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Images related to Craters of the Moon Volcanic Field.

Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho
Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho
Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho
Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho

Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho. Photo by Devin Englestead, BLM (

Big Southern Butte, Idaho
Big Southern Butte, Idaho
Big Southern Butte, Idaho
Big Southern Butte, Idaho

Big Southern Butte, Idaho.  The butte is among the largest rhyolite domes in the world and is located in the eastern Snake River Plain. Photo by James Neeley, BLM (

Big Southern Butte, Idaho.  The butte is among the largest rhyolite domes in the world and is located in the eastern Snake River Plain. Photo by James Neeley, BLM (

Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from ...
Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from ...
Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from ...
Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from ...

Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from the east. Pioneer Mountain Range along the western border. Image created by NASA EArth Observatory.

Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from the east. Pioneer Mountain Range along the western border. Image created by NASA EArth Observatory.

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