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Research and Equipment Development Grade Evaluation

The USGS Office of Science Quality and Integrity—in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources—is responsible for administering the USGS Research Grade Evaluation (RGE), Equipment Development Grade Evaluation (EDGE), and Senior Scientist (ST) review processes.


► Package deadlines have been changed. Deadlines are May 15 (summer cycle) and November 15 (winter cycle). These changes will allow us to avoid busy leave and field seasons and plan panels more efficiently. Please note: You must request early, delayed, and re-classification (to become RGE or EDGE) reviews. These requests must come through your Center Director (or equivalent) one month before the due date -- April 15 (summer cycle) or October 15 (winter cycle).

 NOTE: The RGE-EDGE Team holds approximately 15 evaluation panels a cycle. Cycles extend from early summer into November (summer cycle) or late-fall into May (winter cycle). Individual findings will be distributed on a rolling basis as each panel is completed and panel findings are approved by Human Resources. Timing of the distribution of individual findings will depend on when the individual’s panel is scheduled; we do not disclose the panel schedule for a cycle. Results are distributed through center directors for sharing with scientists.

 Are you currently (or trying to become) an RGE-EDGE scientist and interested in serving on a panel? We are always looking for volunteers! Just e-mail to let us know and we will add you to our volunteer list!


  • USGS Research and Equipment Development Grade Evaluation Process Handbook (in revision)




  • Planning for your RGE-EDGE Submission
  • RSR/DSR Forms:
  • External Impact Statement guidance
  • Submission Information:
    • Deadlines - May 15 for summer cycle; November 15 for winter cycle
    • You must request early, delayed, and re-classification (to become RGE or EDGE) reviews. These requests must come through your Center Director (or equivalent) one month before the due date - April 15 (summer cycle) or October 15 (winter cycle).
    • Submit packages to the submission email box: (submissions only)
    • Direct submission questions to the RGE-EDGE email box:
  • Timing of Results:
    • The RGE-EDGE Team holds approximately 15 evaluation panels a cycle. Cycles extend from late-spring into November (summer cycle) or late-fall into May (winter cycle). Individual findings will be distributed on a rolling basis as each panel is completed and panel findings are approved by Human Resources. Timing of the distribution of individual findings will depend on when the individual’s panel is scheduled; we do not disclose the panel schedule for a cycle. Results are distributed through center directors for sharing with scientists.






Questions may be sent to the RGE-EDGE e-mail box:


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