USGS EcoNews - Vol. 2 | Issue 2
The USGS turned 142 years old this month, but we continue to deliver new science! Hot off the press we have the USGS Wildland Fire Science Strategy and the Cooperative Research Units 2020 Year in Review. In this edition we also feature research on climate adaptation at National Parks, waterfowl ecology, aquatic diseases, avalanches, sea lampreys, our webinars, ... and what
Project Spotlight: Tool Developed by the North Central CASC Helps National Parks Plan for Climate Change
The National Park Service Climate Change Response Program helps parks plan for and adapt to climate change, but they are often slowed by challenges wrangling large climate data sets. To solve this problem, the North Central CASC partnered with the National Park Service to create the Climate Futures Toolbox, a user-friendly software program designed to help "take the pain out of climate data".
USGS Snow and Avalanche Project
Snow avalanches are a widespread natural hazard to humans and infrastructure as well as an important landscape disturbance affecting mountain ecosystems. Forecasting avalanche frequency is challenging on various spatial and temporal scales, and this project aims to fill a gap in snow science by focusing on reconstructing avalanche history on the continental mountain range scale - throughout the Rocky Mountains and into southeast Alaska. This should provide an opportunity to more thoroughly assess current and future trends in avalanche activity and, ultimately, improve public safety and protect resources. The project aims to advance our understanding of avalanche frequency, magnitude, and character changes and to improve estimates of future changes in these types of avalanche parameters in the context of changing climate drivers. In other words, how does avalanche frequency and character vary across space and time, and what are the primary drivers of this variability?
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program—2020 Year in review
Established in 1935, the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program (CRU program) is a unique cooperative partnership among State fish and wildlife agencies, universities, the Wildlife Management Institute, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Designed to meet the scientific needs of natural resource management agencies and the necessity for trained
The USGS Wildland Fire Science Strategy
New USGS Strategy Harnesses State-of-the-Art Science to Tackle Wildfires Before, During and After the Flames
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Residential Tap Water: Source-to-Tap Science for Underserved Communities
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were detected at low levels in treated drinking water samples from residential taps in the Greater Chicago Area. This study is part of a larger approach to provide an understanding of contaminant mixtures in residential tap water across the Nation including underserved communities in rural, urban, and tribal areas.
Waterfowl Ecology in Suisun Marsh and the Pacific Flyway
Learn about waterfowl research by scientists at the USGS Western Ecological Research Center.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Scientific expertise in aquatic animal health within the USGS spans over eight science centers across the nation, with researchers working on all aspects of aquatic animal diseases.
Brave Wilderness sea lamprey episodes receive millions of views on YouTube
Brave Wilderness (YouTube) featured our Hammond Bay Biological Station's research on Sea Lamprey control in the Great Lakes during two episodes released in November 2020.
Webinar Series - Friday's Findings
Friday's Findings is a public webinar series hosted by the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area. These half hour webinars are meant to provide listeners an overview of the science topic and chance to ask questions. We hope to offer our audience an opportunity to discover the Ecosystems science capacity within the USGS.
I Am A...
Welcome to the "I Am A(n)..." series - a collection of USGS whiteboard animations that highlight USGS careers. The concept is to show whimsically "what society (or my mom) thinks I do" compared with "what I really do." Check out our full series below! Or, click below to order or download our FREE coloring book!