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Images of Yellowstone.

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Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory
Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory
Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory
Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory

Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory.  (a) Photo of a freshly split core that exhibits a transition in lake productivity (grey sediment on bottom to dark organic rich sediment on top). One half of the core is scanned for multiple types of data and sampled while the other half of the core is archived.

Sediment cores from Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, being analyzed in the laboratory.  (a) Photo of a freshly split core that exhibits a transition in lake productivity (grey sediment on bottom to dark organic rich sediment on top). One half of the core is scanned for multiple types of data and sampled while the other half of the core is archived.

Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.
Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.
Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.
Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.

Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.  In these greyscale images, bright pixels are warmer and dark pixels are cooler.  In the daytime images (A and C), you can see the effects of topography, with darker (cooler) pixels like shadows on north-facing slopes and brighter (warmer) pixels on sun-facing slopes.&

Landsat 8 thermal infrared images of Yellowstone showing daily and seasonal differences.  In these greyscale images, bright pixels are warmer and dark pixels are cooler.  In the daytime images (A and C), you can see the effects of topography, with darker (cooler) pixels like shadows on north-facing slopes and brighter (warmer) pixels on sun-facing slopes.&

Dr. Cathy Whitlock on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded sediment core
Dr. Cathy Whitlock on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded sediment core
Dr. Cathy Whitlock on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded sediment core
Dr. Cathy Whitlock on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded sediment core

Dr. Cathy Whitlock (Montana State University) in the “core description boat” on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded one meter (3 feet) sediment core. Cores are described and measured in the field before being carefully wrapped for transport to the lab. Photo taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S.

Dr. Cathy Whitlock (Montana State University) in the “core description boat” on Twin Butte Lake, Yellowstone National Park, with a freshly extruded one meter (3 feet) sediment core. Cores are described and measured in the field before being carefully wrapped for transport to the lab. Photo taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S.

Pack mules carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park
Pack mules carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park
Pack mules carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park
Pack mules carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park

A string of pack mules led by the National Park Service packers Hannah Miller and Ben Cunningham carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park; photo taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S. Hurwitz in August 2022.

A string of pack mules led by the National Park Service packers Hannah Miller and Ben Cunningham carrying lake coring equipment to a small backcountry lake in Yellowstone National Park; photo taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S. Hurwitz in August 2022.

Extensive silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
Silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
Silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
Silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park

Extensive silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park looking southwest towards Twin Buttes. The inset image shows a place where a passing hiker’s footstep brushed away the white surface sinter, revealing bright green phototrophic microorganisms underneath (boot toe for scale).

Extensive silica sinter breccia field along the Imperial Meadows Trail in the Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park looking southwest towards Twin Buttes. The inset image shows a place where a passing hiker’s footstep brushed away the white surface sinter, revealing bright green phototrophic microorganisms underneath (boot toe for scale).

Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow (the looming cliff) in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park.  In the past few thousand years, the springs have occasionally deposited travertine, which can be found at the bottom of the hill below the active springs.

Hillside Springs group at the margin of the Summit Lake post-caldera rhyolite lava flow (the looming cliff) in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park.  In the past few thousand years, the springs have occasionally deposited travertine, which can be found at the bottom of the hill below the active springs.

Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park
Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park
Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park
Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park

Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park,  (a) Assembled lake coring platform being launched into the Twin Buttes Lake and (b) anchored in the core sampling location. Photos taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S. Hurwitz (a) and L. Harrison (b) in August 2022.

Lake coring operations at Twin Buttes Lake, Yellowstone National Park,  (a) Assembled lake coring platform being launched into the Twin Buttes Lake and (b) anchored in the core sampling location. Photos taken under NPS research permit YELL-2022-SCI-0009 by S. Hurwitz (a) and L. Harrison (b) in August 2022.

Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park.  Top shows a hot pothole and deflected asphalt near Firehole Spring (images by Mark Wolf and Kiernan Folz-Donahue, July 13, 2022).  Bottom shows thermal road damage between Great Fountain Geyser and White Dome Geyser, which is v

Thermal images and accompanying photographs of hot areas on Firehole Lake Drive in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park.  Top shows a hot pothole and deflected asphalt near Firehole Spring (images by Mark Wolf and Kiernan Folz-Donahue, July 13, 2022).  Bottom shows thermal road damage between Great Fountain Geyser and White Dome Geyser, which is v

Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt
Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt
Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt
Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt

Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt. The Sweetwater Fault (yellow) vertically offsets the Timber Hill basalt at least 700 feet at this location. Photograph by Jesse Mosolf, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 2022.

Field photograph showing the plateau-like nature of Timber Hill basalt. The Sweetwater Fault (yellow) vertically offsets the Timber Hill basalt at least 700 feet at this location. Photograph by Jesse Mosolf, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 2022.

Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding
Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding
Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding
Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding

Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding.  (Left) Visitors to Yellowstone National Park enjoy the warm waters of the Gardner River where it is joined by Boiling River, near Mammoth Hot Springs.  Yellowstone National Park photo by Jim Peaco, July 30, 2014.  (Right) Aerial view of Gardner River and Boiling River,

Boiling River, Yellowstone National Park, before and after the June 2022 flooding.  (Left) Visitors to Yellowstone National Park enjoy the warm waters of the Gardner River where it is joined by Boiling River, near Mammoth Hot Springs.  Yellowstone National Park photo by Jim Peaco, July 30, 2014.  (Right) Aerial view of Gardner River and Boiling River,

Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF as well as streamgages at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG)
Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF as well as streamgages at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG)
Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF as well as streamgages at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG)
Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF as well as streamgages at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG)

Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF (yellow triangles) as well as the stream gages (red triangles) at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG) at the outlet of Yellowstone Lake.

Map of Yellowstone showing the location of seismic stations YSB and YUF (yellow triangles) as well as the stream gages (red triangles) at Lamar River (LRG) and the Yellowstone River (YRG) at the outlet of Yellowstone Lake.

Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB in June 2022
Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB in June 2022
Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB in June 2022
Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB in June 2022

Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB near Soda Butte Creek (a tributary of the Lamar River) during June 11–16, 2022.

Discharge data from the Lamar River (red line) compared to seismic data recorded at station YSB near Soda Butte Creek (a tributary of the Lamar River) during June 11–16, 2022.

Discharge data from the Yellowstone River (red line) near the outlet of Yellowstone Lake compared to seismic data recorded at station YUF in June 2022
Discharge data from the Yellowstone River (red line) near the outlet of Yellowstone Lake compared to seismic data recorded at station YUF in June 2022
Discharge data from the Yellowstone River (red line) near the outlet of Yellowstone Lake compared to seismic data recorded at station YUF in June 2022
Discharge data from the Yellowstone River (red line) near the outlet of Yellowstone Lake compared to seismic data recorded at station YUF in June 2022

Discharge data from the Yellowstone River (red line) near the outlet of Yellowstone Lake compared to seismic data recorded at station YUF near the Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River during June 11–16, 2022.

SNOTEL and streamgage sites in and around Yellowstone National Park
SNOTEL and streamgage sites in and around Yellowstone National Park
SNOTEL and streamgage sites in and around Yellowstone National Park
SNOTEL and streamgage sites in and around Yellowstone National Park

Map of SNOTEL snowpack telemetry sites (blue dots) and streamgages (red dots) in and around Yellowstone National Park.

Map of SNOTEL snowpack telemetry sites (blue dots) and streamgages (red dots) in and around Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone River level and discharge during June 9–16, 2022, at Corwin Springs streamgage north of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone River level and discharge during June 9–16, 2022, at Corwin Springs streamgage north of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone River level and discharge during June 9–16, 2022, at Corwin Springs streamgage north of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone River level and discharge during June 9–16, 2022, at Corwin Springs streamgage north of Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone River level (left) and discharge (right) during June 9–16, 2022, measured at the Corwin Springs streamgage just north of Yellowstone National Park (,00060,00010).  The

Outcrop of the Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain in Yellowstone National Park
Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain, Yellowstone National Park
Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain, Yellowstone National Park
Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain, Yellowstone National Park

Outcrop of the Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain in Yellowstone National Park.  Photo by Natalie Kraugh, Montana State University, on June 8, 2022.

Outcrop of the Tuff of Lost Creek near Sepulcher Mountain in Yellowstone National Park.  Photo by Natalie Kraugh, Montana State University, on June 8, 2022.

Photograph of the west side of Mount Everts taken from Sepulcher Mountain
West side of Mount Everts from Sepulcher Mountain
West side of Mount Everts from Sepulcher Mountain
West side of Mount Everts from Sepulcher Mountain

Photograph of the west side of Mount Everts taken from Sepulcher Mountain. The linear features seen on the western face are sedimentary rocks running north to south. (Photo by Jess Condon, June 8, 2022)

Photograph of the west side of Mount Everts taken from Sepulcher Mountain. The linear features seen on the western face are sedimentary rocks running north to south. (Photo by Jess Condon, June 8, 2022)

Route of the Nez Perce in 1877
Route of the Nez Perce in 1877
Route of the Nez Perce in 1877
Route of the Nez Perce in 1877

Route followed by a band of Nez Perce (or, in their language, Nimiipu or Nee-Me-Poo) in 1877.

Route followed by a band of Nez Perce (or, in their language, Nimiipu or Nee-Me-Poo) in 1877.

Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022
Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022
Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022
Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022

Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022. Dead and downed trees can be seen in the foreground. Photo by Mara Reed, UC Berkeley, May 23, 2022.

Steamboat Geyser erupting on 23 May 2022. Dead and downed trees can be seen in the foreground. Photo by Mara Reed, UC Berkeley, May 23, 2022.

A bubble bursts at Artist Paintpots, in Yellowstone National Park
A bubble bursts at Artist Paintpots, in Yellowstone National Park
A bubble bursts at Artist Paintpots, in Yellowstone National Park
A bubble bursts at Artist Paintpots, in Yellowstone National Park

Artist Paintpots in an acid sulfate springs in Yellowstone National Park. 

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