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Victoria Glenn Christensen, PhD

Dr. Christensen is a research hydrologist who studies HABs, algal toxins, and cyanobacteria. She is a member of the Environmental Health Program's Algal Toxin Team and serves as the acting Communications Coordinator for the Water Mission Area.

Victoria Christensen studies cyanotoxins, with a focus on the neurotoxins, anatoxin-a and saxitoxin. Cyanotoxins are produced by cyanobacterial harmful alglal blooms (HABs), which are sometimes called blue-green algae. Her master’s research examined the occurrence and fate of dissolved solids, nutrients, atrazine, and bacteria in an agricultural watershed. Her dissertation research focused on cyanotoxin mixtures with an emphasis neurotoxins—looking at the environmental variables like wind and temperature that may trigger cyanobacteria to produce or release toxins. In addition to the study of harmful algae and their toxins, Victoria's interests and project work include real-time water-quality monitoring, effects of land use on water quality, the fate of nutrients in agricultural and reservoir systems. She also has an interest in writing and communicating science topics to broad audiences and is a trainer and USGS Subject Matter Expert on Scientific Project Management.

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