Can you find something around you that reminds you of a rock arch?
Youth and Education in Science images.
Can you find something around you that reminds you of a rock arch?
This rock is covered with invertebrate animals over nearly the entire surface including orange and purple sea stars, green anemones spotted with shell debris of other animals, and black mussels.
This rock is covered with invertebrate animals over nearly the entire surface including orange and purple sea stars, green anemones spotted with shell debris of other animals, and black mussels.
Tsunami Evacuation Route Sign
Tsunami Evacuation Route Sign
Tsunami Evacuation Route Sign
Decidous trees in Reston, Virginia. Photo taken for Arbor Day 2021 near USGS Headquarters.
Decidous trees in Reston, Virginia. Photo taken for Arbor Day 2021 near USGS Headquarters.
World Water Day image
This illustration is for an Ichthyologist coloring page. This coloring page can easily be added to lesson plans for students in science classes.
This illustration is for an Ichthyologist coloring page. This coloring page can easily be added to lesson plans for students in science classes.
This is a map of Rocky Mountain National Park, produced by the Park Service and showing the boundaries and facilities, including roads, in the park.
This is a map of Rocky Mountain National Park, produced by the Park Service and showing the boundaries and facilities, including roads, in the park.

USGS Education has several paper models learners can color, cut out, and build. This photo shoes a stratovolcano, trilobite, nautiloid, triceratops, and pterodactyl
USGS Education has several paper models learners can color, cut out, and build. This photo shoes a stratovolcano, trilobite, nautiloid, triceratops, and pterodactyl
USGS Education paper models collection includes dinosaurs and other fossils, and geologic processes like volcanoes and sand dune formation.
USGS Education paper models collection includes dinosaurs and other fossils, and geologic processes like volcanoes and sand dune formation.
USGS scientists collected the adult life stage of emerging aquatic insects each evening of the recent Sesquicentennial Colorado River Exploring Expedition.
USGS scientists collected the adult life stage of emerging aquatic insects each evening of the recent Sesquicentennial Colorado River Exploring Expedition.
Both Powell’s crew and this year’s modern expedition camped along the river with views of cottonwood galleries.
Both Powell’s crew and this year’s modern expedition camped along the river with views of cottonwood galleries.
The GeoGirls create field drawings of 1980 pyroclastic flow deposits on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain.
The GeoGirls create field drawings of 1980 pyroclastic flow deposits on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain.
GeoGirls hike to Willow Creek, on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain, to learn more about the ecology of the blast zone and how the area has recovered since the catastrophic May 18, 1980, eruption. Here, they look at stream characteristics and how it has influenced the return of life to the area.
GeoGirls hike to Willow Creek, on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain, to learn more about the ecology of the blast zone and how the area has recovered since the catastrophic May 18, 1980, eruption. Here, they look at stream characteristics and how it has influenced the return of life to the area.
The GeoGirls visit a volcano monitoring station on the east side of Mount St. Helens, finding out how scientists use different monitoring methods (seismic, GPS, tiltmeter) to understand more about the volcano.
The GeoGirls visit a volcano monitoring station on the east side of Mount St. Helens, finding out how scientists use different monitoring methods (seismic, GPS, tiltmeter) to understand more about the volcano.
GeoGirls 2019 group photo, with Mount St. Helens in the background.
GeoGirls 2019 group photo, with Mount St. Helens in the background.
The GeoGirls hike the Pumice Plain at Mount St. Helens, examining lava outcrops and volcanic sediment.
The GeoGirls hike the Pumice Plain at Mount St. Helens, examining lava outcrops and volcanic sediment.
GeoGirls venture into Ape Cave, a 2,000-year-old lava tube on the south flank of Mount St. Helens, as they learn about Mount St. Helens’ eruptive history and lava flows.
GeoGirls venture into Ape Cave, a 2,000-year-old lava tube on the south flank of Mount St. Helens, as they learn about Mount St. Helens’ eruptive history and lava flows.
GeoGirls venture into Ape Cave, a 2,000-year-old lava tube on the south flank of Mount St. Helens, as they learn about Mount St. Helens’ eruptive history and lava flows.
GeoGirls venture into Ape Cave, a 2,000-year-old lava tube on the south flank of Mount St. Helens, as they learn about Mount St. Helens’ eruptive history and lava flows.
Conifers, incluing ponderosa pines, can be seen along the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
Conifers, incluing ponderosa pines, can be seen along the north rim of the Grand Canyon.