications for food web dynamics
Although the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has become established throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes, information is scarce on spatial variation in round goby growth between and within lakes. Based on a sample of 754 specimens captured in 2014, age, growth, and mortality of round gobies at four locations in Lake Huron were assessed via otolith analysis. Total length (TL) of...
You J. Duan, Charles P. Madenjian, Cong X. Xie, James S. Diana, Timothy P. O'Brien, Ying M. Zhao, Ji X. He, Steve A. Farha, Bin Huo