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About the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

I ka nānā no a ‘ike.
(By observing, one learns)
‘Ōlelo No‘eau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings by Mary Kawena Pukui

Color photograph showing the summit of Kīlauea Volcano.
Aerial photo of Halemaumau and part of the Kīlauea caldera floor during a helicopter overflight of Kīlauea's summit on July 13, 2018. In the lower third of the image, you can see the buildings that used to house the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. (Public domain.)

Founded in 1912, HVO was the first of the five volcano observatories supported by the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program today. HVO's methods of observing and analyzing data from instruments and field studies have changed dramatically since Jaggar's time. Presently, our monitoring network across the island consists of more than 200 sensors, including seismometers, GPS, tiltmeters, infrasound, gas detectors, and thermal/visual cameras. These sensors transmit data to HVO 24 hours a day in order to track activity and support research into how volcanoes work.

For much of its history, HVO was perched dramatically on the rim of Kīlauea Volcano's summit caldera inside Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. That ended in 2018, when—amid ash explosions and violent earthquakes accompanying onset of partial summit collapse—HVO relocated to the town of Hilo, 30 miles distant. Due to substantial damage to the building, new facilities in Hilo and inside the national park are planned. In the meantime, most of HVO remains in Hilo in the historic Ironworks Building on Kamehameha Avenue. HVO continues to use some facilities inside the national park and a warehouse in Kea’au.   

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory on rim of Kīlauea Volcano's summit cal...
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory was previously located on the rim of Kīlauea Volcano's summit caldera overlooking Halema‘uma‘u Crater, Hawai‘i. (Public domain.)

HVO's staff has grown from one geologist (Thomas A. Jaggar) in 1912 to more than 30 people today. This team includes scientists and specialists in geology, geophysics, seismology, volcanic gases, computer technology, geophysical instruments and radio systems, administration, and media and public communication. Hundreds of volunteers, students, and visiting scientists—many from the University of Hawaiʻi—have also provided valuable assistance to HVO through the years.

Current HVO Staff: 

  • Bennington, Ninfa – Research Geophysicist – Seismology
  • Brantley, Steve – Physical Scientist – Retired Annuitant
  • Cappos, Mike – Field Assistant (gas)
  • Chang, Jefferson – Geophysicist – Seismology
  • Deligne, Natalia – Research Geologist – Hazards Modeling
  • DeSmither, Lil – Physical Scientist – Aviation/Safety
  • Dotray, Peter – Geophysicist – Seismology
  • Downs, Drew – Research Geologist
  • Elias, Tamar – Emeritus – Gas Geochemistry
  • Ellis, Andria – Geophysicist – Geodesy
  • Flinders, Ashton – Research Geophysicist
  • Fuke, Steven – Electronics Technician
  • Fukunaga, Pauline – Budget Analyst
  • Haleamau Rubio, Kody – IT Specialist
  • Hawk, Maddie – Geophysicist (seismology)-RCUH Associate
  • Hon, Ken – Scientist-in-Charge
  • Hoomanawanui, Thomas-Jon – IT Specialist
  • Jamora, John – IT Specialist
  • Johanson, Ingrid – Research Geophysicist – Geodesy
  • Jolly, Art – Research Geophysicist – Seismology
  • Kamake‘eaina, Albert – Maintenance Worker
  • Kamibayashi, Kevan – Lead Electronics Technician
  • Lynn, Kendra – Research Geologist
  • Miklius, Asta – Emeritus – Geodesy
  • Million, Bill – Facility Operations Specialist
  • Mulliken, Katie – Geologist - Outreach/Communication
  • Nadeau, Tricia – Research Geologist – Gas Geochemistry
  • Patrick, Matt – Research Geologist
  • Pekalib, Scott – Administrative Operations Assistant
  • Phillips, David – Deputy Scientist-in-Charge
  • Sealing, Christine – Gas Technician-RCUH Associate
  • Sutton, Jeff – Emeritus – Gas Geochemistry
  • Swaney, Seth – Physical Science Technician
  • Swanson, Don – Emeritus – Geology
  • Tollett, Bill – Computer Scientist
  • Warren, Miki S. – Field Technician-RCUH Associate
  • Winslow, Heather – Geology Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Zoeller, Mike – Geologist/GIS Analyst


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