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ARRA 2009–06, ARRA Weekly Reporting

Issuance Date: June 3, 2009

 Expiration Date: Retain Until Superseded


1.  Purpose.  This Instructional Memorandum provides the weekly reporting requirements for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

2.  Roles and Responsibilities.

A. ARRA Program Managers: (i) submit report for each program using attached table by noon every Friday.

B. Chief, Office of Accounting and Financial Management: (i) ensures external portion of program reports are consolidated and submitted every Monday.

C. ARRA Board: (i) reviews weekly reports for issues/concerns which would inhibit USGS from completing all projects within the allowed time frame. 

3. Background. In accordance with OMB Memorandum M-09-15 “Updated Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” all agencies receiving Recovery Act funds will submit the following information weekly to OMB, representing cumulative, year-to-date recovery activity by Treasury Account:  

  • Total Obligations and Gross Outlays, as defined in this section. These amounts should be updated by COB Tuesday for all activity through the previous Friday.
  • A short bulleted list of the major actions taken to date and major planned actions. “Major” actions include those of likely interest to senior government officials, Congress, and the public.

OMB issued a template to be used by each agency for these weekly reports.  The reporting categories listed in the table below mirror those included in the template.

4. ARRA Reporting Requirements. USGS will be tracking weekly, completed and planned actions for each program using the attached table.   

A. Weekly Reporting Requirements: Each Program Manager is responsible for completing the attached table and submitting the table by noon every Friday to the Chief, Office of Financial Management with a copy to the ARRA Board.

B. External: As part of the weekly reporting requirement, USGS will submit at the program level a weekly report every Monday by noon to DOI. 

C. Internal: Internal Information will be captured using the same attached table.   The internal portion of the report will be used to capture information at a detailed level by program/project.  Information is to include status of tasks, contract awards, and dollars, percent obligated and completed. 

D. Report Out: Each project manager will review their weekly report with the ARRA board as a standing agenda item.

Attachment: ARRA Weekly Update


___/s/  Karen D. Baker          _________                                            June 3, 2009

Karen D. Baker                                                                                   Date
Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services

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