William B Hamilton
Will is a Physical Scientist at the South Atlantic Water Science Center.
Will does geospatial analysis in Python and ArcGIS for Florida StreamStats and National StreamStats. He also works on flood frequency analysis, software development in R, and does some surveying and water quality field work. He hopes to continue building skills in software development, geospatial data analysis, and statistics.
Professional Experience
2024 - present, Physical Scientist, USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center
2021 - 2024, Physical Scientist, USGS Wyoming-Montanta Water Science Center
2019 - 2021, Hydrologic Technician, USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Environmental Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2019
Science and Products
June 2022 floods in the Upper Yellowstone River Basin
Extraordinary floods surged down the Yellowstone River and its tributaries in northwestern Wyoming and south-central Montana on June 13–15, 2022. During the flood, U.S. Geological Survey staff worked to maintain real-time data from streamgages by making field measurements of streamflow and repairing damaged equipment while communicating the latest streamflow information with the public and with lo
Katherine J. Chase, DeAnn Dutton, William B. Hamilton, Seth A. Siefken, Cassidy Vander Voort, Aroscott Whiteman
Tracking geomorphic changes after suburban development with a high density of green stormwater infrastructure practices in Montgomery County, Maryland
Stream morphology is affected by changes on the surrounding landscape. Understanding the effects of urbanization on stream morphology is a critical factor for land managers to maintain and improve vulnerable stream corridors in urbanizing landscapes. Stormwater practices are used in urban landscapes to manage runoff volumes and peak flows, potentially mitigating alterations to the flow regime that
Brianna Williams, Kristina G. Hopkins, Marina Metes, Daniel Jones, Stephanie Gordon, William B. Hamilton
Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in the Upper Yellowstone River Basin, based on data through water year 2022
The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY–MT WSC) completed a report (Sando and McCarthy, 2018) documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines. The methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 66.7-, 50-, 42.9-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected US
Basin Characteristic Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
This data release was produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Wyoming Water Development Office for the purpose of calculating basin characteristics in preparation for the Wyoming StreamStats application. The data are parameter grid representations of various environmental, geological, and land use attributes within the Wyoming StreamStats study area and will be served
Compilation of multi-agency specific conductance observations for streams within the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Freshwater salinization is an emerging issue for freshwater environments in the Chesapeake Bay, USA region. Salinization is often described by measurements of specific conductance (SC). This data release contains specific conductance observations collected by multiple regional agencies for streams within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This inventory compiles and harmonizes data from the Water Quali
Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in Dawson and Richland Counties, and the Powder River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2022
The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY–MT WSC) completed a report (Sando and McCarthy, 2018) documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines. The methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 66.7-, 50-, 42.9-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected US
Geomorphic metrics across four catchments in Clarksburg, Maryland, 2002-19
This dataset contains geomorphic metrics across 32 cross-sections at four catchments within the Clarksburg Special Protection Area in Montgomery County, Maryland. These data were derived from raw cross-sectional data collected by the Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection. Geomorphic metrics include channel area, bed location, channel depth, channel width, and bank move
Science and Products
June 2022 floods in the Upper Yellowstone River Basin
Extraordinary floods surged down the Yellowstone River and its tributaries in northwestern Wyoming and south-central Montana on June 13–15, 2022. During the flood, U.S. Geological Survey staff worked to maintain real-time data from streamgages by making field measurements of streamflow and repairing damaged equipment while communicating the latest streamflow information with the public and with lo
Katherine J. Chase, DeAnn Dutton, William B. Hamilton, Seth A. Siefken, Cassidy Vander Voort, Aroscott Whiteman
Tracking geomorphic changes after suburban development with a high density of green stormwater infrastructure practices in Montgomery County, Maryland
Stream morphology is affected by changes on the surrounding landscape. Understanding the effects of urbanization on stream morphology is a critical factor for land managers to maintain and improve vulnerable stream corridors in urbanizing landscapes. Stormwater practices are used in urban landscapes to manage runoff volumes and peak flows, potentially mitigating alterations to the flow regime that
Brianna Williams, Kristina G. Hopkins, Marina Metes, Daniel Jones, Stephanie Gordon, William B. Hamilton
Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in the Upper Yellowstone River Basin, based on data through water year 2022
The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY–MT WSC) completed a report (Sando and McCarthy, 2018) documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines. The methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 66.7-, 50-, 42.9-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected US
Basin Characteristic Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
This data release was produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Wyoming Water Development Office for the purpose of calculating basin characteristics in preparation for the Wyoming StreamStats application. The data are parameter grid representations of various environmental, geological, and land use attributes within the Wyoming StreamStats study area and will be served
Compilation of multi-agency specific conductance observations for streams within the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Freshwater salinization is an emerging issue for freshwater environments in the Chesapeake Bay, USA region. Salinization is often described by measurements of specific conductance (SC). This data release contains specific conductance observations collected by multiple regional agencies for streams within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This inventory compiles and harmonizes data from the Water Quali
Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in Dawson and Richland Counties, and the Powder River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2022
The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY–MT WSC) completed a report (Sando and McCarthy, 2018) documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines. The methods are used to provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 66.7-, 50-, 42.9-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected US
Geomorphic metrics across four catchments in Clarksburg, Maryland, 2002-19
This dataset contains geomorphic metrics across 32 cross-sections at four catchments within the Clarksburg Special Protection Area in Montgomery County, Maryland. These data were derived from raw cross-sectional data collected by the Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection. Geomorphic metrics include channel area, bed location, channel depth, channel width, and bank move