OPR: Geologic Division
1. Establishment. This Committee was established by the Director on February 4, 1982.
2. Purpose or Function. The purpose of the Reactor Operations Committee is to provide an additional measure of security in operation of the TRIGA reactor located in the Nuclear Science Building at the USGS's Central Region. Specifically the Committee will:
- Aid the staff operating the reactor in evaluating any indications that changes are taking place in the core which influence its integrity.
- Recommend that the reactor be shut down if there is a possible indication of unsafe operation of the reactor.
- Review and approve safety standards associated with the operation and use of the reactor.
3. Representation. The Reactor Operations Committee will be composed of not more than eight voting members, including the Chairman, to be designated by the Director of the USGS. The Committee will consist of persons of high-level competency in the fields of physics, chemistry, health and safety or other subject matter related to nuclear reactor operations. At least two and preferably three, of the Committee members will not be present employees of the Department of the Interior and will be drawn primarily from the academic community.
4. Type of Organization. Permanent.
5. Reporting. To the Director.
6. Staff. The Reactor Supervisor will serve as Committee Secretary. The Committee Secretary and the Radiation Safety Officer will be ex officio members of the Committee.
7. Meetings. The Committee meets at a nominal annual frequency to review and audit operations. The meetings will also include inspections of the reactor and audits of the records of the reactor.
8. Permanent Subcommittees. None.
9. Termination Date. None. The Charter for this Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.