OPR: Director's Office
1. Establishment. The Information Technology Infrastructure Committee (ITIC) is one of two standing committees established as part of the USGS Information Council.
2. Purpose.
A. The Information Technology Infrastructure Committee (ITIC) activities include:
(1) Hardware and software
(2) Telecommunications/LANs/WANs
(3) ADP acquisitions
(4) IRM standards and protocols
(5) Administrative functions and applications
(6) Customer support for technology infrastructure
(7) IT Security
B. Towards the goal of cost-effective and influential management of information technology infrastructure activities, the ITIC will:
(1) Make policy recommendations to the Policy, Science, Operations, and Information Councils.
(2) Assist the Divisions in coordinating information technology infrastructure activities.
(3) Serve as a resource to USGS management in planning, reviewing, and analyzing for the execution of an efficient information technology infrastructure.
(4) Ensure close coordination with the IMDC so that bureau data management issues and requirements are factored into technology considerations and decisions.
C. The functions of the ITIC include:
(1) Coordinating the configuration of an interoperable and efficient bureau IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and communication technologies.
(3) Serving as the bureau coordinating body towards the end of efficient and appropriate acquisition of IT infrastructure in keeping with the Clinger-Cohen Act.
(4) Serving as the bureau's authoritative body for the establishment of IT standards, guidelines, and protocols.
(5) Establishing and reviewing IT infrastructure policies on a continuing basis for conformance to the needs of the USGS and its mission.
(6) Establishing customer input and feedback mechanisms.
(7) Providing input to the IRM linkage to the Department of the Interior
(8) Providing a focal point for bureau IT security issues.
3. Representation. The ITIC is comprised of at least one representative from each of the four divisions and the Office of Program Support (OPS), with representation based on technical expertise. The standing committee members are selected for their expertise in the functional area and are selected by the core members of the Information Council, with endorsement of the respective Division or Office Chief.
The ITIC shall also be represented by a member of the IMDC to ensure coordination and collaboration between the subcommittees. This IMDC representative shall have a vote on all issues.
The first Chair of the ITIC will be selected by the Information Council, and may serve a second year by concurrence of the ITIC members.
4. Subcommittees. The Chairperson is authorized to appoint subcommittees or work groups on an ad hoc basis. The IC will provide input into their membership. Members of committees or work groups shall represent a balanced view of functions and issues addressed.
5. Type of Organization. Temporary.
6. Reporting. The ITIC Chair reports to the Information Council.
7. Staff. An executive secretariat and staff will be provided, as needed, by the ITIC Chair's home division, or as otherwise negotiated.
8. Meetings. Monthly or at the call of the Chairperson.
9. Sunset Review. The need for continuation of this Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.