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601.2 - Content Management System Certification



Issuance Number:     601.2

Subject:                            Content Management System Certification

Issuance Date:             1/25/2022 

Expiration Date:         1/24/2025

Responsible Office:    Office of Communications and Publishing

Instruction:                   This is a new Survey Manual (SM) chapter.

Approving Official:     /s/  Roseann Gonzales-Schreiner

                                        Deputy Director for Administration and Policy 


1.    Purpose and Scope.  The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) websites are strategic communication platforms that communicate USGS science, data, and information, and the value of USGS programs to the public and to its employees.  To better streamline the content creation and curation production process, the USGS has implemented a content management system (CMS) for the public-facing website ( and one for the internal-only website (@theCore).  Federal laws and Department of the Interior (DOI) and USGS policies dictate how content is created or acquired, stored, and delivered to the public or internal audiences.  Individuals with approval to publish content on behalf of the USGS to the public or internal websites are considered to be in a position of trust.  All individuals with access to the CMS (hereafter referred to as ‘CMS Users’) must be fully aware of their role and responsibilities as provided in this SM chapter and follow all applicable Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements, for the publishing of web content on a Federal website.

2.    Authority.

A.  21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act, including the required website standards, December 2018 

B.  Connected Government Act, January 2018 

C.  OMB M-17-06, Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services (PDF, November 2016) 

D.  OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource (July 28, 2016) 

E.  Digital Government Strategy (May 2012) 

F.  E-Government Act of 2002, Section 207 

G.  DOI Digital Media Guide  

H.  Full list of policies and regulations relevant to web content management within the Federal Government

I.  SM 431.1, Records Management Roles and Responsibilities

J.  SM 431.3, Records Management Requirements and Electronic Mail and Instant Messages

K.  SM 431.4, Forms Management

L.  SM 431.6, Records Disposition

M.  SM 431.7, Controlled Unclassified Information

N.  SM 431.10, Information Collections Requirements

O.  SM 431.11, Litigation

P.  SM 432.1, Files Management

Q.  SM 433.3, Essential Records

R.  SM 600.6, Implementation and Administration of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

3.    References.

A.  SM 500.16, Classification and Inventory of USGS Web Services  

B.  SM 550.1, USGS Visual Identity System 

C.  SM 600.6, Implementation and Administration of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act 

D.  SM 601.1, USGS Web Standards 

4.    Policy.

A.  All CMS Users are required to obtain and retain CMS certification through the successful annual completion of the OCAP CMS Certification Course. 

B.  CMS Users must comply with all Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements, related to the creation and management of content for Federal websites (public and internal).  By taking and successfully completing the course, USGS Federal staff, as well as approved and designated non-Federal individuals, acknowledge their awareness and understanding of applicable Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements.  In addition, these individuals agree to follow and implement CMS standards. 

C.  Changes to Policy or Requirements.  Federal, DOI, USGS, and OCAP Digital Services web (including CMS) policies and requirements are subject to updates.  These updates affect how CMS Users are expected to create or manage their content.  Such updates may result in the need for Content Managers and Content Editors to update their websites on short notice. 

5.    Definitions.

A.  Content Management System.  CMS refers to the Bureau-provided web communications platforms that USGS uses to manage information presented on both the public website and primary internal website (@theCore).  

B.  Content Management System Users.  CMS Users include content managers, content editors, and content reviewers.  These individuals create, manage, review, and (or) publish content to the public site and (or) @theCore.  These individuals include USGS Federal staff, as well as approved and designated non-Federal staff.  CMS Users are responsible for the activities listed under Section 6.A., Responsibilities, below.

C.  Content Providers.  These individuals provide content to CMS Users for the public site and (or) @theCore.  Content Providers are responsible for the activities listed under Section 6.B., Responsibilities, below.

6.    Responsibilities.  

A.  CMS Users.  These individuals are responsible for knowing, understanding, and implementing all Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements regarding web content management and publishing.  These individuals are also responsible for coordinating with the applicable Information Management lead, as appropriate.  The OCAP Digital Services Team covers CMS roles and requirements in detail during the certification training.

Individuals in CMS roles are also responsible for communicating applicable policy and requirements to colleagues, supervisors, and leadership in their chain of command, as needed.  CMS Users are responsible for maintaining awareness of changes to web policies and requirements, as well conveying that information to other content providers (defined in B., Content Providers, below).

(1)  CMS Managers.  These individuals are responsible for publishing and managing CMS content in coordination with CMS Editors, CMS Reviewers, and Subject Matter Experts. 

(2)  CMS Editors.  These individuals are responsible for editing CMS content in coordination with their respective CMS Manager(s).

(3)  CMS Reviewers.  These individuals are responsible for reviewing CMS content as needed.   

B.  Content Providers.  These individuals are responsible for maintaining awareness and understanding of their role in providing content that complies with Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements.  Content Providers are responsible for working directly with their respective CMS Manager(s), CMS Editor(s), and CMS Reviewer(s) to ensure their content meets all policies and requirements, as applicable.

C.  Center Directors, Managers, and Leaders, as applicable.  Individuals who have oversight for any part of the site and (or) @theCore are responsible for ensuring their CMS Users are implementing policies and requirements for content published to the CMS.

D.  OCAP Digital Services.  The OCAP Digital Services Team has authority and responsibility for the CMS platform on behalf of the USGS, working in conjunction with the Office of the Associate Chief Information Officer.  The OCAP Digital Services Team is responsible for implementing and adhering to all Federal laws, as well as DOI and USGS policies and requirements, regarding web content, publishing, hosting system, and platform management using the approved and available tools and applications at their disposal.  The OCAP Digital Services Team is responsible for testing and implementing policies within the CMS to alleviate as much burden as possible on Content Managers, Content Editors, Content Reviewers, and the USGS organizations at large.  The OCAP Digital Services Team is responsible for administering training, providing documentation of certification, and providing help desk support for all approved CMS users to help them be successful in their responsibilities as users of the communications platforms.  The OCAP Digital Services Team is also responsible for helping USGS policy groups enforce applicable laws, policies, and requirements within the CMS, as appropriate.  The OCAP Digital Services Team is responsible for providing CMS updates, including information regarding related policies and requirements, in a timely manner, as well as for providing CMS Users with guidance on how to address known issues.

E.  ​​​​​​​USGS Records Officer.  The USGS Records Officer is responsible for providing oversight for the lifecycle of records, non-records, and data in the USGS.  This includes web content and information under a litigation hold; development and implementation of policy and procedures to ensure adequate and proper documentation of USGS activities and appropriate recordkeeping requirements; development and implementation of records management training for USGS personnel based on roles and responsibilities; creating, revising, and ensuring application of disposition authorities for all USGS records; transferring, in a timely manner, all USGS records designated as having permanent value, legally and physically to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for preservation; and notifying NARA if there are any alleged or actualized incidents of unauthorized destruction, manipulation, alteration or removal through accidental or intentional means.

F.  ​​​​​​​Information Collection Clearance Officer.  The Information Collection Clearance Officer is responsible for coordinating the review and approval of any surveys, forms, or applications obtaining or soliciting information by an agency from 10 or more respondents by means of identical questions (whether the collection is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain a benefit).  The Office of Management and Budget must approve such collections.

G.  ​​​​​​​Litigation Coordinator.  The Litigation Coordinator is responsible for coordinating litigation and related activities with USGS personnel, the DOI Office of the Solicitor, Department of Justice attorneys, Inspector General, and other law enforcement and Federal agencies as needed.

H.  Section 508 Coordinator.  The Section 508 Coordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of policies, procedures, training, and testing of information communication technology, which includes posted web content, information kiosks and transaction machines, software, videos and multimedia products, electronic documents, and training services.

I.  ​​​​​​​USGS Forms Manager.  The USGS Forms Manager is responsible for establishing policy and procedures for the USGS Forms Management Program and the use of the web for collecting information.

J.  ​​​​​​​Essential Records Officer.  The Essential Records Officer is responsible for ensuring the identification of essential records for meeting mission requirements and supporting the essential activities are available under emergency situations with limited network or intranet capability.

7.    Enforcement.  The OCAP Digital Services Team may suspend system access privileges for any CMS User who does not successfully complete the annual CMS Certification Course by the due date, until such certification is achieved.  If a CMS User persistently fails to comply with Federal law and (or) DOI or USGS policies or requirements, the OCAP Digital Services Team will escalate the issue to the individual’s supervisor for resolution.  Continued non-compliance with policy and (or) requirements may result in suspension of the individual’s CMS access, or if repetitive, the permanent loss of CMS access. 

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