Tracie Jackson (Former Employee)
Science and Products
MODFLOW6 models used to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, Southern Nevada
SEAWAT code used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, and supplemental data used to simulate groundwater flow and tritium transport from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada
Three-dimensional numerical models were used to determine the permeable pathways between the HANDLEY underground nuclear test and downgradient boreholes ER-20-12 and PM-3, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada. The SEAWAT code was used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, where the coupled model simulated groundwater-flow and tritium migration from the HANDLEY test for 50 years, from the date of detonation
MODFLOW-2005 models used to simulate effects of pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected management scenarios projected to 2120
Supplemental data for Estimation of Groundwater Flow through Yucca Flat based on a Multiple-Well Aquifer Test at Well ER-6-1-2 Main, Nevada National Security Site
Supplemental Data for Trend Analysis of Groundwater Levels through 2015, Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley Groundwater Basin, Nye County, Nevada
Supplemental data from: Hydraulic Characterization of Volcanic Rocks in Pahute Mesa Using an Integrated Analysis of 16 Multiple-Well Aquifer Tests, Nevada National Security Site, 200914
MODFLOW model used to simulate multiple-well aquifer tests and characterize hydraulic properties of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa
Evaluation of potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, southern Nevada
Pervasive, preferential flow through mega-thick unsaturated zones in the Southern Great Basin
Permeable groundwater pathways and tritium migration patterns from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, Nevada
Groundwater flow conceptualization of the Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley Groundwater Basin, Nevada—A synthesis of geologic, hydrologic, hydraulic-property, and tritium data
Simulated effects of pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected management scenarios projected to 2120
Groundwater characterization and effects of pumping in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, with special reference to Devils Hole
Estimation of groundwater flow through Yucca Flat based on a multiple-well aquifer test at well ER-6–1–2 main, Nevada National Security Site, southern Nevada
Conceptual framework and trend analysis of water-level responses to hydrologic stresses, Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley groundwater basin, Nevada, 1966-2016
Evaluating micrometeorological estimates of groundwater discharge from Great Basin desert playas
Hydraulic characterization of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa using an integrated analysis of 16 multiple-well aquifer tests, Nevada National Security Site, 2009–14
Evaluating connection of aquifers to springs and streams, Great Basin National Park and vicinity, Nevada
Science and Products
MODFLOW6 models used to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, Southern Nevada
SEAWAT code used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, and supplemental data used to simulate groundwater flow and tritium transport from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada
Three-dimensional numerical models were used to determine the permeable pathways between the HANDLEY underground nuclear test and downgradient boreholes ER-20-12 and PM-3, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada. The SEAWAT code was used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, where the coupled model simulated groundwater-flow and tritium migration from the HANDLEY test for 50 years, from the date of detonation