OPR: National Mapping Division
1. Establishment. Established by Memorandum of Understanding signed December 15, 1972, by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Director, Defense Mapping Agency (DMA).
2. Purpose or Function. The DMA/USGS Coordinating Committee's purpose is to provide a high level body which meets on a regular basis to insure continuing attention to issues of common concern. The Committee will consider such subjects as overall program direction in areas of common interest, research and technical development programs in areas of mutual need, and policies pertaining to the inter face between the two organizations at all levels.
3. Representation.
Co-chairpersons: Director, DMA Associate Director, USGS
Members: DMA Deputy Directors, USGS Chief, National Mapping Division, Associate Chief, and Two Office Chiefs
There may be others asked to participate in an advisory capacity from time to time.
4. Staff. To be provided by co-chairpersons.
5. Meetings. The Committee will meet quarterly or as requested by either agency to consider special interest items.
6. Permanent Subcommittees. None. Ad hoc working groups functioning under the purview of the Committee may be established where necessary to address and make recommendations on specific issues which are not treated in normal interagency coordination.
7. Termination Date. None. The charter for this Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.