OPR: Assistant Director for Intergovernmental Affairs
1. Establishment. Established by Memorandum of Understanding signed December 30, 1975, by the Administrator, Soil Conservation Service (SCS), and January 21, 1976, by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
2. Purpose or Function. It is in the national interest that related program responsibilities of the SCS and USGS be closely coordinated and mutually supportive. The duties and responsibilities of the SCS/USGS Interagency Committee for Exchange of Data and Pro gram Coordination are:
A. To exchange data, information, and findings of mutual concern.
B. To cooperate in and support the operations of related programs.
C. To coordinate related programs within the full range of interface between the two agencies. These include programs involving such primary subjects and activities as:
(1) Land
- Geologic surveys
- Soil surveys
- Soil moisture studies
- Saline and sodic soil studies
- Minor element studies
- Soil mineralogy, weathering, and geomorphology studies
- Erosion surveys
- Watershed studies
- River basin studies
- Flood plain delineation
- Land resources analysis (vegetative and nonvegetative cover, land
use, minerals, etc.)
- Wetland surveys
(2) Water
- Water conservation
- Flood hazard analysis
- Surface water surveys (quantity and quality)
- Ground water surveys (quantity and quality)
- Sediment transport studies and trap efficiencies
- Snow surveys
- Stream classification and identification surveys
(3) Other
- Base map preparation
- Topographic mapping
- Orthophotography
- Earth resource investigations from space
- Urban studies
- Land Information and Analysis
- National Program of Land Inventory and Monitoring
- Digital Data Bases
- Environmental Studies
- Geographic Information Systems
3. Representation.
Co-Chairpersons: Director, USGS, and Chief, SCS
Executive Secretariat: USGS Assistant Director for Intergovernmental Affairs, USGS; SCS, representative as designated by Chief, SCS.
Members: There will be equal membership from both agencies, preferably with officials at the policy level to represent the specific activities listed in 2.C.
4. Staff. To be provided by the Co-Chairpersons.
5. Meetings. The committee will meet semi-annually, or at the discretion of the Co-Chairpersons.
6. Working Groups. The committee has the authority to establish working groups to undertake studies of interagency issues and to make decisions within the authorities delegated by the Co-Chairpersons.
7. Termination Date. None. The Committee will continue to function until either party declares its abolition in writing. The charter for this Committee shall be reviewed every 3 years.