Tutuila Island
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Tutuila Island
Tutuila is a shield volcano in the United States Territory of American Samoa. Volcanic activity in American Samoa is within the area of responsibility of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, based in Hilo on the Island of Hawai‘i.
Facts Block
Location: American Samoa
Latitude: 14.29° S
Longitude: 170.70° W
Elevation: 653 (m) 2,142 (f)
Volcano type: Shield
Composition: Basalt
Most recent eruption: unknown
Nearby towns: Pago Pago, Fagatago
Threat Potential: Low*
*based on the National Volcano Early Warning System
The capital of American Samoa, Pago Pago, is on Tutuila Island. There is currently no activity on Tutuila Island.